Jian Xingsui was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone in the early morning. He picked it up, and unexpectedly found that the call was from the Zhang couple. With a trace of doubt inside his heart, he accepted the call.

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Immediately, it was Mrs. Zhang’s voice answering, “Hello, Suisui?”

Jian Xingsui was still sleepy, he answered with his scratchy voice, “Yes, it’s me. What’s the matter?”     

Mrs. Zhang’s voice sounded a little strange, “You… haven’t you finished the filming? Why haven’t you come back home yet?”     

Jian Xingsui said honestly, “I’m at a friend’s house. What’s wrong with you? Is there something you need from me…?” 


Mrs. Zhang on the other end seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and almost shed tears because of the sheer sadness in her chest, “Xiangyang, your father… He was out last night, and I didn’t know the specifics of what happened. He was distracted while driving on the way back. Yes, there was a car accident, and He’s still lying in the hospital.”

Jian Xingsui was stunned, instantly waking him up, “A car accident?”

Mrs. Zhang nodded, tears dripping from her eyes, “Suisui, please come back soon, I really…”

Although Jian Xingsui didn’t have any special familial connection with the Zhang couple, he couldn’t bear it when he heard the sadness in his mother’s voice. He thought that Mrs. Zhang must be lonely and hurt, so he agreed obediently, “Okay, I’ll go back right away. You send me the address of the hospital and keep the phone on.” 

Mrs. Zhang quickly said, “Okay, okay, I’ll wait for you.”

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Jian Xingsui got up after hanging up the phone. It was only seven o’clock in the morning. He only slept for three hours and already felt refreshed, while Shen Xingchen next to him slept like a pig.

Jian Xingsui sighed, got up, and slipped back to the guest room. He rummaged through his clothes on his suitcase and changed into them. When he went downstairs, he met Auntie Wu. The elderly woman was still half-asleep when she greeted him, “Mr. Jian? I came out to check because I heard a movement on the second floor. Do you need something?” 

“I’m sorry Auntie Wu, I have something to do at home so I have to go back first.” Jian Xingsui smiled at her, “Please tell Mrs. Shen and the others. Thank them too for their generosity.” 

Auntie Wu nodded. 

Immediately after seeing Jian Xingsui’s tired face, the househelper’s thoughts cleared up. It’s about seven o’clock in the morning, and everyone knew that they only slept around four o’clock. This child was clearly tired and needed rest, and yet he rushed back home. Just what had happened to make him rush like that? Did his so-called family didn’t feel sorry for his exhaustion? 

Jian Xingsui finally arrived at the hospital after an hour’s drive.

Mrs. Zhang was still sitting in the waiting room, crying bitterly when she saw Jian Xingsui coming, “Suisui, your father came out of the operating room. The doctor said his head was hit, and while he had stabilized, the dangerous period still hasn’t passed. I don’t know what will happen now…. What should I do…?” 

Jian Xingsui comforted her, “It’s okay, as long as the operation is successful, he will recover soon.” 

Mrs. Zhang was still wiping her tears, and said, “The operation cost tens of thousands yuan. The doctor also said that after an examination, they found that Xiangyang’s poor health had taken a toll on his kidney. It’s highly likely he will need to undergo a kidney operation… What should I do? That will cost so much money, where can I get them…?”   

Although Jian Xingsui was dissatisfied with this couple, his heart was still soft. Seeing this woman genuinely afraid of her husband’s well-being touched his heart, “It doesn’t matter, money can be earned. If the doctor said he’ll need kidney surgery, we should agree. After all, a human life is more precious than anything else. Do you have any life savings to use?”

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When he said this, Mrs. Zhang was suspiciously silent for a moment.

Jian Xingsui had a bad premonition in his heart: “The family… still have some savings, right?”

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly said, “No, no, of course there are, but it’s not too much. It’s just, the operation fee will cost a lot. The doctor is also still testing your Father’s lung and I’m afraid there’s a chance that he’ll have… to… you know… I’m just worried our savings won’t be enough.” 

Jian Xingsui was puzzled, “I heard from the owner of the barber shop next door that you and Mr. Zhang have saved money over the years. They said that if your emergency savings isn’t used, you’ll use it as a retirement fund. But still, if the money isn’t enough, I will go out and find a job to see if I can get some more.” 

