Thank you T. for the ko-fi donation! Enjoy this bonus chapter~

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Ko-fi donation goals to the next bonus chapter (0/2)

Fortunately for the director, the “morning kiss” punishment game was popular enough with the viewers, so it wasn’t a big deal to directly move to the next agenda.

“Good morning everyone, we are going to get up earlier today. Everyone must have received the mission card last night, right?”

One sentence made everyone who was a little sleepy instantly refreshed. 

Suddenly, everyone cast suspicion on every gaze they met. 

Shen Xingchen was the first to say his piece, “I am a good person. I’m the prince’s royal guard. Anyway, the assassin should give up now. Maybe if you’re honest enough, the prince will spare your life.” 

Everyone else smiled and replied:

“Ah, what a coincidence, I am also a guard.”

“Yes, yes, I’m a good person.”

 Anran instead asked, “Who is the prince? We will focus on protecting him from now on, so it’s easier for us to know their identity.” 

Before Shen Xingsui could speak, Actor Fu beside him took a cold look at Anran, and opened his lips, “Ah, you mean, so it’s to make it easier for the assassin to kill the prince?” 

They still didn’t know a key detail of the assassin – the method they use for “killing”. Besides, nobody said that an assassin can’t kill a guard, right? 

Anran choked on pure air, and smiled embarrassingly, “We have more good people, are you afraid that we won’t be able to protect the prince?” “

“Who told you that there is only one assassin?” Fu Jinxiao’s way of thinking was quite terrifying, “Is the number mentioned anywhere on the mission card?” 

After finishing the sentence, the surroundings were silent.

The word “assassin” appeared in the narrative of the mission card yesterday. Most people subconsciously thought that there was only one assassin. But Fu Jinxiao was right, as long as there was no actual confirmation, who said that there could only be one assassin? 

Netizens in the live broadcast room also expressed their surprise:

[I knew it!!]

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[Fu Jinxiao’s brain is terrifying.]

[I finally know why he wasn’t allowed to take the assassin identity.]

[True, true, in that way, nobody would survive!]

[The director is so far-sighted!]

Currently, everyone was silent, having their own thoughts. To continue the show’s narrative, the director nudged them, “Actually, we still have a lot of good people here. And as for the next mission, anyone who completes their mission will get a hint card. Each of them will give a bit of description to help you guess the assassin’s identity. Furthermore, as long as everyone deciphers the hint and finds them, the prince’s side will automatically win.” 

Then, the director gave today’s mission, “We stayed at this gorgeous villa last night, and the payment is actually a loan given by the locals. So today, everyone is required to pay off their loans! You can go look for a job, and you need to buy your own meals and clothes! As for the villa’s rent, you need to pay off 1,000 yuan1about 145 USD before dusk today! Of course, the person who earns the most money today is considered the winner and is eligible to get a hint card.” 

Make that much money on the first day?

Everyone was quite surprised, but they also had more fighting spirit and vigor after hearing that they could win the hint cards. 

After the director assigned the task, he said, “Okay, let’s start the day!”

Tuya found a key point from the director’s speech, “Director, where is our breakfast?

“You are all mature adults, you can solve it by yourself. You all should learn to be self-reliant, tsk tsk tsk… of course, if you really don’t have anything to eat, we have prepared large pancakes2he actually said 饼 “bǐng”, which is a thin pancake that is very versatile, you can pair/stuff it with anything basically. But only eating the pancake/bread by itself is kinda… pitiful.. This will count as a… loan of sorts as well.” 

Everyone: “…”

Well, thank you very much. 

The audience in the live broadcast room was laughing at their misery: 

[The director can really spit out some doggy words.]

[Hahaha, working while hungry.]

[I’ll give a medal to whoever’s evil enough to think of this mission.]  

Fortunately, there was still readily-available breakfast. While some people could work without breakfast, some others weren’t used to this. 

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Anran came out of his room at this time and said with a smile, “Are you hungry? I happen to have some biscuits and pastries that I baked myself. If you don’t mind, eat them!” 

This move was a lifesaver.

After listening, everyone of course gave up the big pancake in their hands and went to eat pastries instead.

Shen Xingsui didn’t go, he continued to eat the pancakes. But Anran came over by himself, took a pastry and handed it to Shen Xingsui, saying, “Suisui, would you like to eat some too?” 

Shen Xingsui politely refused, “I’m fine with these pancakes. Thank you for the offering, though.” 

Anran frowned as he looked at Shen Xingsui with a hint of grievance. He softly persuaded, “Suisui, I’ve been baking cakes for a long time. And you see Instructor Tuya and the others ate them all. Why not give it a try? I just want to share it with you.”

Shen Xingsui really didn’t want to eat Anran’s baked goods. The more Anran pushed him, the more scared he became. 

But Anran didn’t seem to be able to see his rejection, and insisted on standing beside Shen Xingsui with a pastry, as if it was exhausting to the end.

