We’re on chapter 100!

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There was a moment of silence. 

Both of them looked at Shen Xingsui, giving him an invisible pressure. Shen Xingsui looked at Zhang Sansan, feeling ashamed and indignant. But the Director was indeed genuinely curious about it, and it was not good to refute his kindness.

Shen Xingsui coughed lightly, and simply replied, “I did.”

Zhang Sansan looked over curiously upon hearing this.

Fu Jinxiao also looked at him. In fact, Movie Emperor Fu has never been interested in spying on other people’s past and gossiping on the set. But he was particularly interested in his lover.

Shen Xingsui coughed lightly under the intense scrutiny of these two people, and replied, “But that’s all in the past.” 

“It’s like… I liked him1the masculine and feminine pronoun is homophonic, so SXS is saying “he”, but to the listener it could be construed as “she” before secretly. I do understand those feelings,” Shen Xingsui held the script and lowered his head a little, “But it’s  gone now.” 

Zhang Sansan nodded in understanding, but he didn’t pay attention to the curvature of Actor Fu’s mouth. As for the said actor, his mirth gradually disappeared, and the playful light in his eyes also dimmed. 

Zhang Sansan said, “That’s okay, Suisui. Just recall that feeling, let’s shoot again later.”

Shen Xingsui nodded.

The director left the area, leaving only the two people sitting face to face.

Fu Jinxiao withdrew his eyes. He sat on the chair and continued to read the script. The man’s handsome side face looked a little sharp under the harsh light. He didn’t say a word, but he gave off a serious aura.

Shen Xingsui coughed lightly, “Teacher Fu, for lunch, what do you want to eat?”

Fu Jinxiao: “Not hungry.”

“Why?” Shen Xingsui looked at him curiously and said, “I heard from Feifei that you didn’t eat anything this morning.”

Fu Jinxiao paused as he turned the page, glanced at Shen Xingsui, and sneered, “I’m full.” 


Again, it was silent and slightly awkward. 

Then, Shen Xingsui came to his senses. Looking at the serious, mature actor on his face, he finally couldn’t help but let out a muffled laugh, and said, “About those feelings I mentioned just now… I actually don’t quite recall it.” 

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Fu Jinxiao looked up at him.

Shen Xingsui sat beside him, and the young man looked at him seriously. With a slight smile, he looked particularly sweet. “Because the love in my heart is more important than that secret crush I harbored. Especially because I recently found out it’s a requited love.” 

Fu Jinxiao’s eyes were still dark and gloomy.

Then, Shen Xingsui stood up in front of the actor. He was a little shy, but he still leaned in to Fu Jinxiao. The young man leaned down and kissed the man’s handsome face, whispering, “I love you.” 

He was about to commit a kiss-and-run, but he was pulled back at the last second. 

Fu Jinxiao’s strength was much stronger than his, but he wouldn’t hurt him. The man easily pulled him back into his arms, and deepened the kiss. Their breaths intertwined, making the deep voice that echoed in Shen Xingsui’s ears particularly dizzying. “When did you know me before?” 

Shen Xingsui thought for a while before replying, “Probably during high school.” 

“I remember that Jian Zhi also debuted at that time.”

“Well… There are many reasons,” Shen Xingsui replied softly, and felt that he couldn’t excuse his idiotic behavior at that time, so he just honestly confessed, “At that time, I felt very confused. Jian Zhi once attended an event, and the venue next to that event is your concert hall. I sneaked a look, and then I saw you…”

He was also a little embarrassed as he spoke.

Fu Jinxiao whispered, “You saw me, and fell in love with me? At first sight?”

Shen Xingsui blushed, and he didn’t expect how Fu Jinxiao could speak so bluntly. Although it was true, being spoken out loud like this was quite embarrassing. 

“I thought you were very confident and radiant when you sang,” Shen Xingsui said softly, “Because at that time I didn’t have much confidence in my own music, I thought I was really, really bad. But when I saw you, I found that you were different. When you stood on the stage, you were so sure of yourself, as if it’s only your rights that all the spotlights and attention should be focused on you. Your grasp of music, and your attitude towards life, are all so different from mine. But I like to see you, although… I dare not approach you…”

Fu Jinxiao was silent for a while.

