Last of today’s uploads! Thank you very very much to Hurricanezike and Minty for the ko-fi donations (´。• ω •。`) the bonus chapter, as usual, will be posted tomorrow!

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Next ko-fi goals for bonus chapter (1/2)

Jian Xingsui took over the phone and saw the real-time voting list on Weibo.

#1: Jian Xingsui

#2: Wen Shengge

#3: … 

After reading it, Jian Xingsui was a little surprised and said, “Is there hope for Shengge?”

Wang Meican pushed her white glasses frame and said, “Of course, but only ranked trainee can become a permanent guest, and as for second ranked and below, they can only be a flying guest1temporary guests for an episode or two.” 

Jian Xingsui was a little disappointed at first, and then he happily asked something, “Then if I lose the voting, I can still be a flying guest in the future?” 

Wang Meican didn’t like the implication, so she disagreed, “Suisui, I hope you can understand that no matter what the reason or the situation is, you must always have the mentality of winning. In this circle, if you don’t advance, you will be a failure. Even friends can end up fighting over the same resources. Time and things will help you recognize who’s your true friend and who’s not. What you need to do is to move forward bravely, otherwise… “

Jian Xingsui looked at her obediently.

Wang Meican showed him the number of votes and their comments, smiled and said: “Are you worthy of your loyal fans who support you?”

Jian Xingsui looked down at the comment area and saw many of his fans:

[Suisui, I miss you so much. Be sure to come back!]

[Can everyone vote for Suisui? Last time, my baby barely missed the cut-off and was very miserable.] 

[I used the mobile numbers of my seven aunts and eight uncles to vote.]

[It’s a pity to lose last time, but I will stand until the very end!] 

[Don’t worry Suisui, we will always be your loyal supporters~]

Flipping through the comments one by one, Jian Xingsui saw the sincere comfort and encouragement from his fans. His nose suddenly became sour, and his heart was burning. He felt like he hadn’t done anything enough to deserve such support. 

Wang Meican said as she stood beside him, “So, do you understand? If you lose the voting, if you don’t work hard, you will disappoint many people.”

Jian Xingsui’s eyes gradually became firmer, and he nodded: “I will work hard!”

Wang Meican revealed a satisfied smile.

But then, Jian Xingsui said in the next second, “I have to find my trumpet2anonymous side account. Main account is called “tuba” btw. It’s hilarious., and then vote for myself.” ()


The agent fell into silence.

Wang Meican felt that this youth was a little too silly, so she had to straighten his thoughts up, “There is not much difference between the one or two votes. If anything, I think you should post on Weibo. For example, you can send a selfie to your fans. It’ll be a treat for them, especially since it’s been a long time since you posted.”

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Jian Xingsui was sitting on the sofa, and when he heard the word “selfie”, he froze.

Wang Meican asked suspiciously, “What’s the matter?”

Jian Xingsui fought through his embarrassment to reply, “I…I’m not very good at taking selfies.”

Wang Meican felt that as an artist, he must have some skills, “”Then why don’t you just take a picture here and let me see.”

Of course, Jian Xingsui would be obedient towards his agent, so in front of Wang Meican, he picked up his phone and took a selfie just like that. Even looking at his gestures was clear that his skills were dubious at best. 

Wang Meican: “…” Well, at least he’s not lying to her.

She sighed and told Jian Xingsui mercilessly, “Let’s put it this way, Suisui, even my ten- years old nephew would take a better picture than you.” 

Jian Xingsui wanted to cry but had no tears.

The two of them were talking, and Fu Jinxiao, happened to be back from the meeting upstairs. He was wearing a more casual black fit today, which was different from what he wore on the show before. The actor usually wore famous brands in private, and today, he was wearing a slim fit black wool sweater paired with a light coffee-colored windbreaker. The combination made him look a little more refined yet easy-going. His hair was not styled, but that didn’t diminish his usual charm. 

Fu Jinxiao came in and said, “The talk is over?”

Wang Meican saw the actor and she explained, “Suisui can’t take selfies. I want him to post it on Weibo, but he’s not very good at it. I’m thinking about finding a photographer.”

Fu Jinxiao glanced at the blushing youth on the sofa, clearly ashamed on some level.

In front of his idol, Jian Xingsui’s shame level skyrocketed. Even down to his collarbones was stained with a flush of red. He subconsciously didn’t want to look directly at Fu Jinxiao. 

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, leaning on the sofa to look at him leisurely: “You want to take a selfie, yeah?”

Jian Xingsui responded softly.

“Come on, I’ll help you take pictures.” Fu Jinxiao reached out and asked him for his mobile phone.

