Shen Xingchen was busy, he kept walking everywhere, helping his team to sell the fruits. Sweat soaked his shirt, and the harsh sunlight didn’t subside one bit. However, he still had the energy to speak loudly amidst the bustling crowd. “Ah, I forgot! We also brought sugarcanes, it’s over there. There’s also pineapples, but we didn’t purchase them from that grandpa. They are from another villager, they entrusted us to sell it altogether, and we agreed. It seems that there are customers who want them, but we have to peel them.” 

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Hearing this, Shen Xingsui was worried. “My knife skills aren’t good.”

Li Xu’an only knew a little bit, but he felt that he needed to step up because the others might not be able to do it, “I can try, but I have never done it in public like this. It might not look very pretty…”

Fu Jinxiao has always been in charge of collecting money and organizing the stall. Hearing this, he offered himself, “I’ll do it.” 

Everyone was surprised by the movie emperor’s offering. Does he have this kind of skill?

But in fact, this was something Fu Jinxiao really knew how to do. He rolled up his sleeves, picked up the pineapple, and began to cut it with a knife. Firstly, he slowly peeled the skin, then he cut off the pocks in the fruit’s flesh. After he finished that, he cut them into smaller pieces and put them in boxes. He did them all skillfully at a respectable speed to boot. 

The others were dumbfounded and applauded.

Shen Xingchen was watching and praised him loudly, “Awesome! Why do you have this secret skill?!” 

After Fu Jinxiao packed the fruit for the guests, he glanced at him and said, “You are not bad, you have your own unique skills.”

“Really?” Shen Xingchen asked curiously, with a touch of anticipation, “What special skills do I have?”

Fu Jinxiao gracefully smiled, “Your stupidity is on a special level.” 

Holding his younger brother’s arm, Shen Xingchen wailed, “Suisui, look at him making fun of me! Hurry up and avenge your ge!” 

Shen Xingsui: “…”

He couldn’t laugh or cry.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all amused by their funny scene:

[Suisui: Don’t look for me, I can’t afford to mess with him.]

[Hahaha, Xingchen you can try suing Fu-ge if you want.]

[At least he’s aware that Suisui has a higher status with Fu Jinxiao compared to himself.]


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This group of four had to sell a huge amount of fruit all day. Finally, near dusk, their energy was spent and they went hungry. But since there was still some fruit left over, someone needed to watch it. Fu Jinxiao was indeed the parent of this ragtag group, and he ordered the juniors to eat, while he was here to watch over the stall.

Shen Xingsui followed his older brother to a street not far away to buy food. After arriving there, Shen Xingchen drank water like crazy, “I’m soooo thirsty.” 

Li Xu’an kept persuading him, “Slow down, okay? Don’t choke.” 

“It’s none of your business.” Shen Xingchen said arrogantly, “How could I choke… Hack… cough, cough…”

The idiot who said harsh words just now was caught choking in the next second. Like a proper dumbass.

Shen Xingsui patted him on the back helplessly, “Ge, slow down.”

Shen Xingchen finally recovered and gave Li Xu’an a hard look, “It’s all your fault. Crow’s mouth1SXC accuses LXA of jinxing it..” 

Li Xu’an: “…”

They went to the front desk and ordered meals. This store was famous for its seaweed rice crackers. Shen Xingchen directly requested, “Do you have the one without seaweed? My di is allergic.”

Shen Xingchen bought a few packs of them, and handed a pack to Shen Xingsui, saying, “It’s been a long time since I saw this, and I didn’t expect this small town to sell it, eat it quickly.” 

Shen Xingsui was a little dazed after receiving it.

Shen Xingchen ate several mouthfuls, looked at him suspiciously and said, “Why don’t you eat it? What? You haven’t eaten it before? When I was young, the school canteen sold it.”

Shen Xingsui had a weird expression on his face, but he answered honestly, “No, I have eaten this before.” 

Shen Xingchen said with a smile, “Good, good. Let me tell you, when I was young, my friends and I pooled money to buy this together. Sometimes when one of our group’s pocket money ran out, we would pool the money to buy it for him. Ah… so nostalgic. I still remember that my xiao-di at that time were very loyal. As long as I asked, a bunch of them will buy it for me. Heh, can you imagine how mighty your ge is?” 

Shen Xingsui shook his head with a blank look.

Shen Xingchen didn’t care, and he continued to wave his hand, “Just imagine it like that one friend who invites you to eat snacks. Now, multiply the number of friends who did that. And… voila, you should get it.” 

Shen Xingsui was still in a daze.

Shen Xingchen felt bored, and said casually, “You can’t even imagine this? What, nobody has invited you to eat before?” 

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Shen Xingsui was still holding the snack packs in his hand. He hesitated for a moment and said, “There are.”

Shen Xingchen was a little nervous when he saw his brother’s state. After he heard that, he was relieved. However, before he could comment, Shen Xingsui chuckled and said with a disturbingly light tone, “I treated them to dinner.” 


All Shen Xingchen’s words were stuck in his throat.

As a big brother, he was very distressed. He felt something was wrong. Holding back his anger, he asked, “Are your school friends so stingy?”

Shen Xingsui opened a pack of rice crackers, and said softly, “At that time, if I had some pocket money, I would treat them to eat. When my pocket money was used up, nobody would invite me. Maybe they knew my monetary condition, so they don’t want to embarass me by inviting me but cannot pay.” 


Those bastards were obviously using you as an ATM!

Shen Xingchen was short of breath, trying to hold off his anger, “What kind of friends are these? Heartless bunch of turds.” 

Although it was only about buying food for friends – such a trivial matter – it did manage to increase the barrage in the live broadcast room a lot:

[When he was young? That’s so…]

[Suisui is really miserable.]

