“That’s right, of course I need you to say I’m good.”

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“Teacher, I will answer this question.”

“I’m treating you!”

On this day, Fu Jinxiao saw many different sides of Shen Xingsui. At night after school, when Shen Xingsui passed through a small park, he met a familiar teenage1specifically a boy around the age of 12-18; he should be around 13-15 years old. boy on a familiar bench – this was the bench that Fu Jinxiao frequently visited during his youth. The loose smile on his face gradually froze. 

Shen Xingsui approached the bench, looked at the teenaged boy and said, “What’s the matter with you?”

The sitting teenager had a gloomy expression on his face. He glared fiercely at the approaching kid. He was fierce, like a wounded wolf cub; he looked like he was about to bite whoever he caught.

Sure enough, Shen Xingsui got frightened. “What are you doing?”

“Go away,” The teenager said coldly, “Don’t bother me.”

Shen Xingsui pointed to the sky and said, “You think I want to come here? It’s raining, and you’re still sitting here. You’ll catch a cold, you know?”

In his childhood, Shen Xingsui was like a little sun. As the leader of his band of little bear children, he was used to disciplining his younger brothers. So, he loved to meddle in other people’s business.

The teenager’s face was still gloomy. He grumbled, “Don’t worry about it.”

Shen Xingsui’s rebellious psychology made him even more nosy. “Why are you like this? If you are waiting for someone, go to the pavilion next to you and wait. Otherwise, you will catch a cold and be scolded by your mother. I am helping you.”

Sporadic rain poured down, bringing the cold air alongside it. 

The teenager was silent for a long time. Then, after a slight exhale, he said, “I won’t be scolded by her.”

Shen Xingsui looked at him suspiciously.

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“I don’t have a mother,” He sneered, like his wound was poked, “Soon, my father will marry another woman.”

Shen Xingsui was stunned. He looked at the teenager with round, wide eyes – precisely the look that the teenager hated. He glared at the little kid, scathing words flying about, “What the hell are you looking at? Are you dumb or don’t understand human language?” 

Shen Xingsui said softly, a tinge of apprehensiveness coloring his voice. “Why are you so fierce… do you hate this woman?”

The teenager scoffed. “I don’t hate only her, I hate my father even more. How could he be with another woman so quickly? I also hate that woman, she obviously doesn’t know me, but keeps saying she likes me. Hypocrates should just go die.” 

Shen Xingsui muttered, “It turns out that they are both evil…”

“I want to leave that house,” The teenager continued, the look in his eyes only grew darker, “I won’t accept them.”

After his harsh words were finished, Shen Xingsui heard a slight grunt. The young boy next to him was hungry, and his handsome and calm face seemed to be a little red from shame.

Shen Xingsui looked at him, smiled and stated, “You’re hungry.”

The teenaged boy snorted coldly and wanted to leave.

Shen Xingsui took his hand and said, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to eat delicious food.”

The teenaged boy didn’t go, but Shen Xingsui was as fiery as an open campfire. Children are always the purest in their minds, and they all have an inexplicable heroic mentality. Saving and helping others will make their blood boil. “Come on, come on, I’ll even treat you! I know a delicious restaurant, and you can rest assured that I have money!” 

The older boy let himself get dragged into a malatang2a type of hotpot. restaurant. 

Unlike the teenager young master, it wasn’ Shen Xingsui’s first time entering this kind of place. He was familiar with the process of ordering, and could do it confidently – after all, he’s used to treating his friends. After ordering, he smiled and asked the boss to put more coriander.

The teenager said, “I don’t eat coriander.”

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But the two servings of malatang have already been served, Shen Xingsui sighed and took the coriander in his bowl to himself. “I’ll eat your portions, then.” 

The teenager looked at him in shock as he put his chopsticks into his own bowl. “You…”

Shen Xingsui was puzzled. “What’s wrong?”

The teenager choked down his complaints down his throat. As a rich boy, he never ate this kind of cheap junk food. However, hunger was a powerful force, so even he was swayed by the powerful smell of the food. 