Perhaps Shen Xingsui’s words were a little messy, and even deliberately unclear to those who didn’t understand him well. But Fu Jinxiao understood all of the untold suffering and unmet expectations.

Fu Jinxiao sighed and whispered, “I regret it.”

Shen Xingsui looked at him in visible confusion.

“If I had known earlier, I would have asked Meican to arrange more fan meetings for me,” Shen Xingsui saw the smile in Fu Jinxiao’s eyes when he looked at him, “It’s a mistake.” 

Shen Xingsui understood the implication, which reddened his earlobes. He whispered in reply, “It doesn’t matter if you do less fan meetings.”

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Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, “Why?”

“Because…” Shen Xingsui mumbled, lowered his head, and tried to make his voice clearer,  “I have almost never missed every meeting of yours. But because of the ticket price or various reasons, sometimes I can only watch from a distance, and there are not many opportunities to shake your hands and meet you.” 

Fu Jinxiao’s eyes dimmed slightly, and after a moment of silence, he lightly touched Shen Xingsui’s cheek. He leaned for a peck. “I will hold a meeting in the future, and I will leave a VIP seat for you.”

Shen Xingsui asked in curiosity for such a strange proposal, “Where is the VIP seat?”

Fu Jinxiao’s smile deepened, and his head was buried in the crook of the youth’s shoulder. With a gentle demeanor but ambiguous distance, he replied, “On my bed.” 


Seven months later, the filming for “Lonely City” was about to wrap up. Today’s shot was Xu Yan’s last one. It depicts Xu Yan after the death of Fang Zhiwen.

The general has never been afraid when facing tens of thousands of enemy troops. He has been in the barracks for many years, and his riding skills were so good that even the bravest soldiers in the army failed to catch him. 

However, he was still human.

He was shot down when he was riding a horse. When he got off, one of his subordinates told him the news of Fang Zhiwen’s death.

Like a puppet with its strings’ cut, he fell down limply, as if his armor was weighing him down. 

His subordinates gathered around him in panic. “General–!” 

Xu Yan stretched out his hand and stopped the crowd from approaching. He wanted to use his hand to support his weight, but his hands and feet seemed to lose strength. The news of Fang Zhiwen’s death shocked him to the core. His eyes seemed to be seeing double, and his heart was like stuffed by lead. He vomited blood. 

The Director’s voice came, shouting, “Okay, cut!” 

The surrounding equipment and personnel stopped suddenly, and all the staff began to applaud:

“Congratulations to Mr. Fu for finishing the filming.”

“Mr. Fu has worked hard.”

“Thank you, Mr. Fu.”

After this scene was completed, the role of Xu Yan in “Lonely City” was completely over. When the curtain came to an end, Shen Xingsui and Feifei walked over together, both a little worried.

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After returning to the lounge, Fu Jinxiao leaned on the sofa to rest.

After the clothes were changed, Shen Xingsui sat beside him, covering his legs with ointment and a hot towel. During his early years as an actor, Fu Jinxiao’s legs were repeatedly injured during various filmings. There was no stuntman for the scene of the fall from the horseback, and Shen Xingsui was afraid that it would aggravate Fu Jinxiao’s old injuries. 

Shen Xingsui’s movements were very light, and he couldn’t hide his distress when he spoke, “There are too many wire and action scenes in this movie, and you have a lot of new injuries on your legs. You should go to the hospital for a thorough check-up as soon as possible, then rest for a month to recover.”

Fu Jinxiao leaned on the sofa, his handsome face looked a little tired, and the pain from the old injury did make him wince a couple times. But when facing his younger lover, he still had a smile on his face, “Don’t worry, I know my body well.” 

Shen Xingsui glared at him. “What do you know, this is not a minor injury! It is related to your body, how can you not care about it?”

He looked like an angry kitten. It’s both adorable and heartwarming. 