[Wait, didn’t a bunch of people come out on Weibo and say that he bullied his classmates?]

[Are you on 2G? That’s old news! Even Anran said it was fake.] 

Originally, the heat of this matter went down. But thanks to this, the netizens started to remember this unfinished scandal. 

[Anran really didn’t make a serious apology afterwards.]

[Wait, didn’t during the “Starlight” recording, he made a seaweed pastry and offered it to Suisui? He’s obviously allergic!]

[Such a vicious man.] 

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[Can upstairs be kind? At that time, Ranran already posted an apology statement on Weibo. He can no longer be blamed for this! He didn’t know!]

At first, everyone was just making complaints about it. But Anran’s fans were very protective of their bias, so they quickly turned from defensive to overly defensive. They started saying scathing arguments, which pissed quite a lot of people. 

[Huh, I don’t know that you HAVE TO accept every apology someone gives you.]

[This is just blatant victim-blaming.]

[If Anran is really that angelic, then look at this group. Tell me, who still likes him enough to be his close friend?] 

This was the spark that started the fire, and another fandom war started in the live broadcast room. But, the guests didn’t know about this situation just yet. 

Shen Xingsui finished his meal relatively quickly. He quickly packed a portion and returned to the stall. There were not many people in the stall in the afternoon, only a few customers were there. With small steps, he ran over to Jinxiao and greeted him with a smile, “Teacher Fu, I’m back!” 

Fu Jinxiao looked back, saw the sweat on his head, and said helplessly, “Why are you running in such a hurry? No one will rob your food.”

The youth walked aside, pulled down a chair and sat on it. “I’m just afraid that you’re hungry.” 

Fu Jinxiao took the lunch box and said, “What’s this? No need to buy me food, I’ll eat later. Besides, I’m used to this, during filming, I can even work without eating all day.” 

Shen Xingsui knew about Fu Jinxiao’s hard work. 

He silently thought about it inside his heart. Just as he handed over chopsticks, he caught a glance of Fu Jinxiao’s red palms. It had scrapes, calluses, and a few broken blisters. 

Shen Xingsui couldn’t hold back, and asked, “What’s wrong with your hand?”

Fu Jinxiao was slightly surprised. He didn’t expect the youth to notice, and he was afraid that he would be worried, so he downplayed it, “It wasn’t today, it was scalded while I was cooking yesterday. It’s okay, the director’s team brought some ointment last night, and it’s already almost healed.” 

After speaking, there was a complete silence.

He was lying, Shen Xingsui knew.

He didn’t speak at all, but recalled that at noon, Fu Jinxiao had been helping customers cut pineapples and sugarcanes. The surface of those fruits was rough, and he had to work non-stop. He’s sure that it must be painful to work with an injured palm like that. There’s a lot of nerve endings in the tip of the fingers, after all. He had blisters before, and he knew the level of pain he had to endure when it broke because of external means. 

But Fu Jinxiao didn’t say anything about his injury yesterday, and if Shen Xingsui hadn’t spotted this today, he might not have said a word.

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The actor was confused as to why the youth stopped talking. He saw Shen Xingsui’s red eyes as soon as he raised his head. This surprised Actor Fu a little, and he laughed to ease his worry, “What’s the matter, who messed with you?” 

“You… “Shen Xingsui breathed out lightly and wanted to speak, but his nose was sour. Thankfully, he couldn’t hold off a couple drops of tears. “You didn’t tell me why you were hurt.”

When he cried, Fu Jinxiao immediately panicked.

To be honest, Actor Fu has traveled all over the world for so many years and rarely encountered difficulties. He was never afraid of anyone, but he never thought in his life that there would be a youth whose tears brought him an unprecedented sense of helplessness. 

Fu Jinxiao quickly wiped it for him with a tissue paper, “So, is there anything wrong?”

Shen Xingsui also noticed that he was crying. He felt so ashamed, he obviously didn’t want to cry. He took the tissue and shook his head quickly, holding back a sob as he replied, “Nothing, nothing.” 

Fu Jinxiao looked at him, not knowing what to do to comfort the youth, “I haven’t cried yet, but you cried at my behest, huh?” 

Shen Xingsui was a little sad at first, but he was teased by his humorous smile and burst into tears. He wanted to freely laugh, but he was a little embarrassed. After all, this was a live broadcast, he didn’t want to be laughed at by the audience. 

Fu Jinxiao got closer and patted him on the shoulder, his voice was softer as he comforted him, “It’s really all right, this teacher of yours has been traveling all these years. What kind of hardships haven’t I suffered? Compared to those, this is nothing. I tell you, don’t cry or I’ll…”  

Shen Xingsui put down his soaked tissue, raised his head, and looked at him.

The young man’s white face was rosy, his black eyes were slightly red from crying, and his red nose was so cute that people wanted to poke it. Those eyes looked watery, like the calm surface of a pond during the autumn. With a puzzled look, like a harmless deer, with a hoarse voice, he really stabbed Fu Jinxiao’s heart, “You will do what?”


Actor Fu cursed in his heart. Out of nowhere, he thought that Shen Xingsui looked so pretty when he cried. 

He wanted to see it again.

But… definitely not because he was sad. 

…Shen Xingsui would look amazing if he cried in… another place. Bullied into tears because of Fu Jinxiao’s ministration2…in case you didn’t get it, FJX was referring to physiological tears… during sex.. 

If you can, please support me by donating on my ko-fi~ For every 2 ko-fis, I’ll release an additional chapter ^^

1SXC accuses LXA of jinxing it.2…in case you didn’t get it, FJX was referring to physiological tears… during sex.

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