Seeing that he didn’t eat, Shen Xingsui quickly said, “Don’t be shy, I’ll really treat you. If you don’t eat, especially because you ran away from home, it’s going to be very embarrassing if you starve to death!” 


The teenage boy hesitated for a moment, and began to eat. It was really delicious. It was raining heavily outside, while the malatang was warm and fragrant.

When picking up the meatballs, he always couldn’t pick them up. Shen Xingsui smiled and said, “Stab it with chopsticks. Here, I do it like… this.” 

Because he was too eager to express, he stabbed it crookedly. The meatball smashed back into the bowl, sparking a little splash and burning his hands. Shen Xingsui let out a groan, with a funny expression on his face.

The teenager finally let out a muffled chuckle, his thin lips parted slightly. “Idiot.” 

Shen Xingsui blew his hands, looked at him blankly, and said after a long while, “You finally laughed.”

Even the teenager was taken aback by surprise. 

Shen Xingsui showed a bigger smile. “You look so handsome when you smile, you are the best-looking person I have ever seen.”

The teenager never got such sincere praise, making his earlobes flushed red. But he still had a serious face, and glared at Shen Xingsui. He ignored him, and was about to leave after eating.

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Unexpectedly, Shen Xingsui continued to say, “You should smile more in the future.”

He still tried to ignore this little kid. 

“Don’t run away from home. Although I don’t know what happened to your father, I know that your mother definitely doesn’t want you to have a bad life. She doesn’t want you to starve.” Shen Xingsui bit the meat skewer in his mouth, then continued, “Since your father is a villain, then just ignore him. When you grow up, you can live your own life.”

The teenage boy’s face gradually calmed down. Amidst the noisy raindrops, his voice rang clear, “But I don’t know what to do in the future.”

Shen Xingsui seemed unfazed. He casually said, in full confidence, “If you don’t have a dream yet, then you can try to have the coolest job ever.” 


“My dream is to be a singer, to be a star,” Shen Xingsui looked at the teenager with a thousand-watt smile. “You are so good-looking. If you are an actor, many people will like you! Oh, also, if you are an actor, everyone will know you and like you!” 

But this only netted him another sneer from the teenager. “I don’t want to be liked by so many people.”

Instead of being discouraged, Shen Xingsui only replied, “I will like you too.”


This meal was the cheapest and most sloppy meal the teenaged boy had ever had. He was also annoyed by the babbling kid and his endless chatter. He kept giving out every bit of nugget wisdom he had – be it about school, about friends, or about being obedient and coming back home. 

In fact, he didn’t run away from home at all, he just came out because he was upset.

After eating, Shen Xingsui invited the teenage boy to come out to play together next time. But while talking, a car came outside, and a few bodyguards got out of the car. At the door of the store, the bodyguards came in and said respectfully, “Young Master, Sir has asked you to go home.” 

The little boy nodded faintly, turned around, and looked at Shen Xingsui who had paid and came out.

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As soon as Shen Xingsui saw this entourage, he commented, “What’s the matter, are these people here to arrest you?”

The teenage boy shook his head, “No, they came to pick me up.”

“Oh okay, then I’m going home too,” Shen Xingsui’s own driver is not far away, and he’s about to go home. After all, he would get scolded if he came back too late.  “Then I don’t worry, my dad just called me. I have to leave quickly, you should go back quickly too!”

Seeing that he was about to leave, the teenager couldn’t help shouting, “Hey… you!”

Shen Xingsui waved his hand: “I told you, no need to pay!” 

“……May I have your name?”

A soft question came out of his mouth, but the kid had already run too far. 

The young Fu Jinxiao stood silently. Next to him was his older self, much taller than him. They made a sharp contrast – a thin and gloomy child; a tall and calm adult man. However, their faces were carved from the same mold. 

Fu Jinxiao looked down at him, curled his lips, and said, “His name is Shen Xingsui.”

–He will be your lover, your wife, your life-long companion… the most important person in your future life.

And that’s the last main extra! It’s sweet that we have a glimpse of these two sweethearts’ life to this extent :’) Extra 5 is an AU, while Extra 6 is a story about the past.

1specifically a boy around the age of 12-18; he should be around 13-15 years old.2a type of hotpot.

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