Cannon Fodder Cheat System

Chapter 104: 104

The battle of machinery (9)

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the kingdom of biliver has signed mining contracts with wilkesha and fatani at the same time. However, it is not a formal mining contract for the entire maritime star cluster, but is equivalent to a trial contract. To see which country can fulfill the promise in the contract, a new formal mining contract will be signed.

After signing the contract, they directly transported the equipment from phatanidi, built the equipment and started mining.

Wilkesha's mining equipment is still in the process of manufacturing. The reason why it is so slow is that after signing the contract, Jing min first asked people to make a detailed investigation on the seabed of the planet to be mined, and then slightly changed the design of the equipment, which accelerated the speed of manufacturing the equipment.

Fittany's equipment has reached the maritime constellation and is in rapid construction. The construction on the sea is much more difficult than that on land, so it takes a little longer. Moreover, it will take several days to build the sea command center and storage building.

"Big brother." Eckley walked into John's office on the ship. "The sea is all set up. We can go down."

"Well." "Today is the first day of mining. King mudatis of biliver will come to watch and make sure there is no problem today," John said

"Don't worry, big brother, I spent a lot of time to change these equipment, and when we were in fittany, we had successfully exploited them, and there was no pollution to the marine environment. There would be no problem here." Eckley said confidently.

"Hard work for you." John patted eckley on the shoulder and said, "come on, mudatis is coming. Let's meet him and go to the command center on the sea."

"Big brother, what's going on in wilkesha?" Asked eckley as he walked out with John. He has been busy supervising the construction of the equipment these days and has not gone to know about wilkesha.

"Up to now, there is no news at all. I heard that their equipment seems to have not been manufactured yet." Said John.

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"Hum." "Even before the equipment has been manufactured, it's too much to dare to compete with us for mining rights. I don't think they'll be able to wait until we've all finished mining. "

"Who makes them rich now?" "Even if they can't mine it, they can't afford it," John said sarcastically

As soon as wilkesha was rich, eckley immediately felt very angry. Those precious metals should have belonged to him. If it was really the precious metals that sheen helped them mine, he must find a way to torture him to vent his anger and kill him if he could not torture him.

"By the way, why haven't the people sent by the elder brother started yet?" Asked eckley.

"No chance to do it." John's face was gloomy and said, "we have no way to get close to him because of the close protection that we have."

"How on earth did he get on line with Fernand? Why does he protect him so much? Is it really the precious metal that he helped wilkesha mine Said eckley, frowning.

"I haven't found them yet. All the information about them is from biliver. Around him, like a metal warehouse, he was very well guarded and could not find any information. " Seeing that eckley's face was not good, John comforted him and said, "let's put these things aside and focus on mining now. When we get a city back this time, we will certainly find a chance to deal with them."

Mudatis, the king of bilif, was a middle-aged man with a big beard. The reason why he inherited the throne in his middle age was that he inherited the throne from his elder brother, who had no son, so he became king. Mudatis has a strong personality and is more resourceful and far sighted than his brother Wang. Therefore, he withstood the pressure of almost all the people's opposition and insisted on exploiting the energy of maritime star clusters.

John and eckley greet mudatis, and a group of people go to the command room on the sea surface to watch the formal exploitation of energy on the sea floor.

John and mudatis were sitting in the rear viewing stand, behind them were rows of people, from John's side as well as from mudatis.

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Eckley sat in the middle of the command seat, and after the technician's report was ready, he ordered, "mining begins!"

"Roger that. Mining equipment is on." The operator reported.

All the people in the command center are seriously staring at the screen. The equipment connecting the seabed in the sea water has started to work. Now we are waiting to see whether the liquid energy can be exploited and whether there is leakage of liquid energy to pollute the sea water during the mining process.

"Successful exploitation, liquid energy has entered the storage device." The operator reported.

Eckley looked at the screen with a triumphant smile.

With a satisfied look on his face, John reached out to mudatis and said, "I hope we can have a good cooperation after that."Mudatis did not give a positive answer, but nodded with satisfaction and shook hands with him.

