I wore a pearl necklace with a red rose pendant and matching ruby earrings. Mikael didn’t need to add anything special because the earrings he always wore were red.

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But Elijah and Celina’s siblings were showing their extravagance. All kinds of accessories and gold were hanging greedily from their bodies, like apples.

“Long time no see, Archmage. I am grateful you accepted such a cumbersome invitation.”

“I am the one who is grateful. How have you been, Your Majesty? I apologize for not seeing you often.”

Alluster and Elijah greeted each other.

“I have been well, thanks to you. How is the weather in Algor castle right now?”

“I have made the dead leaves fall since yesterday.”

“Whenever I hear about it, it’s a very mysterious place. It is unfortunate that I cannot leave this place. I really wanted to visit it sometime.”

“If you visit us anytime, we will take care of you.”

Although Elijah’s status was that of a count, the emperor could never reign over him. Emperor, Archmage, High Priest. It was right that these three coexisted equally at the top of the empire.

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Power requires proper distribution and control. Although a big fight happens in the end.

“Then, all honorable guests, please enjoy this place.”

After the emperor’s words, the uncomfortable tea time began in earnest. Elizabeth sneaked up on Ingrit, and Cain began a serious conversation with Hendrik.

I sipped my citrus tea peacefully as I listened to everyone. I wanted to remain unnoticed as much as possible.

“Sir Mikael. How have you been? I heard you were magnificent leading up to your graduation. I am very glad my expectations weren’t wrong.”

Alluster spoke to Mikael.

“Thanks to Your Majesty and Master looking over me, I was able to get to this place.”

Mikael answered with a polite smile. “Haha”, the emperor laughed graciously. But I could tell his wrinkled eyes weren’t smiling at all.

“When my vassals first rescued you from that house, you were overly unstable due to the rampage of mana, but it’s so nice to see you become such a handsome young man.”

“Thanks to Master’s teachings, I can control my power. I am so grateful to Your Majesty for giving me this opportunity. You’re a savior to me.”

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Mikael replied with a beautiful smile. His words were a choice in the game.

The friendship points were divided depending on who he thanked, but if he thanked both the emperor and the archmage, the friendship points remained unchanged on both sides.

I know it is the secret to success in life, but I wanted him to give a clear answer.

“By the way, your daughter gets surprisingly more beautiful every time I see her.”

“It’s a waste to show our Celina around.”

Elijah answered gracefully.


I tried to be as quiet as possible, but at the same time that Celina’s name was mentioned, everyone’s eyes suddenly focused on me, and I choked on the tea.

“Cough, cough!”

As I was trying hard not to open my mouth while coughing inwardly, the maid who was standing nearby gave me a handkerchief. I quickly patted my mouth and wiped it.

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“I apologize. I was rude.”

I forgot that in conventional situations like this, it was not only necessary to keep each other in check, but also to relay cheesy and empty praise.

“It’s alright. Don’t mind it.”

The emperor laughed.

“I’m sure it’s a waste to show her around like that. Perhaps, is that why you won’t let her get married?”

“How is that possible? I’m just waiting for my children, including Celina, to find someone they really love.”

“You’re a wonderful father.”

The smiling emperor turned his attention to Evan this time. It was obvious to everyone what kind of conversation was about to come out.

As expected, the emperor spoke in a subtle voice shortly afterwards.

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“It just so happens that Ingrit is about to become an adult, so why don’t we arrange a marriage with the Archmage’s second son?”

Elijah didn’t refuse or consent. He only answered like a snake escaping through a complicated forest. Of course, there was room for ambiguity in the background, which would always be an opportunity to persuade him again.

“Celina, Celina.”

Ingrit, who had been keeping silent during the conversation about her marriage as if it wasn’t about her, suddenly poked me in the arm.


“Let’s go somewhere together later.”

She whispered with a glowing face. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.


“It’s a secret. Just trust me and follow me.”

“What? Okay. I understand.”

I nodded nonchalantly. Of course, the development of Celina in this event had never been designed. Everything in this world was centered on Mikael, so all I had to do was let the secondary things flow on their own.

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