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Jing min visited an old friend of Lu Deyuan today. This old man has a very high status in the painting and calligraphy industry, which can be described as his high moral integrity and great expectations.

This old Zhang liked Lu Deyuan's food when he was young, so they became friends. Jing min will visit him, not only because he has a good relationship with Lu Deyuan, but also because the old man has a wide range of contacts and people from all walks of life sell his face.

Lu Jingyu only met Zhang Lao twice with Lu Xuexian when she was very young, and never saw him again. So Jing min suddenly came to visit him, which surprised old Zhang.

Lu Deyuan died suddenly in those years. Old Zhang was also very sad. Now his only grandson came to visit him. Although he knew that he had something to ask for, he received him politely because of his past friendship with Lu Deyuan.

Jing min didn't mention the purpose of his visit, but just chatted with old Zhang. He had experienced thousands of years, and he didn't worry that he would have nothing to talk with an old man, that is, calligraphy and painting, and his attainments would not be lower than that of old Zhang.

In the process of chatting, Mr. Zhang appreciated him more and more. They were very happy. Mr. Zhang had heard a little about him before. I heard that he was illiterate. He only knew how to drink and have fun with friends every day. He was very degenerate. He was also a pity for his old friend for a while. Now it seems that rumors can't be taken seriously.

Zhang's sons and daughters all have their own careers, and he likes quietness, so he doesn't live with the children. Instead, he lives in Xiaoshan villa. There is a cook and two domestic helpers in the villa to take care of his daily life. When it was time to prepare dinner, Jing min volunteered to make the dinner.

When old Zhang was young, his favorite food was stewed beef with potatoes. Now that he is old, his teeth are not good, and his meat is not easy to digest, so he specially eats potatoes in stewed beef with potatoes. Moreover, he has very high requirements for the taste and taste of potatoes.

I smell the tea in my mouth, and I can smell the smell of tea in the living room. When he was young, he was a famous eater. Otherwise, he would not rush to make friends with Lu Deyuan because of his high position at that time, so that he could eat delicious food at any time by virtue of this friendship.

Over the past few decades, Mr. Zhang has been eating delicious food all over the world, and his demand for food is getting higher and higher. The dishes cooked by his cook are very good when they are eaten in other people's mouths, but they are not so good in his mouth. But today's Stewed Beef with potatoes, just the flavor, can make his appetite.

Mr. Zhang couldn't sit still. He walked to the kitchen door with his hands behind his back and looked at the casserole stewed with potatoes and beef on the stove.

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Jing min looked back and saw the old man standing at the door of the kitchen and said, "are you old and hungry? I'll make a meal by copying two more dishes. The dishes in your garden are really good and fresh. "

"Well, well." Mr. Zhang nodded and urged, "it's ok if you don't make other dishes. Just the two of us can't eat so much. You can bring the stewed beef with potatoes."

"Yes." Jing min should say, "steamed eggs with pork juice and hibiscus are ready. When this pot of vegetable soup starts to boil, it's time to start cooking, and the small dishes will not be fried."

"And you made steamed eggs with pork sauce and hibiscus?" This is also one of old Zhang's favorite dishes. He finally walked into the kitchen and said to Jing min, "open me up and have a look."

When Jing Min turns on the steamer and the heat dissipates, you can see a bowl of steamed eggs with tender and yellow hibiscus. The steamed eggs of old Zhang can't be counted. Just by looking at the color and tenderness, you can see whether the steamed eggs are delicious. The bowl of steamed eggs with Hibiscus in front of him is not bad. He can't wait to taste it.

After the dishes were served, Mr. Zhang held chopsticks in one hand and a spoon in the other. He hesitated to eat potatoes or steamed eggs first. Both wanted to eat immediately.

Jingmin said, "the steamed egg is too hot now, put it a little bit, it's not so hot before it's delicious. Try this potato first and see how it tastes."

"Good, good." Mr. Zhang took a potato and blew it, then put it into his mouth.