Just when they thought that everything was going well and that the rest would be left to the technicians and operators, a picture of liquid energy leaking out suddenly appeared on the screen.

All of a sudden, the control room was quiet, and the controllers knew that the king of biliver was also there and did not dare to report the leak.

He turned his head to John and motioned for him to take biliver away. Before the leak was obvious, he would cover it up and try to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, let's go to the rest room first, and leave it to them to continue mining." John stood up and said.

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Mudatis's face had sunk, and he ignored John and sat still looking at the screen.

Seeing the situation of the leakage getting more and more serious, the operator had to report "leakage alarm, the cause of leakage is being detected."

Mudatis suddenly stood up, looked at John unhappily, and said, "you promised that you would exploit without polluting the sea water. The contract is clear. It is precisely because you said that it will never pollute the sea water that I agree to sign a contract with you. Are you going to pay compensation directly according to the contract, or what? "

John's face is also very bad. He has had a good time in recent years. Even if the present emperor of fittany dare not give him a look, now it depends on the face of the king of a backward country.

"It's very normal for such a situation to occur at the beginning of mining. It's only after debugging and treatment that there will be no leakage problem," said eckley. Such a small leakage will not cause serious pollution to the sea water. Please rest assured that we will solve the problem soon. "

"Although our country is relatively backward in science and technology and machinery, our people have also made a lot of understanding for the purpose of this energy exploitation. Don't try to fool me casually." Said mudatis, squinting.

"Our machinery in fittany is ahead of any other country, and the information is leaked out. What you learn from other countries is certainly not in line with us. In short, we will deal with the leakage immediately. You can wait and see the result. " Although eckley is very anxious, and the heart is not completely bottomed out, but at this time, he can only try to pretend to be very confident.

Mudatis looked back and forth between eckley and John and said, "then I'll give you ten days. If you don't solve the leak within ten days, you must stop mining immediately and pay compensation according to the contract."

Under the pressure of opposition from most of the people, mudatis insisted on exploiting the energy of maritime star cluster to change the economy of biliver kingdom. This time, he signed a contract with the two countries with the most advanced machinery in the universe. Even if he fails, he will get a large amount of compensation. However, compared with the compensation, he still hopes to be able to carry out mining without polluting the ocean. Otherwise, he will not tell the citizens.

Eckley promised to fix the leak within ten days, and if it didn't, they would stop mining immediately.

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After sending mudatis away, John quickly returns to the command room and asks eckley, "what the hell is going on here? In the past, there was no leakage problem with these equipments? "

"The geology of the seabed here is very different from what we have mined before. Our equipment can be exploited, but there is no way to control pollution," said eckley, looking at the test report just received

"Why didn't you know this before?" John tried to suppress his anger and keep his brain calm.

Eckley pounded the table and said angrily, "the people of biliver Kingdom didn't describe this clearly at all in the materials they gave us. What they described in their materials was not different from the general marine geology. They should be responsible for this."

"Don't worry about that now, and try to solve the problem of leakage." John said eagerly.

"If the equipment needs to be changed, the time for transformation and testing is not enough. You can find a way to extend the time." Eckley's forehead was sweating. If he failed this time, he couldn't bear it because his opponent was Sean. Although he thinks the possibility of success of the other party is small and small, but at this time, he must not lose face.

John grabbed his hair impatiently. "You try your best to solve the problem of equipment. I will try my best to delay the time there. In a word, we must solve the problem of energy leakage."

Although eckley is a soul reborn from the future, he is quite different from Jing min with system. He knows a lot of theories, but he can't make practice.

Even if he had tried hard to solve the problem of leakage, John had been trying to help him delay time, but he still failed to solve the problem. And because he tried to solve the problem of leakage while mining, the pollution of sea water was much more serious than ordinary mining.

Faced with the public's criticism, mudatis finally got angry and asked fatani to stop mining immediately and pay compensation according to the contract content, otherwise he would go to the federal government to appeal to them.

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