Hearing Jian Xingsui’s steadfast declaration made Mrs. Zhang felt a little guilty.

Of course, she and Zhang Xiangyang have savings over the years. The problem was that when Anran left home, they were all worried that the child would be wronged when he came to the Jian family. So they took most of their savings for Anran before he left. Although there were still more than 200,000 yuan1about 29k USD in her hand, if Zhang Xiangyang really needed an extra operation, wouldn’t their money not be enough? 

“What kind of savings can we have? Isn’t that all the barber shop’s boss nonsense.” Mrs. Zhang muttered, but she was very earnest to Jian Xingsui, “Suisui, we only have you as a child now, and we can only rely on you.”

Jian Xingsui said, “I will try my best to find a job, but I really don’t have any money with me now.”

Mrs. Zhang was not happy, “How could it be? Don’t you have a good relationship with the son of the Shen family? You can ask him to borrow money. Ah, and also, I remember that Actor Fu treats you well, he should be agreeable to lend you some. Those rich and noble families aren’t short of money after all, lending you some wouldn’t hurt them in the slightest. Can you do that for us? Or you actually don’t care what will happen to your Father?” 


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Jian Xingsui’s heart suddenly became complicated and unhappy.

“Father’s affairs are one thing, and my friends and I are another. I just treat them as casual friends, and I don’t think about anything else.” Jian Xingsui said, “Let’s go and see my Father first, and we’ll talk about these things later.”

Mrs. Zhang was a little annoyed, but she didn’t say much after all.

After Jian Xingsui entered the ward, he saw Zhang Xiangyang was surrounded by various life-support machines. He was still in a coma. He didn’t know what happened to make this man, who had always been very cautious and careful, go out of his mind on the way back at night until he had a car accident.

Mrs. Zhang has been here since last night, and she was a haggard. She said, “Suisui, can you help me watch your Father for a little while? I’ll lie down for a nap here…” 

Jian Xingsui was actually very tired too. He had gone through an emotional turmoil since last night, and he hadn’t gotten a proper rest yet. But this time, he could only nod, “Okay.” 

After a while, another doctor came inside.

The doctor came to check Zhang Xiangyang’s condition, and after checking, he said to Jian Xingsui, “Are you the patient’s family?”

Jian Xingsui stood up, “I am.”

“Okay, it’s like this: some of the patient’s procedures have not been completed. It’s better for you to complete it as soon as possible,” The doctor put his hand inside his coat’s pocket, “Regarding the examination of his kidney disease, the kidney scan’s result has come out. If it’s convenient, we can talk about it in detail.”

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Jian Xingsui was a little worried when he saw the doctor: “Is it not very good? The result, I mean?” 

The doctor took him out of the room and said, “The patient smokes all year round, and it clearly takes a toll on his overall physical health. I’m afraid his smoking habit has accelerated the deterioration of his kidney’s cells. You have to be prepared for the worst. Because of this car accident, his injury has aggravated his previous disease also. The treatment is… also affected.”

Jian Xingsui said softly, “Please do your best to treat him, and we will cooperate.”

“Alright then. Please prepare your family as well and plan for the future. We need to stabilize his lungs’ condition too, so it won’t get worse. Be sure to help him stop smoking completely. As for his kidney, seeing the level of necrosis on his cell, it’s best to find an organ transplant soon.” The doctor explained in a sympathetic tone, “You must be mentally prepared for this.”

Jian Xingsui said, “Organ transplant? Looking for a kidney source?”

He didn’t expect Zhang Xiangyang’s condition to be this serious.

In fact, before this, Jian Xingsui felt that Zhang Xiangyang didn’t care about his body. He always seemed to be preoccupied, as if he was under a lot of personal pressure. To relieve that mental pressure, he smoked. He was so addicted to cigarettes that it was frightening, but he never expected that he would come to this point.

The doctor also nodded, and explained to Jian Xingsui: “Well, a perfect match for a kidney transplant is not easy to find. If you are his biological child, there’s a high chance you can be the donor. If you want, you can do a blood test to see the degree of the match. Don’t worry, it’s very similar to paternal testing, it won’t take long until you get the result.”

This was originally one (1) whole chapter with the previous one. The tonal whiplash is something else.

1about 29k USD

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