Since a long time ago, after Fu Jinxiao became famous, no one dared to talk to him like this because of his status. But somehow, he couldn’t get angry at all with Shen Xingsui like this.

Fu Jinxiao had a doting smile on his face, “Yes, yes, I will listen to Teacher Shen.”

Shen Xingsui pursed his lips, lowered his head and used a towel to reduce the swelling, and said softly, “If you don’t take it seriously, you will reap the consequences later.”  

Fu Jinxiao knew that he was uncomfortable. But still, he maintained his smile, “What’s the matter with this kind of small injury? If you were on the scene when I broke your leg and bled profusely, you would have passed out.”

Shen Xingsui imagined such a scene, which made his heart ache even more. He poked Fu Jinxiao’s bruise on the other side angrily, “I know about that. I read the news, you know! Why couldn’t you ask for a stuntman at that time, do you know how dangerous it is? What if something really happens to you? If you break your leg, who knows if it will have a lasting impact? What if your legs become disabled? What should I do then?” 

Fu Jinxiao gasped when Shen Xingsui poked his bruise. “Be gentle, did you want to murder your husband?”

Shen Xingsui glared at him with red eyes.

Fu Jinxiao looked at how he was taking care of himself. It was very lively outside after the work had finished, but inside this lounge was very quiet. Shen Xingsui held a hot towel to compress his legs, and smeared ointment to reduce swelling. Everything was so natural, and time felt like molasses, capturing this scene. 

He used to have no yearning for love or being with another person. But now, because of Shen Xingsui, his heart felt extraordinarily peaceful. Full of yearning for the future they would face together, hand-in-hand. 

“Knock knock knock.” 

There was a knock on the door outside.

Zhang Sansan came in, and seeing Shen Xingsui was tending Fu Jinxiao’s bruises, he felt the deep friendship between the master and apprentice.

Shen Xingsui called out respectfully, “Director.”

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“Suisui,” Zhang Sansan smiled and said, “Did I bother you?”

Shen Xingsui shook his head. “No, you don’t. Director, is there anything you want? It’s okay, please sit down.”

Zhang Sansan just sat down, holding the documents, and said softly, “I’m here to discuss something with you two.”

Fu Jinxiao curled his lips in a polite smile, “Please tell us.”

“Uhm… it’s like this. For the marketing, you two might need to… hype your CP,” Zhang Sansan pushed his glasses, hesitantly said, “Look, is this okay with you two?” 

This was quite a normal thing to do for marketing, but it still had to be done under the consent of both artists and their team.

Especially since the person involved was Fu Jinxiao, a superstar-level actor. No one dares to use him to hype a CP unless he himself allowed it. Rubbing his traffic without his permission was almost tantamount to killing one’s career. 

Fu Jinxiao smiled and said, “It’s convenient, we will cooperate.”

Zhang Sansan breathed a sigh of relief, “Since everyone was willing, then the biggest problem had been solved. Afterwards, it wouldn’t be a problem if you want to “unbind” from each other. Don’t worry, the team we hired is very measured, and it will not affect the future development of the two of you, and it will not cause you any trouble… “

He was still talking, but Shen Xingsui and Fu Jinxiao looked at each other and smiled.

Finally, it was Shen Xingsui who said softly, “Director, you don’t have to worry about these, we are very willing to cooperate, and we won’t have any psychological burden.” 

Zhang Sansan was taken aback. “Huh?” 

Fu Jinxiao and Shen Xingsui looked at him, and the atmosphere became very… ambiguously romantic. 

Zhang Sansan, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles. He looked at the two people in front of him, and the bits and pieces of how they got along with each other in the past came to mind. A somewhat unbelievable guess slowly emerged in his mind.

Just when Shen Xingsui and Fu Jinxiao thought he was going to tell the truth—

Zhang Sansan lowered his head and wiped his tears, “I really didn’t expect you two to be so kind to me! After this cooperation, I will repay you! I swear!!” 


The room fell into silence.

1the masculine and feminine pronoun is homophonic, so SXS is saying “he”, but to the listener it could be construed as “she”

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