Jian Xingsui was taken aback.

Fu Jinxiao half bent over, smiling: “Don’t believe me?”

Jian Xingsui shook his head quickly: “No, no!”

He just didn’t expect that one day, Fu Jinxiao would actually take pictures of him. After all, no fans think that their idol would do that for them. 

Fu Jinxiao took his phone over, looked at Jian Xingsui again and said, “It’s not okay to just sit here stupidly, you need to pose for a photo.”

Jian Xingsui stretched out his hand stiffly, striking a stiff peace-sign pose.

The corners of Fu Jinxiao’s mouth subconsciously turned up. He found that Jian Xingsui was simply a treasure trove. Every time he met, no matter what he did, he could make Fu Jinxiao feel happy.

Jian Xingsui was also ashamed and annoyed at Fu Jinxiao’s smiling eyes. He put down his hands awkwardly, at a loss of what to do.

Fu Jinxiao knew that he was nervous, so he put down his phone and walked in front of him, and began to straighten his posture personally. The man’s broad palm was warm. He held Jian Xingsui’s arm to lower it down, and took a book from the table next to him. He made Jian Xingsui look like he was reading it. The distance between the two of them was very close, so close that Jian Xingsui could smell the tiny lilt of Fu Jinxiao’s pleasant voice, which made it sound more attractive than ever. 

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His heartbeat subconsciously accelerated, and his whole body was a little stiff. That made Fu Jinxiao easier to approach and fix his pose. His brain seemed to be shut down and he couldn’t operate.

Fu Jinxiao’s voice sounded in his ears again, dangerously close, “Jian Xingsui.”

Jian Xingsui was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, face still flushed, “T-teacher Fu?” 

“I’m not a professional photographer, but I’ve worked with many. Why are you so stiff and uncooperative?” 

Jian Xingsui blushed. He anxiously replied to justify his behavior, “No, I didn’t do it on purpose… I–”

He looked pitiful, actually. Fu Jinxiao knew what happened, he was just teasing him. 

The sunset outside dappled into the room, and a layer of golden glow was casted on the shoulders of the youth sitting on the chair. His face was slightly red, and he was holding a book with a few pages open in his hand. He looked inviting, like your nostalgic first love who was burned as one of your fondest memories.  

Fu Jinxiao said, “Smile.”

Jian Xingsui looked at him with a shy smile.

The “click” of the mobile phone shutter sounded in the hall of Fenghua Entertainment’s office. It was also the first commemorative photo taken by Jian Xingsui as a Fenghua artist. 

After the photo was taken, Fu Jinxiao glanced at the youth inside the picture. He was shy and timid; the epitome of an innocent youth with pure, clean feelings. 

He looked too good to be shared with the whole world.

Wang Meican came over and said, “How is it? Let me see?”

Fu Jinxiao pondered for a moment and said, “Probably not good?”

Wang Meican was taken aback.

Fu Jinxiao turned off the phone screen and didn’t show it to her, “Go and find a professional photographer for him. Remember to find a good one, the one I usually use.”

Jian Xingsui couldn’t clearly hear what they were talking about. 

He came over, and asked, “What’s the matter?” 

“Nothing, don’t worry. I will find a new photographer for you.”

Jian Xingsui said “ah” and looked at Wang Meican.

Fu Jinxiao nodded: “Well, but I think it’s not too bad. After all, it’s my first photography work. Can you send it to me via WeChat later? I’ll keep it as a collection.” 

Jian Xingsui did not doubt Fu Jinxiao’s words and did it without question. After all, there’s no reason for him to hoard his photos – maybe the actor really didn’t have photography talents and just didn’t want others to see. 

However, Wang Meican, being his exclusive agent for many years, had a suspicion. 

Jian Xingsui said politely, “Okay, sorry for the trouble, Mr. Fu.” 

Fu Jinxiao looked like a senior, with a usual smile on his face, and answered casually, “You’re welcome, and you’re not a trouble.” 

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Wang Meican, who knew that her earlier suspicion was correct: “…”

She felt numb.

Later, some netizens discovered that Jian Xingsui, who hadn’t updated for 84 years, actually… posted something new! 

The boy in the photo looked different. His hair had grown a lot in these few months, creating a more delicate look after an appropriate haircut. He was sitting in front of a piano, elegant fingers danced across the key, bathed with the warm sunset light. His lips were polished with a natural-colored lip gloss, making it twice as kissable. His white shirt was tucked, and his posture was straight. 

Unlike his image in the “Starlight” show, he looked like a young nobleman now. His eyes were also much brighter than before. 

