Everyone’s attention was attracted by Fu Jinxiao’s sudden question.

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Answer within three seconds.

Shen Xingsui’s face turned red in record speed. He smiled shyly, a little embarrassed at first, but the timer was still running, as if silently urging him. At the last second, he finally smiled softly and hesitantly answered, “Me?” 

The timer ended.

The staff announced, “The final score of the two of you is 12 correct answers. This is the best score so far!”

Fu Jinxiao stood up and walked down slowly. Shen Xingsui helped him up,  and smiled, “Good job, all the answers are correct.”

Shen Xingsui felt a little embarrassed when he thought of the last question. He seemed to be able to imagine the others’ reaction, so he poked Fu Jinxiao’s arm a little reproachfully. “Everyone is watching now. Why do you ask such a question!” 

“Why can’t I ask that?” Fu Jinxiao raised an eyebrow, “There is nothing shameful.”

Shen Xingsui choked up.

But at the same time, he felt that it was very sweet. 

Their relationship was open and aboveboard, and they didn’t need to be sneaky anymore, which felt freeing. 

The next few other groups also completed the challenge. Among them, Fu Jinxiao and Shen Xingsui got the highest scores, so they also received rewards and privileges. 

The director said, “Since we have arrived on this small island, we need to do better. To experience the ethnic customs of this small island, we will give you the corresponding start-up capital according to the points you get in this game.”

Shen Xingchen spluttered, “Do you want us to do business?”

The director nodded and said, “Yes, this time is different from looking for a job in the past, because the small fishing village we are situated in used to be a relatively dilapidated and underdeveloped place, and the local villagers worked hard to get rich. They also started developing this place by doing business, so we came here this time to experience the villagers’ hard work and simplicity. We need to match their pace in pursuing a better life.” The guests were actually more focused.

“How will the money be allocated?”

“Our team has answered five questions correctly.”

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“Director, don’t be too stingy.”

The director smiled and said, “One question is 50 yuan, and everyone can calculate it by themselves.” 

–The lowest scorer, Tuya and Teacher Li got 5 points, so they got 250 yuan, in contrast, Fu Jinxiao and Shen Xingsui got 650 yuan. 

Tuya laughed and said, “Director, please give us an extra 50 yuan~ We are friends, right? We need extra money if we want to change our predetermined fate by labor.” 

Basically, Tuya called the program crew stingy.

It was really too late when they arrived at the fishing village. Everyone went to eat together when they got there. Because Shen Xingsui and Fu Jinxiao won first place, they had the right to choose a luxurious seafood meal.

However, the two of them have always been relatively generous. Originally, a large table of food they received was only for the two of them, but they generously shared them with all guests. As expected of a fishing village near the sea, the seafood feast prepared by the villagers was the star of the show, especially the hairy crabs, they were all big and plump, while the lobsters looked tender and delicious.

Shen Xingchen dipped the oysters and ate them. “I love oysters so much, I’ll go to the seafood market to sell oysters tomorrow.”

Shen Xingsui smiled, and brought him a few more. “Eat more.”

As for Fu Jinxiao, he was peeling shrimps and crabs for Shen Xingsui. In the past, Actor Fu was a young master who never did this kind of thing before – serving others. But now, his pair of clean hands were stained with grease, but he didn’t care at all, he just said to Shen Xingsui, “Eat more.” 

Shen Xingsui quickly said, “Don’t worry about it, I will do it myself.”

Fu Jinxiao buried his head as he continued to handle the seafood. He looked leisurely, which elevated his work into something elegant and noble-looking somehow. “Your hands are a pianist’s hand. No need to touch these hard and pointy shells, you might get hurt.” 

Shen Xingsui was stunned for a moment. First he was a little moved by Fu Jinxiao’s meticulousness, and then he realized something. He knew why Fu Jinxiao didn’t care anymore, because he would quit the entertainment circle in the near future, so he didn’t need to play the piano for the audience again. Maybe this was nothing to Fu Jinxiao, but it was very distressing to Shen Xingsui.

So Shen Xingsui still said, “Your hand is also a pianist’s hand, and you play it much better than me.”

Fu Jinxiao put the peeled shrimp meat on the plate in front of him, and smiled when he heard this, “Then what if my music doesn’t sound good in the future, will Teacher Shen dislike me?”

Shen Xingsui shook his head firmly. “No.” 

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“That’s fine,” Fu Jinxiao picked up a crab slowly, his lips slowly curved into a smile, “After that, I am asking for Teacher Shen to accommodate me by being my sole audience?” 

“Be my sole audience.”

Shen Xingsui’s eyelashes trembled slightly. The words fell to the tip of his heart like a drop of water falling into a calm lake, causing rippling waves. He used to be the most inconspicuous among Fu Jinxiao’s thousands of fans, but now, he had become his sole audience. All of his beautiful tunes were for his ears only. 

