The competition for supermodels (13)

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the staff helped dilumo get the beach scene he wanted to shoot. He walked into the scene, criticizing and demanding perfection for a long time. The staff on one side looked at him without expression, pointing, listening to him say completely amateurish words, they forced to resist the impulse to roll their eyes.

After shooting, dilumo stepped on the white sand in his swimming trunks. He fiddled with his hair and posed to the camera what he thought was his most handsome pose. There is no problem with his posture. He just moves the camera according to his requirements, and the pictures he takes make the director frown.

After a period of shooting, dilumo ran to watch the replay. After watching it, he immediately said with a straight face, "what's going on? Did you do what I told you to do? "

The director was cold faced and didn't answer him. The director's assistant said, "this is what you want."

"No way!" Dilumo was very dissatisfied and said, "if you really take photos according to my requirements, the results will not be like this. You can see what I am like."

"If you can say that, you might as well shoot it yourself." The director said impatiently that he hated this kind of person who thought he was right.

"If I can be separated, I can definitely shoot better than you. The directors who helped me shoot publicity images before were all completed under my guidance. I hope you can have a little bit of professional ethics. Don't know that I can't take pictures of myself. I can't tell you if you can come. " Dilumo has made up his mind to throw the black pot of bad effects to the director group. Anyway, he doesn't expect these people to give him high marks, as long as he can maintain his image in the eyes of fans.

The staff finally couldn't help but roll their eyes. They were well-informed, but it was the first time they met such a shameless person.

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After shooting again, dilumo focused on the angle and the scene again, criticizing that "the picture taken from this angle is too fake, and the transition between the sea water and the beach can't be better? How can the effect be good? "

The director didn't want to argue with this kind of person. The more he said, the more he went too far, finally he couldn't help it. "The angle is your own requirement, and the scene is also according to your needs. The bad shooting is not a matter of our ability, but you don't understand it and ask for it. People with brains know to choose dark scenes to shoot, so that both in the shooting scene, or in the post production of special effects, can achieve a more realistic effect. You are the only one who put forward to take pictures of the beach and sea in the shed. It's hard to get realistic pictures for such a bright scene. However, you still choose some messy angles, and people with a little brain will not do this. "

Dilumo was so straightforward by the director of satire no brain, immediately look ugly.

The director's anger in his heart has not been exhausted. Since the words have come out, he thinks that he simply said a little more bluntly: "you don't take us all as fools, thinking that we can't see your purpose. You clearly don't understand what you don't understand. How can we get a good picture? We also want to force it into our problem. I've been in this business for 20 or 30 years. I've won more awards than you've ever photographed. Do you think you can throw the problem on my head with a few words? I tell you, anyone who knows a little bit can see that it's your problem. You're so arrogant here that it's ridiculous in other people's eyes! "

Dilumo was very unconvinced in his heart, and the more he felt at this time, the more he could not admit his mistake, so he forcibly explained, "if you say it's my problem, then why are the pictures I took before OK? It's clear that you can't understand what I mean and can't meet the requirements I want, and you want to put the responsibility on me! "

"Good!" The director said, "then I'll find someone to show you whether it's your problem or ours."

Jing min was lying on the chest of regullus, and felt that he had no strength at all.

Regulus raised his chin and gave him a kiss on the mouth. He pulled up his robe, which had fallen to his waist, and covered his body. His hands were still touching his skin under his clothes.

"Um ~" Jing min was touched by him and buried his face in his chest to protest.

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The sudden knock on the door made Jing min's body stiff, and regulles stroked his back immediately.

The knock on the door stopped two times. Regullus picked Jing min up and went into the inner room of the rest room and put him on the bed. He took a new suit out of the closet and put it on the bed. Regulles leaned over and kissed him on the face. Then he got up and went out first.

Jing min was lying on the bed for a while. After slowing down, he put on his clothes and went out.

Jing min's assistant is standing there saying something to regulles. This assistant was arranged by legulles later, so he was regarded as a person of regullus.

"What's the matter?" Jing min went over and sat down beside regulles.

Regullus held Jing min in his arms and motioned to his assistant to repeat what he had just said.After hearing this, Jing min knew that it was the director who had a conflict with dilumo. The director wanted Jing min to shoot in the dilumo scene to prove who was the problem.

Jing min agreed without much thought. Of course, he was willing to do something that could hit dilumo.

When Di Mo went to the studio, he was really impressed by the courage of all the photographers. The idea of dilumo, Jing min probably can also guess, want to use his best scene, put the responsibility of bad shooting to the director and staff. Because even if he does not know much about the layout and shooting of other scenes, he can not arrange any good scenes and shoot any good pictures.