Jian Xingsui’s fans shouted crazily: 

[I haven’t seen you for a few months, Suisui, why do you look so good!]

[Little Bunny has grown up and become stronger.]

[It feels like my family’s baby has just grown up…]

[It always feels different from before, it seems he is more cheerful? More vivid? If you get my gist.] 

[I think because he’s happier now!]

The caption for this Weibo post was short, but it was sincere.

[Jian Xingsui v]: Recently, I am preparing to live a good life. Thank you for your continuous support despite my semi-hiatus. The days to come will be brighter. Let’s face it together. 

His words were quite euphemistic, but it was enough to re-lit the vigor inside the hard-working fans: 

[Suisui, continue to live well!]

[Thinking of the days you lived in the Zhang family makes my heart ache.]

[I still remember that birthday episode… clearly you have the same birthday as that person, but the crew was cruel enough to only celebrate his…] 

 [Wuwuwuwu3crying noises, although I don’t know who your biological parents are, but I’m happy Suisui is finally going to live a good life now!] 

Unlike many other star-chasers4as in, people who jumped through one celebrity to another. Casual fans., a huge portion of Jian Xingsui’s fans was very, very loyal. ()

Many people met Jian Xingsui through “Starlight”, and the reason why they fell in love with him was very simple. They saw him as a hard-working boy who wasn’t appreciated enough. He wasn’t the most outstanding, just another ordinary person who made his own miracles. Their hearts were especially abused when he had to brave rain and wind by himself, without any familial or capital backing. 

And just when everyone was giving their blessing, Anran reposted this Weibo post ten minutes after it was published. He attached a smiley face and a very positive message, “Let’s work hard together! Hope to see you soon, I want to treat you to a baked cake~”

This post sparked another uproar. 

Everyone knew the story between these two. It was like a day-time soap opera, with many twists and turns. So, when these two clashed again, especially with Anran reposting Jian Xingsui’s Weibo post with such a positive caption, passersby were grabbing their popcorn in excitement. 

As for Jian Xingsui fans, they were united on this matters: 

[Oh my God, bad luck go away.]

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[Go away, go away! Shoo!]

[Stop being a disgusting person.]

[We know your true face already. Stop playing innocent. We are still waiting for your apology!]

Of course, Anran’s fans were naturally unhappy when they saw that Jian Xingsui’s fans said this about their bias. They also began to guard him:

[Why are you being so rude? Ranran is so kind.] 

[They do have a misunderstanding before, but why do you hold such a grudge?] 

[Let the past be the past. Learn to forgive others.] 

Jian Xingsui’s fans laughed at these remarks. They haven’t forgotten what kind of harsh words hurled towards their baby. That bullying scandal that was supported by those so-called “classmates”, didn’t Anran confirm by himself that it was just a fabrication? 

Everyone was so hostile towards Jian Xingsui, some even cursed at him to kill himself. Did they ever think that Jian Xingsui should be forgiven for his past actions? 

At the brink of another fandom war, Shen Xingchen, a man of justice, appeared. The young master also reposted Jian Xingsui’s Weibo with the caption: 

[I’ll see you soon then, didi. How about a brunch together sometimes? @JianXingsui @NingZe] 

It was different from Anran’s reposting. Jian Xingsui quickly replied to Shen Xingchen: [Okay~]

Ning Ze also quickly replied: [Yes, you can decide the time and place.]

This interaction quickly became viral. A large number of melon-eating netizens became full after this amazing interaction – Jian Xingsui ignored Anran, but instantly replied to Shen Xingchen. Jian Xingsui was amazing, he didn’t need to say anything about his past matters with Anran, he just needed to blatantly ignore him. 

The netizens were very excited:

[Sisters, I really want to watch this new ‘Bright Stars’ reality show.] 

[Hahaha, can’t sleep because of the excitement just thinking about it.]

[I’m not a fan of Jian Xingsui. I just like to watch and eat melons. I still hate Anran, though] 

[Hahaha, I have to vote for melons’ sake!]

[Originally, Jian Xingsui’s votes were not particularly high despite him being number one in the rankings. But after this incident, his votes skyrocketed. 

His popularity didn’t go down despite only getting bad news after “Starlight”. In fact, it’s the opposite. Everyone was going crazy, they needed to know what would happen next. They can never miss such a good show.

If you can, please support me by donating on my ko-fi~ For every 2 ko-fis, I’ll release an additional chapter ^^

1temporary guests2anonymous side account. Main account is called “tuba” btw. It’s hilarious.3crying noises4as in, people who jumped through one celebrity to another. Casual fans.

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