Shen Xingsui’s heart was burning hot, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he said softly, “It’s an honor.” 

The relationship between the two was warm and peaceful, but the audience in the live broadcast room were not calm – they were very excited instead.


[Teacher-student CP is true!]


[Wake up, how many men like Fu Jinxiao are there in the world?]

After spending the night at the fishing village, they started bright and early for their first business day. Because yesterday’s start-up capital was earned by groups, the business venture would also be done by the same groups. 

The director called everyone together and said, “Everyone has to work hard. The group with the best business at the end of today will also get a big prize. Our program is very popular, so we have a lot of sponsors and donors. Because this episode is our final one, our sponsors have prepared a very generous prize for the guests!”

Shen Xingsui asked, “How big is this award?”

The director smiled mysteriously and said, “Very, very big, as big as you can expect.”

Such a mysterious bait has caught everyone’s appetite. Naturally, everyone was more enthusiastic about doing business and making money. In fact, it was interesting, considering the guests list consisted of many people who came from a business background. 

People who have earned tens of millions of yuan would feel embarrassed when they have hundreds of yuan in their hands.

Tuya said, “Let’s go to the fish market over there first. Let’s go around and see if we can resell it.” 

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“I thought so too,” Shen Xingchen’s clever side came upfront, “There are several seafood markets here. There must be more or less first-line business opportunities, let’s go to the market to buy cheap ones, and then sell them to restaurants here.” 

–Though, it’s clear that without the experience of social beatings, his cleverness wasn’t sharpened enough for the real world. 

Shen Xingsui followed Fu Jinxiao and asked, “Where are we going? Do we also go to the seafood market? This is a fishing village. It seems that it would be better to go there.”

Fu Jinxiao stood beside him, and the man kept glancing at the map on his phone. He pondered for a moment and said, “Go to the pier.”     

Shen Xingsui wondered why, but he trusted Fu Jinxiao enough to know that the older man definitely had plans. However, it would be very expensive to take a taxi from here to the pier. Fortunately, they met a kind person who was willing to take them there with only 10% of the original taxi fare.

When they arrived at the pier, Shen Xingsui could smell the salty sea breeze. The sea stretched as far as the eye could see. There were many ships and ferries floating on the sea, chained on the fences on the coastal shore. There were also many fishing boats unloading goods here. But Fu Jinxiao’s purpose was very clear, he didn’t even spare a glance at others. 

Shen Xingsui was wondering when he saw Fu Jinxiao stopped in front of a boat.

“Hello, for fishing in the sea, how much is the net cost?” Fu Jinxiao first asked in Mandarin, but the fisherman spoke the local dialect, and Shen Xingsui only understood the number 200.

Fu Jinxiao saw that the other party’s Mandarin was not very good, so he simply spoke in their dialect. Fluently.

Seeing that he could speak the local dialect, the fisherman immediately smiled and invited them to go out to sea together. The skin of the people who have been at the seaside all year round was dark because of the wind and sun, but when they smiled, it was warmer than most of the people Shen Xingsui have met. 

After negotiating with the other party, Fu Jinxiao said to Shen Xingsui, “Get ready, let’s get on the boat and go to sea.”

Shen Xingsui responded with a nod. The crew also got them life jackets to ensure their safety before they boarded. The inside of this boat was very clean, and the boatman was also very excited to see a famous celebrity for the first time.

When Shen Xingsui got on the boat, he asked in a soft voice, “You are not from this place, why do you know the dialect?

“I learned it for a movie. The movie didn’t air, but the skill is useful at the least.” 

Shen Xingsui thought, ‘I don’t know what surprises you have hidden.’

During the boat ride, the boatman chatted with Fu Jinxiao from time to time. 

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“How old are you?”

“I seem to have watched your TV series”

“Are you guys bringing the cameraman here to shoot some kind of movie?”

Fu Jinxiao politely answered all of them, but Shen Xingsui didn’t understand anything. So he quietly asked Fu Jinxiao during the interval, “What is he talking about?”

Fu Jinxiao looked at Shen Xingsui. The youth looked obedient today, especially because he had watery eyes. This kind of look really aggravated his rascal side, and he really wanted to bully Shen Xingsui. 

Smelling the opportunity to tease the youth, Fu Jinxiao’s mouth curled into a wicked smile. “He said, we are a good match.”

Shen Xingsui was taken aback for a moment. Then, his earlobe reddened while he stammered, “R-really?” 

Fu Jinxiao’s smile deepened. “Of course.”

Shen Xingsui was deceived. When they arrived at their destination, he glanced at the boatman. After making eye contact with him, he was a little shy but still happily said softly, “Thank you.”

The boatman: ??

The audience in the live broadcast laughed like crazy:

[Mr. Fu, you are too bad.]

[I won’t believe in your bullshit!]

[I am also from this village, why didn’t I hear this sentence?]

[Suisui, beat him up! Quick!!]

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