Cannon Fodder Cheat System

Chapter 138: 138

Art life (11)

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"what do you want me to do Wu Xiuyuan looked at the haggard Su Mo asked.

"I was expelled from school, and my dad didn't recognize me." Su Mo lost his mind and said.

"I already know about your dismissal. I can't help you with this. If you need money, I can help you." In order to protect Su Mu's palm, Su Mu really doesn't want to copy it. Now think about it, if I had chosen to believe hibiscus, hibiscus might not have asked someone to take care of him.

"I will become what I am now. It's hibiscus." Su Mo said to himself.

"You plagiarized his works and asked me to take them to the competition for you. These are all facts. If you didn't do these things, you wouldn't have the results now." Wu Xiuyuan seldom said in a normal way.

"Why didn't he bring out the evidence earlier?" Su Mo suddenly raised his head and glared at Wu Xiuyuan and said, "since he has evidence to prove that the idea and Inspiration of the painting are his, why does he have to wait for me to get the prize and become famous before he comes up with the evidence?"?! If he had given evidence earlier, I would not have been like this! My grandmother will not die

"Maybe it's because you have been telling the media that he copied your works, and he was forced to have no way to prove his innocence." Wu Xiuyuan said his guess.

"I said he copied my work because he put it on public display! What else can I say? Let me admit that I copied him? " Su Mo gas to the face distorted said, "he is clearly intentional! He is to wait for me to win the prize and after that, he wants to let everyone know about it, and then make it public, so that he can completely destroy me! And he recorded what I said! He wasn't prepared. What is it? "

Wu Xiuyuan didn't know what to say. Although he thought it was su Mo's inhumanity first, hibiscus was unjust, but Hibiscus did all this, it was really too clever and terrible. He used to think Hibiscus is a simple and kind-hearted person, not to his mind so deep, now also for the money was taken care of, his image in his heart, has completely changed. He even felt that it might be a good thing that he had no result with him. After all, he was totally different from what he imagined.

"I want revenge! I must take revenge Su Mo eyes fierce, gnashing teeth said, "he destroyed me, I will destroy him, everyone don't want to be better!"

"What do you want to do?" Looking at Su Mo like this, Wu Xiuyuan has a kind of unspeakable disgust in his heart. He thinks that his luck is really bad. The two people he likes are so scheming and unbearable.

"I want you to disclose your relationship with hibiscus. I want him to be unable to stay in school, and I want him to be ruined!"

"What are you talking about? What is the relationship between me and hibiscus Wu Xiuyuan's face was not very good and said, "I have no formal relationship with him, and nothing has happened. If you want to make public, you can only disclose the things I have pursued him. Do you want to harm him or me?"

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"You can say that he seduced you, but you didn't agree. Didn't you keep a lot of things he gave you and wrote you blessing cards? All these can be used as evidence of his seduction. " Su Mo stands up and grabs Wu Xiuyuan's arm and says, "if you want to say that he is seducing you, but you refused. Now the publicity of all this is just to expose his true face, so that you will not be implicated."

"It's not only not good for me, it's likely that even myself will be involved." Wu Xiuyuan said.

"Don't you always want to revenge Hibiscus for being kept? This is a good opportunity Su Mo tried to persuade him, "you think you put so much thought on him, but you didn't get anything, but he sent himself to let others take care of him. Aren't you angry?"

Wu Xiuyuan bowed his head and thought. He was really angry that he had wasted so much thought on hibiscus and always wanted to find a chance to revenge him. But what he thought was that it was best to do it in secret. Everyone who did not want to make trouble would probably end up with Su mo.

Su Mo saw Wu Xiuyuan hesitant, as if he didn't want to agree with him, so he could only take out his last mace. He took out his mobile phone, opened the album, and then handed it to Wu Xiuyuan, "have a look."

Wu Xiuyuan did not know why, so he looked at him and took the phone. When he saw the picture on the screen, he immediately widened his eyes.

"Turn back. There's a lot more behind." Su Mo said without expression.

Wu Xiuyuan quickly looked back, which was full of photos taken by Su Mo lying on his body when he was asleep, and neither of them was wearing it.

"If I made these photos public and said that you forced me to use my teacher's identity, and you knew that my paintings were copied, or did you help me send my paintings to the competition and deliberately returned Hibiscus paintings, what would be the result?" Su Mo looks at him to ask.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Wu Xiuyuan suddenly got angry and threw his mobile phone on the ground. He grabbed Su Mo's collar and said, "you should know that the thing I hate most is being threatened."Su Mo looked back at him fearlessly, "I have reached this point, no matter how I do, but you can't, teacher! If you're such an identity conscious person, you're going to get kicked out of school like me if you let people know you've had a relationship with your students

"Are you crazy?" Wu Xiuyuan's hands tightly clenched his fist. At the moment, he really wanted to punch Su Mo in the face. How could he be so unlucky to meet such a person.

"Yes, I'm just crazy!" Su Mo's expression was a little crazy and said, "I have nothing now. I don't even know how I should live in the future. In order to get revenge, I will pay all costs. If you don't help me destroy hibiscus, then I will destroy you! Don't be so easy for everyone

Wu Xiuyuan pushes Su Mo away, but his breath is not smooth.

