Yu Beizhou had started again his own specialty of making up stories, and very naturally placed his hand on Zong Luo’s hand holding the bow. “The last time the gentleman visited me, I utterly felt that the gentleman and I hit it off at first sight. Such being the case, why not let this King have a shot on behalf of the gentleman.”

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Preposterous, when did he ever visit Yu Beizhou?

This little liar.

Zong Luo only felt that many things were too troublesome that he didn’t know how to solve them.

Many people around had already secretly watched over.

Zong Luo, who suddenly came out, was originally the focus, not to mention the King of Beining, who also held significant power and was highly appreciated by His Majesty. When these two people come together, it reminded them of Zong Luo’s quite dire straits brotherhood relationship with the King the Beining under the Ghost Valley Master before he lost his memory, it was difficult not to be eye-catching.

Standing with hands clasped behind his back, the unsmiling Emperor Yuan directly twisted his brows into Sichuan character upon catching sight of it. (TL: 川- Chuan or Sichuan character)

“Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for the good intention……”

Just when Zong Luo was about to reject Yu Beizhou directly, he suddenly heard familiar footsteps in front of him, the sound of deliberate heavy footsteps.

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As soon as Zong Luo heard it, he knew it was his father coming.

He didn’t hear Yu Beizhou calling out ‘Your Majesty’ honestly.

Now that his father was coming, Zong Luo didn’t have to pretend politeness and compliance with Yu Beizhou anymore.

Thus he obediently stood where he was, and listened to the rustling sound in front of him.

“Father Emperor, I shot six!”

Zong Yuanwu was as fierce as a tiger in his operations, while the witch skillfully caught the Fuze fruit he had shot down with a clean black cloth.

On the other hand, Zong Yongliu’s profit was dismal, his three arrows only hit three pieces, and all of them were the ones at the bottom which were of poor quality. Seeing this scene, Zong Yuanwu’s heart was filled with pride, and he ran to the side of Emperor Yuan with a bow and arrow to take credit for his achievement.

On an ordinary Qingsi day, military generals on patrol basically would not come, and only all the civil servants were present.

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For example, for someone like Pei Qianxue, being able to hit one target was considered good, forcibly setting off Zong Yuanwu, and putting in the prince who was already considered top-notch among the princes.

“Not bad.”

Emperor Yuan responded indifferently, took the archery equipment from the tray in the attendant’s hand, bowed his head and tied the armguard for himself.

“Father Emperor also wants to give it a try?”

Zong Yongliu drew his bow. Although he had long mentally prepared himself that he couldn’t compare with Zong Yuanwu in this aspect, if he really came across him, it would still be inevitable to feel uncomfortable. Naturally, he would interfere with Zong Yuanwu’s taking credit for his achievement.


Emperor Yuan had always been quiet.

Maybe all the ruthless people were like this.

But this short “Mn” was enough to shock everyone.

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Usually on the Qingsi, the emperor would never participate, letting the courtiers and princes enjoy the limelight, and occasionally commenting a few words, but unexpectedly this year, he actually wanted to participate.

Emperor Yuan put on a finger wrench, turned around and said, “Fix your bow.” (TL:ornamental thumb ring (originally a ring, often made from jade, worn by archers in ancient times to protect the right thumb when drawing a bowstring)

Zong Luo realized that he was speaking to himself, therefore he skillfully took out an arrow from his quiver and set it on the bow.

His movement was smooth, as if he had practiced it thousands of times. It was just a preparatory movement, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was a good archer.

Zong Luo was naturally a skilled archer.

In the era where cold weapons prevail, sword and bow were both necessary martial arts skills to learn. If one wanted to graduate from the Ghost Valley, among the requirements was to shoot a moving object from a hundred meters away.

The ferocious ghost face worn by the royal family was daunting, and the eagle-like sharp eyes behind its hole easily locked on the string of Fuze fruits at the highest place.

One, two, three, four……… no more, no less, just nine hanging in place together.

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That bunch of fruits was the highest point that princes had wanted to challenge over the years.

However, this bunch of golden Fuze fruits was located at the highest point, and was only tied by a thin vine. Zong Yuanwu had tried it two years ago, but his arm strength was insufficient. The bow was  stretched to its fullest yet the tip of the arrow was still a long way off, thus he regretfully gave up.

The one who just won the top spot of the hunting competition among the hundreds of students also came to try, but the distance was too far, and several arrows fell through, therefore he could only bemoan his own inadequacy in the face of a great task.

The emperor, who had always been majestic and cold, walked behind the prince in white.

In the next second, pungent and solemn cold fragrance enveloped Zong Luo’s whole body.

Zong Luo became stiff all over.

Even if he really couldn’t see now, he could still know from the sound that Emperor Yuan was standing behind him, at a very close position.

The tyrant seemed to have no intention of explaining, but instead asked lightly, “What about the strength in your hands?”

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