After a small story climax, it’s time for a winding down section.

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Jian Xingsui has never experienced such great joy and sorrow in his life.

The Shen family and him wasted no time to do another paternity test. Despite knowing it in their heart, a physical proof was still needed in the eyes of the law. When taking the elevator, Xu Enzhen was standing next to Jian Xingsui, refusing to be separated from him again.

Jian Xingsui had just come out of the blood collection room, but he’s going inside again. The policeman who was still inside the hospital was a little surprised when he saw him come back: “You…”

Jian Xingsui bowed, hesitating how to speak.

However, Shen Yong stood up. This man was relatively silent most of the time, but when something happened, he was always the first to stand up. He whispered: “Good afternoon. We want to do a paternity test.” 

The policeman gasped in surprise. 

Not long ago, they were still preparing to investigate the paperworks to help Jian Xingsui find his family members faster. They didn’t expect that Jian Xingsui actually found a family to come for a paternity test with his own strength! And so fast too!

Xu Enzhen also said with some emotion behind her: “Yes, we are going to bring him for a paternity test.”

“…” The police hesitated and said, “Are you sure?”

Shen Yong nodded: “Yes.”

Shen Yong turned his head. His tall body, standing slightly sideways in front of the policeman at this moment, was separating the policeman and Jian Xingsui. He was like a big, reliable mountain. He couldn’t be questioned, only followed. With his deep voice, he spoke sternly, “He is our youngest son.” 

The policeman was also infected by this temperament, and he could only agree. “Okay, let’s do it.” 

The mood this time is completely different from the previous one.

After Jian Xingsui finished, the whole day’s hard work made him dizzy again when he stood up after another blood draw.

The doctor said in a chiding tone, “Young man, you have to pay attention to your body. Look at the color of your blood. It’s obvious you need a proper rest as soon as possible. You might have some form of anemia also, please pay attention to your diet. You are still young, but that’s not a reason to have an unhealthy habit.” 

Jian Xingsui nodded lightly: “I will follow your advice.”

Xu Enzhen behind him also heard it. This was the child she found with great difficulty, she couldn’t bear for him to be wronged even for a little bit. Her voice had a visible distress as she asked, “Doctor, is our child not in good health? What kind of check-up do we need to do?” 

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The doctor smiled and shook his head and said, “Don’t worry too much. He is young and in good health. He doesn’t have any health problems, he just needs rest and a good diet moving forward. Otherwise, he might fall sick.” 

Xu Enzhen nodded quickly, “Okay, I understand.”

Shen Xingchen from behind was annoyed after hearing this: “Did that Zhang Xia abuse you and deny you food?”

Jian Xingsui didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “No, it’s not like that. It’s just… the financial condition is tight, so a sacrifice here and there has to be made.” 

Shen Xingchen kept grilling him because he knew Jian Xingsui was downplaying his suffering, “Then what do you eat? Boxed lunches sold around the hospital?”

In fact, Shen Xingchen wanted to list the nutritional benefits of those boxed lunches sold outside, but who knew that Jian Xingsui would instead say, “No, I cooked some dried noodles at home, or steamed some rice.” 


Shen looked at his thin body, getting even more anxious and angrier, “You’re a dumbass. Why don’t you at least buy proper food for yourself!”

Jian Xingsui smiled wryly.

Behind him was Shen Minglang, who was much smarter than Shen Xingchen. He had always been well-informed, so he could guess the current situation of the Zhang family. Therefore, he could naturally guess why Jian Xingsui had to eat so poorly. 

Xu Enzhen’s heart ached so much, her eyes were red again, she pulled Jian Xingsui and said, “Let’s go home, Mom will cook for you.” 

Seeing her sadness, Jian Xingsui quickly comforted her with a few more words.

When all five of them came back from the hospital, they didn’t expect to see a bunch of crowds gathered around the exit. They were here to see the continuation of that live broadcast shitshow. Alongside them, there were also several police cars parked there. They must be the policemen who was assigned to the Zhang family case. 

The thing was, ever since that live broadcast exploded, it attracted many people’s attention. They wanted to know the actual truth, and finding them through another person was no longer reliable. They had to see it with their own eyes. Mixed among them were the paparazzi, whose keen nose smelt a scent of a big news worthy for a headline. 

Jian Xingsui was not far from the door, and was shocked to see so many people outside the hospital.

Someone saw his figure from a distance and shouted: “It’s Jian Xingsui!”

The crowd responded, and they all wanted to rush over for interviews and to get first-hand accounts.  Thankfully, there was still a distance between him and the crowd before people started piling him up with questions: 

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“You’re not blood-related at all with the Zhang family?” 

“Then who are your biological parents?”

“Are you and Anran at odds?”

“So the bullying scandal was really only Anran’s fabrication?” 

Jian Xingsui was overwhelmed by the sudden crowd.

Someone sneaked in and wanted to get closer, but was stopped by Shen Xingchen. The young master wasn’t afraid to look bad in front of the camera, so he scolded all of them with a loud, booming voice, “Do you have a hundred mouths or what? Why do you talk so much?” 

“…” The crowd didn’t know how to respond. 

Shen Xingchen glared at the rude, insensitive crowd. He was pissed because this was a violation of privacy, “What? Didn’t you all want to know the truth? You already arrived here, why do you stop asking now?” 