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Jing min was lying on the sofa bed of Cui Yan's studio. Under her body was a piece of golden silk cloth, and her hips were covered by a thin blanket. Cui Yan specially hung the painting of the previous painting in a room. No one was allowed to enter the room except himself and Jing min, because he didn't want others to see the painting. He plans to hang this painting in his bedroom, which will be cleaned by domestic helpers every day, so he helps Jingmin to cover the places that should be covered.

Jing min side face pillow on his arm, has been about to follow, he does not know how long Cui Yan will draw, anyway, he painted his own, sleep his own.

Jing min, who has completely entered sleep, suddenly feels itchy on his body. Although he has not yet fully awakened, he already knows what is going on.

Cui Yan's kiss from the bottom up, has slowly reached Jing min's shoulder, then the neck, and then to his cheek.

Jing min is awake, but he is too lazy to open his eyes and let him kiss himself. Until Cui Yan felt that kissing alone could not satisfy his desire for him, and his hands began to be dishonest. Jing min could only helplessly open his eyes to see him.

"What are you going to do?" Jing min was turned over by him, and then he picked him up and sat on his body.

"Baby, I always have a special doubt in my heart, I think for a long time, but I don't understand, so I think only you can give me the answer." Cui Yan put his arm around his waist and put it against his forehead.

"What are you wondering about?" He asked.

"I never believed in love at first sight, but when I got you back, I immediately fell in love with you. Isn't that strange?" Cui Yan said, "you say, do you know how to enchant the soul, or what kind of curse to me, just let me love you so much?"

Jing Min said with a smile, "I can't believe that you don't believe in love at first sight, but you still believe in superstition. Even if I really used magic to you, scared you, hooked your soul, and then slowly sucked you, what would you do to me?"

"The soul has been taken away by you. What can I do to you? I have only one request. After you suck me up, let me die on you, and I will be satisfied. " Cui Yan holds Jing min's waist to lift him up, and then slowly put it down.

"Well!" Jing min murmured, soft to Cui Yan's body, lying on his shoulder indignantly said, "I see I haven't sucked you, you'll kill me first!"

"Why? I can't live if I kill you. " Cui Yan held his waist moving.

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Jing min bit his shoulder to vent his anger.

Suddenly ring the door bell let Jing min scared, body a shake, tightly embrace Cui Yan's neck.

Cui Yan's arm will Jing min, holding his body to the door.

"Ah, ah!" Jing min couldn't control his voice because of his action.

Cui Yan went to the door, pressed on the screen on the wall and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Here comes the lady, sir." The housekeeper said respectfully outside the door.

"I see." Cui Yan closed the call, and held Jing min to the bedside.

"Um ~" Jing min just bit his lips and tried not to make a sound, but because Cui Yan moved around, he couldn't help making a sound again.

The housekeeper can directly call his wife, in addition to Cui Yan's mother, there will be no other people. Jing min was put on the bed, holding Cui Yan's shoulder and asking, "you said your mother would not come here?"

"She's only been here twice since I moved out, this is the third time." Cui Yan kisses his mouth and says, "don't worry, I won't let anyone bully you, even if she is my mother."

"Your mother is waiting for you down here. Are you going down?" Jing min thumped his shoulder.

Cui Yan looked down. "I may not be able to go down to see her in this situation."

Jing min also followed him to look down, and then immediately turned his head to one side, "then you hurry up!"

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"Don't worry." Cui Yan holding Jing Min said, "let her wait, we can take our time."

"Um ~ um ~" Jing min was suddenly hit by the rapid attack of the soul are shaking.

Cui Yan didn't take his time as he said. He was so fast that Jing min couldn't bear the stimulation. He wanted to escape but couldn't escape. He wanted to finish it quickly. However, he lasted for a long time.Jing min gradually lost consciousness, legs powerless hanging on Cui Yan's arm, the body soft as if to turn into a pool of water. He was lucky to say that he was going to dry up his essence. It was clear that he was about to be sucked dry.


Cui Yan gets up and gets out of bed to get dressed. Jing min closes his legs very hard. Originally, he thought whether to go down with Cui Yan to see his mother, but now he really has no strength. If his legs are soft in front of Cui Yan's mother, he will lose a lot of shame.

"Sleep, baby." Dressed Cui Yan kisses Jing min's mouth and says, "I'll go down for a while, and I'll come up soon."

"You'd better not come up." Jing Min said powerless.

Cui Yan said with a smile, "I asked the chef to stew the soup for you. After a while, I drank it to tonify your body."

"Go away!" Jing min gave him a look, pulled the blanket over his body and turned to sleep.

Cui Yan patted him on the buttocks and kissed him. Then he got up and prepared to go downstairs.

Cui Yan deliberately let Jing min have no strength to go down to meet people. His mother has a strange temper. Before knowing the purpose of her coming, Cui Yan doesn't want Jing min to see her.

He wanted to cherish the people in his arms all the time. No one could hurt him, even his mother.

Cui Yan doesn't know why he likes Jing min so much. If he just likes his body, he can't have the idea that he would like to die for him. But falling in love is falling in love. Now he doesn't understand, maybe he will understand later. In short, his people protect themselves, and those who want to hurt him are enemies of themselves.

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