My head and back tingled in the scorching sun. I couldn’t see outside because there was something like a coarse blanket wrapped around my body, but it seemed that the kidnapper was walking energetically while carrying me.

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I relaxed my body as much as possible and breathed in very carefully.

Every breath smelled of death. The end of all life is, after all, the immobility of one’s breath, but this place right now could not even carry that meaning.

Because it was a place where living things could not take root from the beginning.

Every time the shoes with a hard sole set foot on the ground, there was a dry sound. The man’s rough breath, gasping due to using his strength, clearly told me the current situation.

This kidnapper was definitely not acting like this right now because of Celina, who, to add a little bit of exaggeration, was light as a bird’s feather.

The name of this place, which could not exist but existed because it was abandoned by God, was Forsa.

As it was the evilest place in the empire, the sun only shone for a few months, and, on the contrary, the awful darkness that not a single ray of moonlight could penetrate was in place for a long time, stubbornly.

Although it was not located in a high zone, the oxygen level was below average. Naturally, no wind containing fresh air reached this place.

According to my setting, it looked like a desert on the outside; but in reality, no life could live in it, unlike the desert. It was a place where you wouldn’t die if you stayed there for a short moment, but you should never stop there.

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Those who could not settle down on the abundant ground where water flowed and birds chirped, gathered one by one in this place called Forsa.

After the repetition of many deaths and suffering over time, what was formed below this place were the ‘Catacombs’, a cluster of abandoned things.

And the protector and leader of that place was Zeno. Exactly, the main villain of the story. It’s not that he killed people in Elijah’s group or kidnapped them to get something in specific.

Although he did aim for the moment the imperial palace was open to outsiders and became a little lax, he had done this annoying thing to inform them that there was a being who could interfere with the powerful magic of the Archmage.


The man spoke in a hoarse voice.


“The restraints don’t matter now, so you can talk. Answer me.”

I did not answer the call of the wicked kidnapper. Hmmm, I think his name was Jean?

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“I know you’re awake.”


“Shall I leave you here? If an outsider is left alone in this place, they will die.”

No matter what this guy said, I had no intention of opening my mouth until the end.

“Hey, miss?”


“Alright. So that’s how it is.”

As Jean spoke in a sarcastic tone, my body fell downwards. Surprised, I gasped and grabbed the kidnapper.

Because of that, the blanket slipped down a little, and I could see a little of the desolate landscape through the gap. The smell of sand was strong.

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“I guess you don’t want to roll on the floor because you’re precious? Then you should have answered when I called.”

He snickered and gave strength to his arms again. He looked a little gentle, unlike in the castle before.

“The thing about people is, their weight changes when they come to their senses. No matter how much you try to relax your body, you can’t hide it.”


I couldn’t even speak properly. I lowered my head and began to cough. My throat stung as if someone had poured glass and sand down it.

“Hey. We have only been walking here for a few minutes. You’re even being carried. But you’re coughing? You’re really rude.”

He sneered in a ridiculous voice. After coughing for some time, I was able to open my mouth again.

“Imagine you were in my position. Would you want to talk to your kidnapper?”

“No? Of course, I wouldn’t. But I’m not in your position.”

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“Why don’t you react? You’re not asking me to send you back to the Archmage, or who I am, or why I brought you here. It’s no fun because you’re so quiet.”

“No matter what I say, it won’t make a difference.”

I replied impertinently. It was a twisted situation anyway, I couldn’t help it. Since Ingrit was returned safely without a single wound, the same was likely to be true of Celina.

Perhaps, contrary to what happened with Ingrit, it would be better for me to not be safe. Now that I saw Cain, I had to wake up from my dream. I just hoped that it didn’t hurt as much as possible.

“Miss, do you know where you are?”


“So you know? Have you ever been here?”

He was out of breath.

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