"Be careful with your ironing." Jingmin reminds the way.

Mr. Zhang closed his eyes, chewed slowly and tasted the taste carefully. Then he opened his eyes, raised his thumb and said to Jing min, "OK, it's really good. It's better than your grandfather did in those years. You're really better than the blue."

Jing Min said with a smile, "you're too old. Try this steamed egg and see how my grandfather made it for you."

Mr. Zhang tasted the steamed egg, nodded and said, "it's not bad. It's soft, smooth, fragrant and tender. It melts in the mouth and tastes delicious. The steamed eggs I used to eat with hibiscus can't be compared with this. "

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With two dishes and one soup, Mr. Zhang ate most of the beef he hadn't eaten much for many years. Fortunately, Jingmin didn't make much of it. Otherwise, he was really worried about destroying the old man.

In the evening, Jing min came back from a walk with the old man, and finally mentioned the purpose of his visit: "how do you like my cooking skills to open a restaurant by myself?"

Mr. Zhang put down his teacup and leaned back on the sofa and said slowly, "to tell you the truth, the three dishes you cooked today are definitely the most delicious three dishes I have ever eaten. However, it is very difficult to support a hotel only by three dishes. Of course, it also depends on the size of your hotel. If there is only one ordinary small hotel, it will be enough. ""I've built a very large hotel with three connected buildings. Each building has three floors. The front and back courtyards are added with side courtyards on both sides. If I could only take the three dishes today, I would not dare to invite you. "

"Please me?" Mr. Zhang asked, "what can I do for you?"

Jingmin took out the invitation card and sent it to Mr. Zhang's hand. "My shop will open next month, because I didn't know how to do it before, and offended some people. I'm afraid that they will deliberately discredit my hotel and say that my food is not delicious. So I want to invite Mr. Zhang to the town. If you can take some friends over, those people will not dare to tell lies with their eyes open."

Mr. Zhang opened the invitation and read "Lu Deji, you are..."

"In the past, Lu's restaurants were called ludeji. Since my grandfather passed away, they have gradually changed to Zhengde hotel. Now, few of the younger generation remember ludeji. I want to use my grandfather's name to revive the hotel."

Lu Deji was originally called Luji restaurant. When it was passed to his great grandfather, it was changed to lujiacai restaurant. Then it was transferred to his grandfather's hand, and then it was called ludeji. After Lu Deyuan's death, Zheng Jianlin slowly changed those hotels into zhengdeji hotel. He was still guilty and didn't dare to call it Zhengjia hotel. He wanted to wait until Zheng Junming inherited his family property.

Mr. Zhang put the invitation on the tea table next to him, buttoned his fingers on it and thought for a long time before he said, "I'll take your invitation, and I'll go there on time. It's like giving your grandfather a face."

"Thank you." Jing min sincerely thanks.

Mr. Zhang raised his hand and said, "but I said that in front of me, your grandfather's face can only be used this time. If you mess up your cooking skills, you will not lose your face alone, as well as your grandfather's reputation. In the future, you will never ask me for help."

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"If the food is badly cooked, I promise I will never appear in front of you again." Jing min knew that if it wasn't for the two dishes and one soup that satisfied old Zhang today, he would never have agreed to help so easily. So he would continue to show his performance and let him have a better understanding: "I'll leave tomorrow at noon, and I'll make you a breakfast tomorrow morning. You can try my craft again."

"No, you can't go until you've cooked dinner. You can't go until you make me another stew of beef and potatoes." With that, Mr. Zhang got up and went back to his room.

The next morning, before dawn, Jing min got up to make breakfast. The old man felt little and got up very early every day. When he came back from morning exercise, he had to have breakfast. He could not wait for him to do well. Since he asked for help, he naturally wanted to show his sincerity. Moreover, there were many places for him to rely on him in the future.

In addition to his favorite breakfast, such as soup dumplings, preserved eggs and lean meat porridge and shrimp dumplings, Jing min also made some old-fashioned snacks for Zhang Laoping when he was free. He had prepared most of the ingredients last night, but he only had to make two for breakfast, but he was not so busy.

