The New Year was approaching, and everyone was engulfed with the joyous atmosphere. As for the award ceremony, it had begun, with the host already giving the opening speech on stage. Slowly, award-winning guests began to appear. There were also many of them who came with their partners. Whenever Shen Xingsui looked at them, a strange feeling began to bud inside his heart. He felt lonely and a tad jealous of them.

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In a daze, his mind slowly drifted into thinking of Fu Jinxiao. The longing began to become unbearable – after all, it’s been quite a while since they have met face-to-face. It was clear that his surroundings were bustling and noisy, but this kind of lively cheer only amplified his yearning even more.

Suddenly, the host said, “The one we are going to introduce next… he’s a young actor who’s very familiar to all of us. Although he’s young and a bit immature, the roles he played are all strong, well-rounded characters with depth. Let us welcome our winner… Shen Xingsui!” 

The big screen showed the movie clips from his latest work. Each frame highlighted the actor’s abilities, and the spotlight fell to Shen Xingsui.

Wen Shengge whispered, “Suisui, it’s your turn.”

Shen Xingsui nodded, turned his face, and said, “I’m going.”

He stood up and the spotlight followed him, making him the center of everyone’s attention. As he walked towards the stage step by step, the host was still praising his work, while the audience gave him a round of festive applause. 

For Shen Xingsui, it was a very happy moment. All his blood and tears were appreciated.

The host asked, “Is there anything you want to tell everyone, Suisui?”

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Shen Xingsui took the microphone offered to him. First, he bowed deeply to everyone, then he started his speech. “I am very happy to receive this award. I feel honored for all your appreciation and love towards my work. Thank you to all the judges and the audience for your support. I’m nurtured by all of your love, so I can strive harder and win this award today. I will work harder in the future, and do my best to give back with better works…”

“–Of course, in order to stand here, I would be remiss if I don’t mention the director’s genius vision, and also Mr. Fu, for his help and encouragement during the filming. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to do it,” Shen Xingsui was very sincere with his speech. He then closed his statement with: “I will keep all of these in mind, and make this award an extra encouragement to better myself.”

There was thunderous applause from the audience, as they knew how much an improvement his speech was compared to last year’s. 

The host smiled and teased, “Suisui, are you feeling the most grateful to Mr. Fu or the director? Are they watching your awards ceremony today?”

Shen Xingsui hesitated for a moment, but answered anyway. “They should be.”

“Didn’t they come here in person?” The host raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully, “I thought they would come over to congratulate you in person, especially for an award this caliber.”

It felt like a prick directly into his heart. “Mr. Fu… uhm… he’s been busy recently. Although it would be amazing for him to come in person, I understand his obligations nonetheless.”

Somehow, the host still had a mysterious smile plastered on his face. “Ah, you two have such a good relationship. I think he will be very happy for your achievement, so let’s present this award to you now.”

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Shen Xingsui nodded.

He stood upright on the stage, waiting for the award presenter to come. Suddenly, the headlights were turned off, making the spotlight the only light source. 

The audience went into an uproar, as if they were shocked by something.

Shen Xingsui didn’t know what was going on. He turned his body, and met with a familiar figure standing under the harsh spotlight. 

Fu Jinxiao was holding a crystal-clear trophy in his hand. He was wearing a bespoke wine red suit, and such a gorgeous color made him look noble and extra handsome today. There was a faint smile, highlighting his mature man’s charm. As he walked slowly towards Shen Xingsui, his echoing footsteps only made Shen Xingsui’s heart beat louder.

“Mr. Shen,” Fu Jinxiao’s voice was slow, as he purposefully drawl out his syllables. The trophy on his hand was put on Shen Xingsui’s. The faint smile on his face grew wider. “Congratulations on winning the award.”

The cold trophy somehow radiated the older man’s body temperature, burning Shen Xingsui’s palm. 

The youth was so excited he trembled. He looked up at his lover, voice stuttering and shaky, “Yo-you, are not… on th-the plane?”

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He answered in a low voice, “I arrived in the afternoon. Because I received an invitation from the committee to present you an award, I moved my schedule ahead. Of course that’s just one reason. My main reason is to see you sooner.”

Their chatting volume wasn’t low enough to not be picked up by the microphone, so it was heard by everyone, making his excitement hit the roof.

–But, most people here were happy for them. After all, this was Fu Jinxiao, who hadn’t appeared on the entertainment circle for two years already. After his retirement, his first time returning to the big screen was to present an award for his lover.

And this award was the Best Actor award. It felt only right to be awarded by the legendary three-times Best Actor winner.  

Shen Xingsui looked at him with reverence, longing, and uncontainable joy at the same time. Holding the trophy in his hand, he felt like it trembled his heart. It hadn’t been that long since he saw Fu Jinxiao, but it felt like ages to him. Emotions piling up, he wanted to say something, but his lips could only move uselessly as he couldn’t find the words that he felt could convey what he wanted.

His nose felt sore, and his eyes felt like tears were about to well up. He had to secretly hide from the camera and wiped the corner of his eyes.

“You…” Shen Xingsui was finally able to say something in a whisper, “The media will surely laugh at me tomorrow. Last year, I forgot my speech, and this year, I’m crying like this.”

Although it was very quiet, the audiences were actually gossiping amongst themselves. The moment they heard this remark from Shen Xingsui, they felt that the youth became extra cute. Such a pure Best Actor was hard to come by, after all.

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Fu Jinxiao felt a little helpless. As he looked at his lover, he felt like it overflowed in his heart. He bent closer, and said to Shen Xingsui, “Suisui, look up.”

Shen Xingsui raised his head to meet Fu Jinxiao’s.

What greeted him was a tender and lingering kiss. Standing under the spotlight with a trophy, he was dominated by his powerful lover in front of everyone. As for Fu Jinxiao, he missed Shen Xingsui too much to care about public propriety – in fact, he wanted to declare his claim on Shen Xingsui in front of everyone.

–He wanted to show off.

The audience exploded in cheers, applause, and even occasional wolf-whistles.

Shen Xingsui’s face flushed crimson, but he still smiled at Fu Jinxiao. The older man’s whisper was low, but everyone could pick up the hint of his bad taste from it:

“This way, the media won’t just report on your crying.”



‘Should I thank you for that???’

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