Episode 4 Excuse me, this Zashiki-warashi is a delinquent!

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After school.

After getting ready at home, I immediately went to the labyrinth around Hachioji Station.

The labyrinth, which was about a ten-minute walk from Hachioji Station, used to be an ordinary house, but now it had been transformed into a convenience store called ‘Dungeon Mart’.

Most of the labyrinths were now in the form of convenience stores like this.


 Most of the buildings that existed when the labyrinth first appeared have collapsed under the influence of Angolmore. Many of the buildings that were left have become uninhabitable because their owners wished to relinquish them.

 It was a good thing that the government bought up all the ruins in one lump sum to support the victims, but the problem was what to do with the land.

 "Wouldn't it just be a waste of tax money to use it as an entrance to the labyrinth?" Such voices came from the opposition parties.


 The criticism was almost accusatory, but one company was the first to raise its hand in response.

 This was Dungeon Mart, which rapidly increased its market share by locating convenience stores in the vicinity of the labyrinth during the labyrinth bubble. The famous founder of Dungeon Mart suggested that they use their convenience store as an entrance and exit.


 The Dungeon Mart's main selling point was its unmanned sales system. At the time, major convenience stores were pulling out of the labyrinth because they could not attract enough workers to operate around the labyrinth, but Dungeon Mart was one of the first to introduce an unmanned vending system and begin doing business with the Self-Defense Forces for the labyrinth.

 One of the concerns with unmanned vending systems was the risk of shoplifting, but Dungeon Mart solved this problem by focusing on military personnel, who were highly disciplined.

 By having a Self-Defense Forces member in the store at all hours of the day, even shoplifting by ordinary customers became almost zero.


 As a result, the Dungeon Mart grew rapidly, but it was quickly driven into a corner by the damage caused by Angolmore.

 A normal company would have withdrawn from business around the labyrinth and re-started as a normal convenience store. However, the president of Dungeon Mart was different. He went a step further and aimed to further monopolize the market share by integrating the labyrinth and the convenience store into one.


 After some twists and turns, Dungeon Mart's offer was accepted, but this strategy initially created a difficult situation for Dungeon Mart.

 After all, the only customers were the Self-Defense Forces personnel who were stationed in the area. Immediately after Angolmore, the area around the labyrinth became a ghost town. Convenience stores could not prosper in such a situation, and even Dungeon Marts in ordinary areas were forced to withdraw one after another due to harmful rumors.

 The stock price also continued to decline, and at one point the company was forced into a very difficult situation.


It was a few years ago that a ray of sunlight shone through the dark clouds of Dungeon Mart. It was after the adventurer system was introduced in Japan.

 With the adventurer boom, Dungeon Mart's business performance rebounded rapidly. Its stock price also soared. When Dungeon Mart was listed, a businessman who had purchased only a hundred shares at the offering price was featured many times on TV as having amassed several hundred million yen in assets before he knew it, thanks to his persistence in holding on to his shares through the difficult time Dungeon Mart was going through.


At this point, other major convenience stores also tried to launch the labyrinth business, but it was too late.

Even on the brink of bankruptcy, the foundation of Dungeon Mart, which did not relinquish its labyrinth concession, was solid and unshakable.

Thus, Dungeon Mart became the dominant player in the Japanese convenience store industry.

……………………it's always darkest before the dawn.


"Welcome. If you are an adventurer, please put your adventurer license on the panel.”


When I opened the automatic door, I heard such a voice from the side.

Rumor has it that the entrance door to the labyrinth in the back will be automatically locked if any customers do not show their license here.


The inside of the store had more food than a normal convenience store while there were few daily necessities, and there were many items that an adventurer would need such as bandages and disinfectant.

However, there are no full-fledged adventurer goods, and it can be seen that the purpose was only to replenish small items and food items that you forgot to buy.


 I picked up a few water plastic bottles, onigiri (rice balls), and pastries, put them in a plastic bag hanging on the shelf, and went to the back of the store.

 I did not pay the bill. I don't know the details of the system, but it seemed that an artificial intelligence embedded in the weight scale on the shelf and the surveillance camera calculates the price of the items and deducts the amount from the electronic money charged in advance on my license automatically.


