“Prime Minister Pei.”

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Many courtiers had already come in, and they bowed their hands and saluted after seeing Pei Qianxue.

They saluted back, and at the same time looked at Zong Luo who was beside Pei Qianxue unobtrusively.

What happened two days ago had spread all over the Capital, and even the students knew about it, thus these well-informed courtiers would naturally not be unclear. In the battle of Hangu Pass last year, the Third Prince descended like the god of war, leading the Xuan Cavalry to their limits to win against the enemy despite being inferior in number, desperately protecting the Imperial City of Great Yuan behind.

After the battle report that the Third Prince died on the spot came, many stubborn and pedantic veterans in the court felt rather complicated.

No matter how one put it, it was clearly a sacrifice for the country. It was difficult for ordinary generals to have this awareness, let alone him, a prince.

Nowadays, there were fewer and fewer honest officials, and more and more courtiers involved in the seizing of the throne. Under this general overall situation, unless Pei Qianxue had the support of Emperor Yuan and moved fearlessly, otherwise it would be difficult to only care about oneself and disregard others.

Most of the courtiers in the court lined up with the Sixth Prince, after all, his mother’s family was powerful. While many military generals stood behind the Fifth Prince, most of them were for this reason as well.

In the past, the Third Prince was famous outside, power and strength were all indispensable. It’s just that, in recent years, this person had not shown any intention in seizing the throne. Instead, he led troops to fight outside and only Imperial Censor Xue and Prime Minister Pei were close to him in the court. Although few, the most important thing was still the essence, that’s why, the rest of the prince’s followers appeared oppressive.

Earlier, when they heard that there was a student who was extremely similar to the Third prince, everyone scoffed at him. But looking at the person now, they became all shocked in place, as if they had seen a ghost.

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What’s even more absurd was the soul-stirring and haunting white silk that covered his eyes.

Imperial Censor Xue slapped his thigh, tears poured down from his aged eyes, and the sentence “Third Highness” was stuck in his throat, yet he couldn’t say it no matter what.

Pei Qianxue whispered to Zong Luo to wait a moment.

Seeing Pei Qianxue leave, the Fourth prince immediately greeted him, waved his fan and said with a smile, “The day before yesterday, I went to visit Sir, but Prime Minister Pei said that he was still recuperating, and didn’t let me see him. However, seeing Sir today, Sir looks much better.”

Zong Luo said with a smile, “Well, thanks to the elixir of the Fourth Highness, after taking it, this common man only feels comfortable, refreshed, and also felt that his old diseases have the tendency to recover.”

Zong Yongliu, who was coming over from the side, heard it and gave Zong Chengsi a meaningful look.

“What kind of elixir? Fourth Brother has such a good thing, but he didn’t keep it for father on his birthday, but instead use it to please the beauty?”

Zong Chengsi’s complexion couldn’t help but froze.

He was worthy of being a cunning person, he quickly adjusted his facial expression, and continued to pretend to be romantic and suave, “How dare I forget my father’s birthday? But everyone has a love for beauty, not to mention Young Master Gu’s amazing talent, thus I gave him a pill.”

As he said that, he reluctantly added, “What’s more, if I want to present an elixir to father, it is naturally the only one in the world. I will only dare to take out the finest and high grade quality product. The Sixth Brother is like this in front of Sir, wouldn’t this only embarrass me?”

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Zong Chengsi scolded the Sixth Brother angrily in his heart.

He wanted to win over the Third Brother who had lost his memory, but he didn’t expect that the latter would be so ignorant after losing his memory, and would tell about the elixir in public.

The elixir was originally a congratulatory gift he had prepared for Emperor Yuan’s birthday. If he denied it today, he would not be able to present it in the future.

But if he was to say that the elixir for Zong Luo came out with Emperor Yuan’s from the same furnace together, Zong Yongliu would definitely humiliate him. Saying it like this now, although he avoided it..…

But won’t it also make the Third Brother feel uneasy. It’s really not easy to please both sides.

Zong Chengsi felt a little annoyed.

Regarding the Baijia Banquet last time, in order to win over the King of Beining, however in the end, it was still a reckless move after all. Otherwise, Zong Yongliu would not have detected it.

He hadn’t been able to contact Yu Beizhou yet, but no matter what, he shouldn’t be exposed again.

In order to win, he planned for many years, and he must not make any mistakes at this juncture, thus Zong Chengsi quickly changed the topic.

He habitually expressed his interest in Yu Beizhou, “Speaking of which, the Sixth Brother has gotten close to the King of Beining these days, so where is His Royal Highness now?”

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How could Zong Yongliu know where Yu Beizhou was, but this did not prevent him from showing that he was very familiar with the King Beining, “We just met each other just now, I think it’s time to wash and change clothes.”

“In that case, then I will excuse myself first.” Zong Chengsi put away his fan.

Hearing that Yu Beizhou was not dead, Zong Luo expected such a case.

When they jumped off the cliff, he didn’t restrain his strength at all. He should have broken at least one of Yu Beizhou’s ribs, not to mention the internal injuries he received due to the fall.

It’s only been a few days, yet they’re already alive and kicking. Even Ye Linghan, who was also seriously injured, attended as scheduled. It seemed that the beating wasn’t hard enough.

At this moment, Pei Qianxue came out from the ancestral hall, accompanied by Yuan Jia, the head eunuch.

When Yuan Jia saw him, he remained silent for a long time, and then tremblingly said, “… Please come with me.”

“Jin Yu, go with him.”

Zong Luo nodded.

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The swordsman in white raised his hand, pretending to comb his forehead hair, and tapped his fingers under the sleeve robe.

This was Ghost Valley’s secret acupuncture technique, which could make part of the meridian blood flow back in a short time, causing a short-term blindness effect. His master used this method to train Zong Luo to listen to sounds and distinguish positions, thus he also learned it afterwards.

The downside was that during these few hours, his eyes would really see nothing.

The advantage was that even if the Imperial Physician stood in front of him, he would definitely not be able to expose him.

He followed the old servant who had followed Emperor Yuan through the long and curved corridor, and finally stopped in front of a heavy door.

“Third………Young Master Gu, please go in.”

Zong Luo nodded lightly, groping forward to push the door.

At this moment, his previous tension faded away, and his heart calmed down instead.

The man behind this door was his father, the through and through tyrant.

And was also the biggest challenge he would face before and after his rebirth.

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