After listening to his quiet breathing for a long time while standing still, a rustling sound that sounded like a chain being released spread.

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As soon as he stepped back as if he had finished what he had to do, I reflexively touched my neck. The restraints were gone.

“It hurts.”

However, a transparent discharge covered my fingertips.

“That’s because you suffered a burn.”

In Zeno’s hand, the dark restraints melted away like snow. So, this guy brought Celina here, whom he shouldn’t have brought, and even hurt her? I looked at him dissatisfied.

“Did you do this on purpose?”

“I don’t do anything bothersome. It’s faster to kill. I wonder how you have not died yet with such a weak body. You must have been brought up with utmost care.”

He turned around, teasing me with a pleasant voice. I retorted at his back.

“So, did you find what you were looking for?”

“What do you mean?”

Zeno, who had walked away, stared at me.

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“I thought you were searching for Elijah Dell in me.”

I provoked him openly. He blinked slowly. He gave no particular reaction, but it was easy to tell that his mood was different from before.

In an instant, a blue flame burned in front of me. Celina’s untied hair fluttered in the twisted stream of air.

The clear fire resembling Mikael’s eyes soon gained the form of a four-legged beast, similar to a wolf, rushing at me with its mouth open.

Wait! I don’t want to be in pain!

I faltered for a moment, but soon stood upright. Whatever, the situation turned out like this so let’s just wake up now.

“You. What the hell are you?”

But with Zeno’s voice, the flame stopped right in front of my eyes, slowly fading away. There was a cool chill nearby.

“Are you really not afraid to die?”

“That’s right.  But I hope it won’t hurt as much as possible.”

“How the hell did your father raise you?”

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He stared at me with an uncomfortable expression.

“He raised me with such ‘utmost care’ that I was burned in the neck with just those restraints. But you already know that, so why do you ask?”

“Oh no.”

Zeno shook his head and clicked his tongue, and then walked to the front of his desk, kicking his chair roughly.

The comfortable chair with a cushioned seat slowly moved around the floor as if it had a trajectory of its own, then went behind me and roughly hit my legs. As a result, I was half-forced to sit on it.

I rubbed the tingling back of my knees and stared at him with full irritation.

“That’s really cheap. Why don’t you tell me your complaints?”

“How did you know earlier?”

Zeno asked, pulling his gloves tightly.

“Know what?”

“About Elijah Dell.”

“You said we looked alike as soon as you saw me. Who in the world wouldn’t notice that?”

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I brought my hand very carefully to my tingling neck. And I immediately regretted it because of the rushing pain that made my face crumple on its own.

“It’s better not to touch it. Scars caused by magic disappear more easily.”

He began to look for something in front of a drawer that looked like a medicine cabinet. His profile figure, slightly tilting downwards, was flawless. He was a man with a very peculiar feeling.

“Do you have any questions?”

He asked.

“Your subordinate asked me earlier if I had any questions.”

“Did my subordinate do that?”

Zeno certainly asked back mechanically, but his distinctive voice made him feel somewhere affectionate.

I stared at the villain moving in perfect reality. That’s right. He was indeed more popular than Cain and Mikael.

“So, anyway. Are you willing to answer me?”

“Of course not. I’m just saying.”

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“I’m speechless. You’ve really been annoying me since earlier.”

I grunted and leaned on the back of the chair. As I tilted my head back and relaxed a bit more, only then did I find a little comfort.

Ingrit was able to return safe and sound from this place because their intentions were not to harm or kill her in the first place.

There had been peace for such a long time that the guards of the imperial palace became a little lax, and the absurd incident occurred when outsiders entered the palace for the opera.

Throwing stones on a calm lake will create multiple layers of waves on the surface. What they wanted was that kind of simple stimulus.

But it was clear what I was trying to convey. In other words, it was a declaration of war. It can be considered the beginning of a war, which took place at the climax of my novel.

In the original work, Mikael uses Cain’s blood to track down Ingrit, and the remote cave on the outskirts of the Catacombs. And so, it was the first time he faced Zeno, who was standing there in the so-called dungeon.

‘Disciple of the Archmage. Do you trust your master?’

That’s what he said to Mikael.

“Hey. Excuse me.”

I spoke to him.

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