The drive to the hospital was filled with awkward silence. Nobody dared to move, afraid of destroying the delicate balance.

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Jian Xingsui wasn’t in the mood for a small talk, the Zhang couple both fainted, and the policemen didn’t dare to speak.

Finally, they arrived at the hospital. There, Jian Xingsui and Zhang couples immediately took a sample of their blood and did a paternity test. And as for the fainted husband-wife pair, they both get the medical treatment they need.

The police said to the youth, “As for the result, it will be able to come out in about one week. During this week, we will try our best to find out what happened back then and help you find your parents.” 

Jian Xingsui came out of the blood collection room. Hearing this made him feel a scrap of relief – the constant sense of unease slowly withered away, and now he could breathe freely, no longer burdened. 

“Really?” Jian Xingsui didn’t even dare to be too happy, fearing it would be another of his elaborate delusions, “It’s been so long, is it still possible to find my biological parents?” 

The policeman replied, “Of course it’s possible. It’s a bit difficult, though, and the surveillance video from 20 years ago can’t be found. So we can only retrieve the paperworks from back then. Since they replaced a child who died of a sudden cardiac arrest within a specific date, the scope of the search is quite limited. We will definitely investigate as soon as possible. Please be patient to wait for the results.” 

Jian Xingsui didn’t know why, but when he heard the policeman reassured him, a strange feeling flashed in his heart. It’s as if… he had heard a similar story from somewhere before. But because he couldn’t recall the connection, he could only nod his head and say, “It’s okay, I understand. Thank you very much for helping me.” 

The doctor had informed them that Mrs. Zhang fell into a coma due to sheer psychological shock. Both husband and wife did not wake up, and the doctor advised to let them woke up naturally. Because both of them are suspects, the police have decided to send someone here to watch. And this policeman here was one of them. “You are welcome. You have no obligation to take care of them now. Since you have completed the formalities, you can go back and wait for our notice.”

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Jian Xingsui nodded slightly, “Okay.”

What happened this morning was too magical, and he was a little bit overwhelmed.

He needed a long, long rest. Not only his body was tired, his mind was too.

He would kill for an undisturbed, full-day sleep.

However, after walking out of the hospital, Jian Xingsui fell into confusion again. Since he was no longer a child of the Zhang family, where was he going now, where could he go?

Where was the place he could call a home?

Despite being bathed in the sun, he was cold all over. This feeling reminded him of the time when he was kicked out of Jian’s house half a year ago. At that time, he was also lost. He chose to come to the Zhang’s house, hoping to have a home. He was looking forward to having parents who love him.

But… he never got them. 

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An empty jar longed to be filled. That’s what he was.

He no longer dared to look forward to getting that familial love. He failed to get them two times already, why would he get them this time? 

What if… his biological parents already have another child, already building their perfect family unit? He wouldn’t have a place – why would he, an outsider who suddenly appeared, be accepted? 

What if… his parents, his real biological parents, don’t like him? 

Jian Xingsui had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn’t want to think about it anymore, but the intrusive thoughts kept bothering him.

At this time, his phone rang. He saw a perfect chance to avert his thoughts. He quickly picked up the phone and saw the ID of his agent. He accepted the call and heard Wang-ge’s confused voice, “Suisui, what’s going on with you? “

Jian Xingsui was caught off-guard by this question, “What… what’s going on? What do you mean?”

His agent sighed and said: “The matter in the live broadcast room has exploded, and now the whole network is discussing this matter!”

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“Ah, Really?” Jian Xingsui didn’t care about that live broadcast. He was busy talking with the police and getting that paternity test. He didn’t have time to surf the Internet at all, so he only realized this now, “Well, yeah, something did happen, but I really couldn’t care about it now.”

Unexpectedly, Wang-ge was very happy, “You know, you are really popular on the Internet now! The higher-ups decided in an emergency meeting that they will no longer hide you. Now, many media outlets have contacted us about you. If we take advantage to ride this wave of popularity, we can get you good endorsements. No need to think much about it, come back quickly and I’ll wait for you!” 


Jian Xingsui frowned, “What kind of endorsement, I don’t want to accept it for the time being.”

His agent’s earlier happy mood dissipated, “What are you talking about? You don’t even have any money, why would you let go of such a golden opportunity like this? And the endorsement is for commercials, what else?  I want to ask you to be a guest star in a variety show, and since you are so popular now, I think…”

Jian Xingsui found it funny the more he heard it. When he was scolded by the whole Internet, the company didn’t know where he was. When the reversal happened, the company was eager to jump out and use him to make money. When he was getting successful in “Starlight” survival show, the company agreed on a one million yuan deal without asking him, and even wanted him to retire for the sake of that money. They even got as far as to snow him in. 

Capitalism at its finest, indeed.

“Wang-ge, there is actually something I didn’t tell you before.” Jian Xingsui said with full conviction, “Actually, I want to terminate the contract with the company.”

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“Didn’t you all want to snow me in before? I originally  wanted to fade out of the entertainment industry, so I didn’t have any objections about this decision. But now that is no longer the case, I want to terminate my contract.” Jian Xingsui elaborated, a slight hint of anger tinted his voice.

When he said this, Wang-ge frothed in the mouth. He hurriedly say, “Jian Xingsui, are you crazy? The company hasn’t settled with you for the million-yuan matter. You dare to terminate the contract?? Let me tell you this. Termination is fine, but liquidated damages must be paid in full. Can you afford it?”

Jian Xingsui was immediately caught, he had no money.

Seeing that Jian Xingsui was silent, his agent knew he had found his weakness. With a prideful voice, he said, “As the saying goes, those who know current affairs are brilliant. Suisui, I don’t want to embarrass you, but you have to think clearly. You can’t do whatever you want in this circle. If you want to terminate the contract, if you don’t want to cooperate with the company, you can’t! Be realistic!”

Jian Xingsui’s chest was stuffy, and he felt a bit of bitterness.

His agent continued his lecture with glee, “I think you may have to adjust your mood today, I understand how big of an impact today was, so cool your head first. How about this, I will give you a vacation and rest for today. I will see you at the company tomorrow. Just be obedient and go along with the company’s plans for you. I advise you not to try to fight against the company, if you don’t want to see them in court. Believe me, things will get ugly for you.” 

Jian Xingsui was silent. Scarily so.

Without saying a word, his agent wisely hung up the phone.

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