Netizens also said:

[It’s just a piece of pastry, why are you rejecting his kindness?]

[Ranran is so kind…]

[Shen Xingsui is too difficult to get along with.]

Anran’s persistence wore Shen Xingsui off. He picked up a piece of pastry and said, “Thank you.”

Shen Xingchen who was next to him was also given a piece. In fact, this pastry tasted very soft and delicious, and most people wouldn’t find anything wrong with it. But Shen Xingchen was different from others. The young master has been eating various delicacies from mountains and seas since he was a child, and he has developed sensitive taste buds. He could distinguish the ingredients of almost every food he ate. 

Shen Xingchen took a bite and grumbled, “Why does it smell like seaweed?”

Anran froze and smiled awkwardly, “How is that possible?”

“Really.” Shen Xingchen glared at him, “What, do you think I would lie to splash dirty water on you?” 

Anran didn’t expect to be countered, and immediately gave up, “No, no, I didn’t mean that! But I really didn’t put in seaweed. This is just a normal savory pastry, I didn’t put any unusual ingredients in it.” 

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Only then did Shen Xingchen give up, “Really? Okay, then.” 

Shen Xingsui froze after hearing this.

He was very allergic to seaweed. He would get itchy rashes all over his body if he ingested a miniscule of it. 

Shouldn’t Anran know about this? Then, does this pastry contain seaweed? If so, why did Anran do this? Shen Xingsui just felt a chill down his spine. 

But soon, everyone left the house after eating.

Everyone had to split up and prepare to start making money to pay off their loan. When they went out, they saw a stray dog. It looked friendly, and unbothered by strangers as it squatted there. However, looking at its prominent rib cage, it must’ve been hungry for quite a while. It had golden-yellow fur, and it looked like a very good boy. Maybe because it had been a stray for a long time, it was very dirty with grime all over its fur. 

Anran always appeared like a kind little angel. He pointed at the stray dog ​​and said, “Wow, it’s a puppy.”

Li Xu’an stopped and commented, “Yeah, I think that’s a stray.” 

“It’s so pitiful.” Anran had a face full of sympathy, “It looks very hungry and hasn’t eaten for a long time.”

After the dog sensed this group of strangers, it approached them. It was very friendly, and it even wagged its tail. But Anran, who just said that the dog was cute, reflexively flinched as the dog went his way. He didn’t want the dirt and grime to stain his clothes, so he took two steps backward. 

Shen Xingchen caught this hypocrite and commented, “If you really feel pity for it, you can make more money and buy it some food.”

Anran looked embarrassed again and said, “But I have no money now, and I don’t have any food with me. And… when I have the money, it should be already at night. I’m afraid I won’t be able to find the puppy then.” 

Netizens also sighed:

[Ranran has a really kind heart.]

[Truly an angel!]

[Hahaha, don’t think I failed to catch that step back!] 

At this moment, Shen Xingsui, who was behind his brother, quipped, “It’s okay, no need to trouble yourself. I’m already full from eating that pancake, so I haven’t had time to eat the pastry you gave me. Since the dog is so pitiful, let’s give the pastry to the dog, how about it?”

That pastry was originally used by Anran to attack Shen Xingsui.

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After all, if Shen Xingsui doesn’t eat it, the netizens will definitely attack him – they would say that he’s being too rude in refusing Anran’s hospitality. And if he eats it and his allergies act up, it has nothing to do with him. After all, he doesn’t know Shen Xingsui has an allergy, so he can’t be blamed. 

Anran never expected that Shen Xingsui would take out the pastry at this time. Plus, he quoted Anran’s own words. If he refused to help the dog again, wouldn’t that make him look bad? 

Therefore, even though he didn’t want to, Anran still showed a forced smile, “Well… that’s fine.”

Shen Xingsui knelt down and called to the dog, “Doggy, come here.”

The little yellow dog came wagging its tail as if it could understand human words.

Shen Xingsui broke open the pastry carefully and handed it to the dog.

But after putting the pastry on the ground, the little yellow dog sniffed it and gave a tentative lick. Then, it walked away as if it was disgusted! The most outrageous thing was that it also ran to the trash can not far away, preferring to dig through the trash to find food! 


The air was silent for a moment, and Anran got visibly more embarrassed as the silence marched on. 

The audience in the live broadcast room were laughing their ass off:

[Is this the legendary dog instinct?!]

[HAHAHAHA that just proves how unpalatable the pastry is to the dog!!] 

[I laughed to death.]

[Look at Anran’s expression! Hahahahaha!!!!]

I’m pretty sure purposefully giving someone their allergen can be counted as a crime (health endangerment??) in some parts of the world, right?

If you can, please support me by donating on my ko-fi~ For every 2 ko-fis, I’ll release an additional chapter ^^

1about 145 USD2he actually said 饼 “bǐng”, which is a thin pancake that is very versatile, you can pair/stuff it with anything basically. But only eating the pancake/bread by itself is kinda… pitiful.

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