Some people came over to ask questions, and Shen Xingchen went all out, “Go ask me if you dare. See if I give you an answer. Tch. Who do you think you are, huh? Asking us about this matter?” 

There were also passersby who were concerned about Jian Xingsui and the progress of this matter. Among them, a girl finally squeezed in. After hearing Shen Xingchen’s words, she was a little displeased, “I’m a fan, I just care about Suisui. Why? Is it wrong for me to worry about him?” 

Shen Xingchen was accused. Mixed that with his natural ill-temper, he exploded. He was about to go back when he heard this, so he stopped moving.

He was the one who protected Jian Xingsui before, so it was a pure reflex for him to do the same again. However, he was facing Jian Xingsui’s fan, so he couldn’t unleash all of his anger on her. His face reddened in bottled anger, but he still tried to be milder. 

Instead, Jian Xingsui decided to handle his fans by himself. With a soft voice, he greeted her, “Hello. You said that you are my fan?” 

The girl nodded.

“Thank you for caring about me. I’m fine now, but what I want to tell you is that it’s wrong to stay here in the hospital.” Jian Xingsui’s voice was clear and clean. Although it’s near winter, he could see the girl was sweating. It’s natural, seeing the sheer volume of people gathered here. He took out a wet tissue from his pocket and handed it to the girl, asking her to wipe the thin sweat off her face. Then he said, “The hospital is a place where patients receive treatment, and absolute silence is required. Staying here will cause trouble to others.”

The girl hesitated and said, “But I…”

Jian Xingsui continued to gently scold her, “If the behavior of my fans ended up disturbing others, it will also reflect badly on my image. Since you are my fan, you definitely don’t want this to happen, right?”

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The girl nodded dumbfoundedly.

Jian Xingsui smiled and said, “Let’s go back, then.”

The originally complicated matter seemed to be dissuaded by a few words, but the girl still didn’t give up. She still was displeased with Shen Xingchen. She glanced at him and muttered, “He’s too fierce, why do you let him speak for you?”

Shen Xingchen was about to speak, when Jian Xingsui said naturally, “Of course he can speak for me.”

The girl looked up in surprise, Jian Xingsui’s eyebrows and eyes were much gentler, but his voice was firm: “Because he is my older brother.”

This was the first time, in front of the public, in front of the camera, that Jian Xingsui called Shen Xingchen with “brother”. Although Shen Xingchen had called Jian Xingsui his “didi”, Jian Xingsui only accepted it with a wry smile without returning the favor. It’s not that he didn’t like it nor accept it, it’s just that he felt that he didn’t deserve it. 

But today, at this very moment, he finally called Shen Xingchen with his proper title. 

Shen Xingchen was stunned. He looked sideways at Jian Xingsui, and saw that his younger brother was quite calm when facing the fans. But after calling him brother, his earlobes turned red from embarrassment.

Shen Xingchen smiled, slinging his arm around Jian Xingsui’s shoulders. He got very boisterous, very excited, like a sugar-high kid in front of his favorite toy, “Did you hear that, did you hear that? This is my didi, can’t tell, can’t you tell? Hahahaha!” 

The fans: “…”

They have never been so speechless in their life.

As the confrontation was taking place, Shen Yong also talked with the police and security personnel on his phone. After a while, someone came over to maintain order. Before, these people were wandering outside the hospital gate, so they didn’t attract attention. But now, they were crowded near the exit, so this would cause public unrest. So it was natural that someone would disperse them. 

As Shen Xingchen walked towards the parking place, he whispered, “I’m the first one he called “ge” !!” 

Shen Minglang and Shen Yong next to him: “…”

Both of them glanced at Shen Xingchen coolly, a dangerous glint appeared on their eyes.

They were jealous!

These two people were not like Xu Enzhen and Shen Xingchen, who can express their emotions so enthusiastically and frankly. Although they also loved Jian Xingsui the same, they didn’t know how to outwardly express it. 

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In the end, Shen Xingchen seized the opportunity, while they lost the race. Jian Xingsui called Shen Xingchen with a familial appellation first. 

Xu Enzhen walked beside them, and also pursed her lips and smiled, “He called me Mom too.”

Shen Minglang and Shen Yong: “…”

It was like being stabbed again.

When they finally reached the parking place, they naturally took the Shen family’s car. It was a modified version of a Rolls Royce, and there was no problem at all for five people to sit inside comfortably.

After Shen Xingchen got into the car, he complained, “We don’t usually use this car.”

Jian Xingsui looked at him in confusion of his implication.

Shen Yong, who was sitting next to his wife, finally found an opportunity to show off, and replied in a deep voice: “We pick this car because it’s the biggest. After all, we are here to pick you up.” 

Shen Minglang pushed his glasses, and then rushed to answer, “This way you won’t get crowded in the car.”

Shen Yong and Shen Minglang were the stern, respected, feared figures in the business world. Other people usually looked them up in awe, while the father-son duo looked like as if mortal matters couldn’t bother them.

But this time, facing their newly found family, they started to fight for his favor like children playing house in kindergarten.

Jian Xingsui didn’t notice the atmosphere. He heard everyone’s answers, and he felt hot and moved in his heart, filled with happiness. They didn’t even see the results of their paternity test, but they treated him this well.

It made him terrified, but happy.

…those crowd of insensitive people is another villain I think. Jesus Christ couldn’t they just left them alone for a moment??

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