Those snickers followed like a shadow that was attached to the bone. Upon seeing him leave, on the contrary, it became louder and louder, and were more undisguised.

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“He actually left, I think this is a guilty conscience.”

“This really, I usually see that Wei State’s proton looks good, but I didn’t expect him to be humiliated like this.”

“Great Yuan has never treated him unfairly. The clothes and food on his body are not given as the treatment of a prince. I don’t know what he’s thinking, actually wanting to use his beauty to win the favors of men.”

There was a lot of excitement here, and even Gongsun You, who had always been aloof, couldn’t help but take a few glances. Remembering that Ye Linghan was the culprit from last time, thus he casually wrote down the matter, and prepared to report back to his Lord.

On the other hand, the envoy of Wei State rolled his eyes and passed out.

Even if Ye Linghan pondered about the past again, under the countless pairs of eyes, he, the proton, dared not get any closer.

A strong country had big fists, and a weak country had to suffer the beating.

The state of Wei was now decaying and approaching its death; it had long since lost the strength to dominate the seven countries, not to mention that the Great Yuan was prospering with each passing day, the unification of the Central Plains was also just around the corner.

Bai Taining said this in full view of the public, let alone losing his position, he would definitely be punished when he went back. But his goal was still achieved, no one would care whether Ye Linghan was wronged, and those erotic yellow rumors could only be passed on by word of mouth.

About that hunting competition, Ye Linghan was stabbed by Zong Luo’s sword, and the injury was quite serious. Even if he was unwilling to continue participating in the competition, in the end, he had to eventually stab himself again as the injury stopped worsening.

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Without the hope of the hunting competition, Ye Linghan almost collapsed. Fortunately, he got another piece of good news, saying that an envoy from the State of Wei would also be present at the Qing Si. If he could bribe the envoy and let him say something nice in front of the King of Wei when he returned, maybe things would turn around.

In the past two days, Ye Linghan exchanged almost all the property he bought into money, just to buy off the envoy and seized the only life-saving straw.

But he never thought, when the situation had become critical, he never expected for it to be disturbed by the irrelevant Bai Taining.

It just happened to be this kind of case, as long as he explained himself, the more he wiped the more blackened and dazzling it would get.

Ye Linghan walked forward, with hurried steps, he only felt that his eyes were getting dark, and his ears were buzzing.

The envoys sent by Wei State to the Great Yuan were originally henchmen of his brothers, and even Ye Linghan had no 100% plan in bribing him successfully. Now hearing this again…..

It could be said that the way back to Wei State was broken.

“Why…..Why…..Why is everyone against me……………”

The whole world was blocking him, driving him to a dead end, so that he could never liberate himself again.

There was a burst of sadness in his heart, as if the earth and the sky were falling apart, as if a piece had been torn apart, completely broken, and be immersed in a bottomless quagmire.

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Just when Ye Linghan was completely submerged, scrambling around like a headless chicken, a very familiar voice suddenly came from in front of him.

“This son……begs Father Emperor to forgive his sin.”

Ye Linghan was shocked, and finally recovered from his grief and indignation.

Before he knew it, he had already reached the Jing Shi.

(t/n Jing Shi-quiet room; A quiet house; Refers to monastery housing or the practice room of hermits and laymen.)

Surrounded by the unique wooden structures of the witch temple, well-proportioned and covered by the surrounding tall shrubs, it obscured the sound and made it indistinct.

When Ye Linghan had turned to leave just now, the witch doctor was already making arrangements to lead the way, taking the visitors to bathe and cleanse themselves, put on iron masks, and participate in the next sacrificial ceremony.

Unless there were special circumstances, no one was allowed to walk freely in the Great Witch Temple.

It’s just that the guards who had also watched his joke just now, forgot to stop him for a moment.

“Where is the Wei State Proton? Why isn’t he here?”

“That person disappeared as soon as I turned around…… go to the other side to search! Don’t go to the Jing Shi, just now His Majesty got very angry.”

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Sure enough, just as Ye Linghan calmed down, he heard the sound of imperial guards searching not far away. He paused, quickly jumped onto the beam of the Jing Shi, and carefully hid himself in the shadows.

After just a short listen, Ye Linghan could tell the source of that voice at that moment.

It was the one who gave him hope and knocked him back.

For that sword stab on the hunting ground, Ye Linghan should have hated Zong Luo to the bone.

He should tell Zong Luo’s secret viciously, and let the world see the true face of the Third Prince, open and above board.

But he didn’t.

Ye Linghan thought that he was a person who would take revenge.

But Zong Luo’s sword stab made him feel hatred from the bottom of his heart, however it also couldn’t stop the sadness he’s feeling.

He didn’t understand.

Since Zong Luo was so merciless, why did he order Xuan Cavalry to take special care of him at the beginning.

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Could it be that………there’s really no affection at all?

Ye Linghan clenched his fists, his chest heaved, took a deep breath, and listened quietly to the conversation in the distance.

The voice was intermittent, but he could also hear that it was extremely hoarse.

“This son knows Father Emperor’s intentions, but now this son’s both eyes are completely blind…..and has become a useless person, let alone convincing the public, this son is not willing to face the world like this.”

“The only thing he wants now is to ask Father Emperor……not to restore the status of this son for the time being.”

Ye Linghan suddenly opened his eyes wide.

At some point, his clenched hands slowly loosened, and his heart became complicated.

Since he’s the Third Prince, apart from that other person–apart from Emperor Yuan, he wouldn’t lie.

After Ye Linghan broke through Zong Luo’s fake amnesia, he felt extremely disappointed. He believed that the other party was cheating and using tricks to gain fame, but he never thought that–

It turns out that he’s really blind.

He lied about amnesia and didn’t want to restore his identity, but simply wanted to maintain his last dignity as the Third Prince.

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