After going down the stairs leading down, there was a heavy steel door. When I touched my license there, too, it opened with a bash-whack sound.


 The authentication here was different from the one at the entrance. This one determines whether my rank was enough to dive into this labyrinth.

……Well, since this is an F-rank labyrinth, any adventurer can enter it.

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 Basically, one-star adventurers can enter up to F-rank labyrinths, two-star adventurers can enter up to E-rank labyrinths, and three-star adventurers can enter up to D-rank labyrinths.

 For four-star adventurers who were treated as professionals, there were no rank restrictions on labyrinths, and even A-rank labyrinths can be entered and exited freely. Of course, no one can guarantee your safety at that time.

 After you become a professional, you are responsible for your own safety.


 Beyond the door was a small space about two tatami mats in size, in which a black swirling sphere was floating.


 This is the entrance to the labyrinth...


 I saw it for the first time.

 What the hell is this sphere made of? At first glance, it looks like smoke...

 I fearfully inserted my finger into the sphere and found that my finger was completely obscured. The tip of my finger was faintly warm.


It's like the inside of a living creature's mouth...


I gulped down my saliva and went inside.

It's okay, I've never heard of anyone dying through this.

 For a moment, I felt as if I had stepped off a staircase, and before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of a deep forest. The scent of grass and trees wafted through the air. My surroundings were bright. It should have been evening when I entered the labyrinth, but the sun was clearly rising in the sky here.


 It was true that inside the labyrinth is a small another world.......


 If the information I had researched beforehand was correct, this sun should have continued to rise without moving. In other words, this world would continue to be daytime forever.

 Likewise, the evening labyrinth is forever evening, and the night labyrinth is forever night. A rainy labyrinth is rainy forever.

 I came to this labyrinth because I had read that beginner should avoid the poor visibility labyrinths like night labyrinths and go to the day labyrinths, so I did some research beforehand and came to this labyrinth, but.......


It’s hot……


 The temperature was probably close to 30 degrees Celsius. It's autumn and it's getting chilly, so I've been wearing heavy clothes, but...... I've made a mistake. I didn't realize that even the season was different in each labyrinth.

 I don't have time for this. I had to summon the monsters as soon as possible.

 The guild members said there were no monsters around the entrance, but this is a labyrinth ...... and you never know what might happen. It’s best to be careful.


I took out three cards and carefully looked at them.



[Race] Zashiki-warashi

[Combat Power] 250

[Inborn Skill]

・Good fortune is like a rope that ends in misfortune: Good luck to misfortune, misfortune to good luck. Can bestow luck and misfortune on the target. The output increases or decreases depending on how well the monster likes the master.

・Hide-and-seek: Can hide one's appearance and presence. Invisibility and blocking of presence are included.

・ Elementary recovery magic: Can use simple recovery magic.


[Acquired skills]

・Zero existence: The existence has been reduced from its original state. The combat power is always minus 100, and skills miss or downgraded.

· Closed mind: Has a rebellious heart against the master. Negative response for commanded actions, positive response for free actions.

・Elementary attack magic: Can use simple offensive magic.



Zashiki-warashi. A kind of fortune god. There was a legend that good luck will come to the house with a zashiki-warashi, and bad luck will come if they leave the house.


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Let me briefly explain each item.

The race is literally the race of the card. Combat power is the current card's combat power. Innate skills are skills that everyone in that race possesses. Acquired skills represent skills that the card personally possesses.

In the case of zashiki-warashis, they are racially endowed with the ability to hide themselves, the ability to give good luck and misfortune to enemies and allies, and healing magic.

And this card itself has three unique abilities: zero existence, closed mind, and elementary attack magic.


However, as can be seen, some acquired skills have disadvantages.

 Zero Existence is a skill possessed by cards that are significantly weakened from their original state.

 According to the monster encyclopedia app distributed by the guild, this zashiki-warashi's combat power is nearly 100 lower than other zashiki-warashis. It seems that the inborn recovery magic is originally moderate recovery magic. Probably, one or two acquired skills are also missing.