Old Zhang just entered the door, Jing min here is also ready, but he did not expect that old Zhang also brought two more people back.

"What's the matter? I came here so early in the morning. " As he walked in, Zhang asked the two people behind him.

The older one replied with a smile, "what's the matter? I've got a pair of landscape paintings recently. I'd like to ask you to help me identify them. It's said that the food made by your cook tastes good. We've come here early to rub rice. "

"Well, you really don't have good food. As far as my cook is concerned, it's worthwhile for you to come here early in the morning to ask for food?" Old Zhang heard the smell of porridge floating out of the kitchen and said, "but today you've come here cleverly. It's a blessing in the mouth."

Jing min came out and was about to tell Mr. Zhang that breakfast was ready. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the two people coming back with him. Of the two, the young one, he had known through the system before, knew who he was and was very clear about his identity.

Their eyes were on each other, and his heart suddenly twitched, which made him wonder whether it was the instinctive reaction of the body? According to the law, it should not, this body from the inside to the outside, from the top to the bottom, has completely belonged to him, it is impossible to have a reaction that does not belong to him.

After the breakfast, the middle-aged took a bite of the soup bag and sucked out the delicious, non greasy soup. He couldn't help praising, "your cook's skill is really excellent. Do you still think that the cooking skill is not good enough? Why don't you give me this cook and let him cook at my house. "

"This breakfast is not made by my cook today." Old Zhang looked at Jing min and said, "well, he did it."

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The eyes of the middle-aged and young people all look at Jing min, and the middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing asks, "Oh? This is... "

Mr. Zhang replied, "this is my old friend, Lu Deyuan's grandson. His name is Lu Jingyu."

Two people heard that he was Lu Jingyu. Although his expression was calm and his eyes did not fluctuate at all, Jing min, who has lived for many years, knows that they must be very surprised now, but they are worthy of standing at the top of the characters, and their emotions have not been shown at all.

Jing min only prepared breakfast for two people, and the two people were especially able to eat, so the four people were not full.All of a sudden, the delicious food was gone, and the stomach was still half empty. The taste was most uncomfortable. Zhang looked at Jing min and said, "how about some more?"

"I've always made some old-fashioned snacks for you." Jing min looked at the two men and said, "but it may not be enough. I'll make some wonton."

When Jing min brought the wonton to the table, the dim sum dishes were already empty, which was not enough. These two people are not only able to eat, but also not polite at all. What they eat is called happy. Although the action is very elegant, the speed is not slow at all.

These two people are rare good figure, good appearance, and six similar appearance, but they are not father and son, but uncle and nephew.

The young man, Zhao Bocheng, is the successor of Zhao's group. He has already taken over the sovereignty of Zhao's group before he is 30 years old. Zhao family is very powerful, black and white, political and business celebrities, in all walks of life, their family can speak up, and the right to speak is very big.

Zhao Bocheng was the one who indirectly killed Lu Jingyu. Zhao Bocheng has a cousin named Qian Xiang, who is the son of his sister-in-law. The Qian family is also a big family and a big business. Because of the Zhao family's relationship, Qian Xiang's character is quite arrogant and domineering, and few people dare to offend him.

However, Lu Jingyu offended him. Because of his bad character, Qian Xiang, whose eyes were higher than his top, was conquered by Zheng Junming's cooking skills. He was a very good friend with him. Lu Jingyu is against Zheng Junming everywhere, which naturally makes Qian Xiang very angry. The land auction is the pit designed by Qian Xiang and Zheng's father and son.

In the past, Qian Xiang framed Lu Jingyu everywhere, sent people to drive into his car in the street, and bought murderers to create the illusion of fighting in the street. He killed Lu Jingyu and fought against the power of the Zhao family. Because his cousin is the successor of the Zhao family, he can kill Lu Jingyu, who is helpless and helpless.

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