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When dilumo saw Jing min coming, he hated him in his heart. He knew that it was the director who asked him to come over. He was the one who could prove who was the problem. Now he has no longer dared to belittle this person. If the same scene is filmed by him, the effect is very different from his own, which is undoubtedly a blow to his ability. Since this man reappeared in the public's view, he seems to have been under some kind of magic spell, and nothing is going well. He must find a way to save the situation.

After consulting with the director, Jing min changed the scene a little. Instead of setting the scene as sunny and sunny, Jing min changed it to a scene where the sun rose. Basically, the layout has not changed much, but the light has been dimmed a lot, and it has become a gradual color. By using the light and shade of the light, it can pull out the three-dimensional and hierarchical sense of the space.

Jing min's upper body simply wore a white shirt, the lower body only wore a pair of underpants, the length of the shirt just wrapped his hips.

A pair of flawless, straight and slender legs is Jing min's biggest advantage. Since this is the model's personal publicity image, to highlight, nature is the biggest advantage. Just now Jing Min has shown his advantages in his manner and performance skills. Now he wants to show his physical advantages. However, it seems too boring just to express his body. This time, he intends to strengthen the artistic conception so that the audience can feel and experience it.

Jing min's back to the camera, his unbuttoned shirt is gently swinging by the wind. Against the background of the rising sun, the picture is so beautiful that it is suffocating. It can definitely be called a back murderer.

Jing min side over the body, began to move forward, in fact, he has been in the same place, but the screen changes, and changes in light, so that he seems to be moving forward. Almost even the staff on the scene were deceived by his visual misleading, thinking that he was really moving forward, but had never reached the end.

When the tide came up and passed his ankle, he looked at the sunrise, which had completely surfaced. Then he slowly turned around, facing the camera, holding his body in both hands, with his head slightly tilted, showing a juvenile innocent smile. Like the sunrise at the back of his left, he was dreamy and beautiful.

At the end of the picture, Jing min shows a smile at the moment. From the smile, it seems that you can feel the hope and dazzling light, which is just in line with the theme of Chaoyang. This kind of image can add a lot of advertising elements into it. It is the most favorite artistic expression advertisement of many businesses now, leaving a lot of imagination space for people.

It was not until the staff on the scene burst into warm applause that the netizens watching through the screen regained their consciousness from the screen. Different from the sexy and seductive just now, this time, he appeared holy and beautiful in the whole shooting process, which made people feel that even a little bit of bad fantasy appeared to be so dirty and evil. This man is really amazing. He can guide people's hearts with a short picture. The business must love such a model.

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Jing min bowed to express his thanks to the staff, and then went to the dressing room to change clothes. After his figure had completely disappeared, the applause stopped.

The director deliberately asked people to play the pictures shot by Jing min and those shot by dilumo on the screen at the same time to form a contrast.

The director went up to dilumo and said, "whose question is it now clear?"? Look at the professional level of others, can you match it? This is the so-called gap. It is not only a gap in career, but also a gap in character. "

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Dilumo said with anger and grievance on his face, "you deliberately don't do what I ask you to do. You deliberately make a bad picture of me, and then compare his good pictures with mine, so as to highlight his good. What good did he give you? Let you be directed at me everywhere? "

The director looked at him in disbelief. "You're a man. There's no cure. I'm waiting to see what kind of end you're going to end up with."

The Internet has been scolded for a long time. For dilumo's behavior, anyone with a brain can see his purpose, so most of them are satirizing his remarks. And the reason why brain damage powder is called brain damage is that they don't distinguish right from wrong, they don't care whether their idol's behavior has caused adverse effects, they just blindly support the people they like, no matter what they do, they can find excuses to help him explain. Sometimes even know the truth of things, but also deliberately to confuse black and white.

When dilumo's fans attacked him, they all scolded him one by one, defending his posture more than defending his parents. And even the organizers and the director group all scolded, saying that they deliberately biased to Jingmin, against dilumo, otherwise it would never have been the result now.Dilumo knew there was no hope of winning the game, but it was enough for him to stabilize the hearts of his fans. As for other things, he then slowly schemed. He believed that there was no way out. Under such circumstances, Arthur young could turn over again. And now he has so many fans to support him. He can do the same and do better than him.

He must be able to find a chance to deal with Arthur young, let those who support him know how stupid it is to like Arthur Yang. He will make all those who have scolded him and insulted him regret it!

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