 This alone lowered this Zashiki-warashi's rating to the lowest level among C-rank cards, but on top of that, she also possessed the Closed Mind skill.

 This is a skill acquired by a card after being used by an incompatible master, and indicates that the card with this skill is extremely uncooperative with the master. Even if they were forced to do what they were told, their ability would be severely reduced due to the negative response.

 Once a card acquires such a demerit skill, it will no longer be used in the ≪normal way≫......


Like this, there were some skills that have disadvantages, and this zashiki-warashi was a dropout. The price of the card was also very low. Shigeno-san estimated that the price would be less than half that of a normal Zashiki-warashi.


Well, it wouldn't have been included in the pack otherwise, so it is kind of a complicated situation for me...


Now, Let’s look at the Ghoul.



[Race] Ghoul

[Combat Power] 100

[Inborn Skill]

・Living corpse: Existence closest to death and furthest from death. It doesn't disappear unless the head is destroyed. Including abnormal status resistance and intellectual decline.

・Firefield's fool power: Able to wield power beyond the limits of the body. Recoil while in use.

・ Corpse Eater: Eats flesh and blood for food. Self-healing by predation.


[Acquired skills]

・ Absolute obedience: A pledge and curse of the soul. Will execute any command. Extremely strong positive response for orders.

・Sexual skill: Possesses a certain level of knowledge and skill in sexual techniques. Positive response for specific actions.

· Pheromones: Able to recognize pheromone substances and manipulate them at will.



 Ghouls are flesh-eating monsters of Arabian origin. Originally, ghouls were similar to lewd demons such as succubus, but in the labyrinth, they appear as flesh-eating, necrophagous demons. Among them, female ghouls are called ghoulers.

 Although the combat power of the Ghouler I got is the lowest level among D-rank cards, she is blessed with synergistic innate skills of ‘living corpse’, ‘firefield's fool power’, and ‘corpse-eater’. Her acquired skills are full of romance: absolute obedience, sexual skill, and pheromones.

 No, really, it is a skill set that makes me want to question why does she have to be a ghouler. If she isn't an undead, she will be perfect!


 ......Cough, let's get back on track and move on. The next one, is the Coosie.



[Race] Coosie

[Combat Power] 150

[Inborn Skill]

・Fairy Watchdog: Guardian of fairies. Status increases when there are fairies in the party. Status decreases when attacking fairies. Has a presence blocker.

・ Group activities: The habit of living in a group. Positive response for group activities.


[Acquired skills]

・ Obedience: basically does not disobey the orders of the master. A weak positive response to the commanded action.

・ Cowardice: Extremely averse to combat. Halves stat during battle.

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Coosie is a Scottish dog fairy and protector of fairies. Legend has it that they can move without making any noise. The skills ate also derived from that anecdote, and include the skill of blocking presence and improved status when protecting fairies.

They have an aptitude for group activities and are obedient to their master. Originally, it was supposed to be a good card due to its high initial combat power, but the ‘cowardice’ skill was a drawback that blew away all those advantages.

I can't judge anything until I actually use it, but it might be better to use Coosie as a support rather than in combat.


 Now that I have finished explaining the three cards, the question is which of these cards to use.

 In the F-rank labyrinth where I am now, only two cards can be summoned at the same time. The summoning limit increases by two cards for each rank of the labyrinth.

 …For now, I'm going to settle on the Zashiki-warashi and ...... the other one will be Ghouler-chan who has absolute obedience.

 It was written on the internet that the undead are not suitable for beginners because they are hard to use unless you give them instructions from 1 to 10 or spend a lot of time training them, but well, there is also the Zashiki-warashi, so it should be fine.


 I held up the Zashiki-warashi card and declared,

"Come out! Zashiki-warashi!"


 The card glowed brightly, and before I knew it, a little girl appeared in front of me. The scent of flowers wafted in the air.

 She was about the same age as my sister (fifth grade). The girl was as beautiful as a three-dimensional version of the girl in the illustration on the card. At least her face is really pretty, just like a doll's.

 The problem is her eyes. And her attitude.

 The way she sat on her haunches with her eyebrows furrowed and stared at me, she was completely like a yankee from the countryside.


"...What are you looking at, huh!? Want me to kill you?!"

"Ki-... Eh!?"


 I was not a fan of that. I was not sure what to do.

 I flinched at the sudden declaration of murder.

 Even though she may look cute like a doll at first glance, her power is incomparable to that of a human being.


 When I was scared to death inside, the child sneered at me with a smirk.


"Heh, you little louse. You, are you a new Master?"


The Zashiki-warashi stood up and looked up at me.

When you look at her like this, she’s really small... Her attitude is many times greater than her height, though.


"Ah, yes..."

"I'm sorry to hear that. You're not lucky. I can't believe you got a defective card like mine for your first card."


The Zashiki-warashi said this while grinning, and I suddenly felt a sense of competitiveness welling up inside me. I had a feeling that I should give back at least one word to this little girl who had been suppressing me since a little while ago.


"No, not really."


“You certainly seem difficult to use, but if it weren't for that, a newbie like me wouldn't have been able to get a rare card like yours. The actuality is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get the same kind of a good deal.”


The Zashiki-warashi seemed to be shaken for a moment by my half-serious words.

However, she immediately gave a nasty smile.


"Ha. Let's see how long you can keep up that bravado."


After saying so, she disappeared.


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......Whew. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a chance on a new person. I knew it, even if she is a monster, she is also a little girl. It's better to be a little manly.

 Now on to Ghouler.


"Come on out, Ghouler!"


 At the same time as I said that, Ghouler appeared.

 She is a young woman around 20 years old. Her face itself was pretty, and she had a nice, well-proportioned body. She was wearing sensual clothes such as low-rise leather pants and breastplates, which were very revealing. It made one wonder what sort of profession she was doing before becoming a ghouler.


She's a 100% beautiful woman if only her features are raised. But she was helplessly a corpse.


 Her hair was shaggy and damaged. Her skin was completely stained black and purple, with corpse spots here and there. Her eyes were so red and bloodshot that the whites of her eyes were nonexistent. And since her original irises were red, the eyes looked like they were completely red.


Luckily, there was no smell at all. The odor was said to be the biggest drawback of undead-type monsters, so it was really fortunate.


The conclusion: If only she is not a ghoul... If only she is not a ghoul---!!


...But there is hope.

 Monsters have a rank-up system.

It was a system that allows you to take over the characteristics and memories of a lower card by synthesizing a lower card with a higher card of the same sex and lineage.

 Depending on luck and how well the card was used, if it goes well, it may be possible to transfer skills to a higher-level card if it works.


Ghouler's higher card was vampire. In other words, if by some miracle I can get a female vampire card, then the strongest monster girl card that inherits Ghouler-chan's appearance and her charm skills may be born.


Someday, someday, I'll let you rank up!

I made up my mind as I looked at Ghouler who was staring into space while drooling.


Anyway, the preparations are OK. From now on, my full-fledged activities as an adventurer will begin.


"Alright! Then, let's go!"


Saying that, I started walking in high spirits, but when I was about ten meters down the road, I heard a child's laughter.



"Kyahahaha! Hey, is it okay? You are leaving her there."


When I turned around at the voice from the void, I saw Ghouler still standing in her initial position.


"... Ghouler, follow me!"


After giving that order, Ghouler finally started walking.


Hey, are you serious? If I don't even order it, she won't move?


 The labyrinth was filled with the laughter of a child who was truly amused by the situation, while I was depressed.



[Tips] Dungeon Mart

 The Dungeon Mart is a leading convenience store that has quickly increased its market share along with the introduction of the labyrinth. Now, if you look at the Dungeon Mart, you can tell at a glance that there is a labyrinth there. The founder, President Kanou, has made many TV appearances and is famous as a celebrity president. He has become a semi-talent man, so much so that it is said that he is probably busier working on TV than as president. His extreme comments often cause flames on Twitter. The first flame was when it was revealed that he has a very beautiful French wife and a mixed-race daughter.

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