The next day–

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Fu Jinxiao received an email as he was in his car. It was from producer Zhang Jiang. He asked Fu Jinxiao to listen to some recently composed pieces and asked him if he was satisfied with this iteration.

Wang Meican, who sat next to him, asked, “This is selected from best of the best. Why are you not satisfied?” 

Fu Jinxiao only replied, “There are many excellent composers, but it’s too… individualistic. It’s too dyed in their color, too steeped in their version until it was veering way too off from my original requirement. This composition is also too utilitarian and careless.” 

Wang Meican: “…”

‘You always have your justification ready, I see.’    

Zhang Jiang also sent him a WeChat message at the same time: [Choose one of these three songs, I bet you will definitely choose one today.]

Fu Jinxiao couldn’t understand the producer’s arrogant tone. So he huffed in mockery. Before actually listening, he replied to the producer with a rolling-eye emoji. 

He listened to the first two songs first.

Both songs have the same vibe. It was melancholic, full of hidden meanings. But, it always sounds like something was missing. 

By the time he finished the second song, Fu Jinxiao’s expectations had already been lowered. There was a high probability that these three songs would not work. With the mentality of finishing all in one go, he clicked on the third song. 

When the first melody hit, Fu Jinxiao’s sneering expression turned into shock. He was genuinely impressed. 

Wang Meican noticed this, and said in surprise, “What’s the matter?”

Fu Jinxiao kept replaying the song again and again. With every replay, he always noticed something new. Then, after listening to the song way into the night, Fu Jinxiao sent a message to Zhang Jiang, “Who’s the composer of the third song?” 

Zhang Jiang triumphant smugness bled into his message: [Are you satisfied? I knew you would choose his song. After all, he has always been someone who suits you the best. I saw before that you really hope that he will compose your music, but you can’t invite him. But now, I noticed him and invited him to compose your song. So answer me, are you satisfied?]

Fu Jinxiao looked at the string of words, and a meaningful smile gradually appeared on his face. Well, even without outright saying who, he already could guess this sloppy riddle. [How do you know it’s him?]

[Is it still necessary to guess?] Zhang Jiang replied in an instant: [You look like a ten thousand-year-old tree blooming. Your aura is pink for god’s sake. Whenever you see that young man, you look like you are going to put him inside your golden cage or something. You can’t hide your desire anymore, huh?]

Fu Jinxiao: “…”

He was about to continue chatting with Zhang Jiang, but a Weibo notification rang. It was Jian Zhi, who had been silent for more than ten days, finally couldn’t help but take the initiative to attack.

Jian Zhi has been in a state of fear during this time. He was very afraid that Shen Xingsui would present the evidence to hammer him to death. His image in front of fans would be ruined.  But as the days went by, Shen Xingsui was exceptionally patient, which made him suffer in anxiety day by day. He was never a passive person, so he finally issued a statement after careful consideration.

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V: [Hello everyone, regarding the previous song plagiarism incident, let me tell you my side of the story. When my former younger brother Shen Xingsui claimed that he was the original composer, I objected. The song is still composed by me and my team. And as for the controversial part of the chorus, here I want to tell the truth: the chorus was indeed composed by Shen Xingsui. However, the song itself was something he gave to me as a birthday gift. And he allowed me to use it. So, I don’t know why Suisui came forward to accuse me of plagiarism not long ago. If it was because of some misunderstanding because of our recent estrangement, I am willing to mediate with Suisui. Lastly, I am also willing to remove the song and put the past in dust.] 

He also attached a photo on this Weibo post. It was a birthday card that Shen Xingsui signed. It contained a “Happy Birthday” message for Jian Zhi, and there was indeed a message saying that he wrote a song for Jian Zhi. 

As soon as this Weibo post came out, it shot directly to the top of the hot search list. 

[Wow, the truth is like this.]

[So you did stole the song.]

[Can this be considered stealing? It was given as a gift by Shen Xingsui himself.] 

[Wow, Shen Xingsui is too disgusting to accuse you for theft after giving it to you…] 

[I threw up.]

Jian Zhi’s move was really brilliant.

He guessed that Shen Xingsui had the original music score, so he admitted that he had taken it first. But then produced evidence that Shen Xingsui gave it to him, so it was considered Jian Zhi’s. In this way, he directly stood on the moral high ground and did whatever he wanted.

Wang Meican cursed after reading it. “This Jian Zhi is too shameless.”

Fu Jinxiao looked like he’s going to spit on Jian Zhi.

Wang Meican sighed and said, “If this is the case, it is impossible for Suisui to know that Jian Zhi took it. It’s also impossible to accuse him of plagiarism. But, we can say that this gift doesn’t have a factual basis, especially since he never credited Shen Xingsui in the first place. We just need to grasp this point. Then we can fight back. Plus, we have the original score, and we can also hammer on the fact that this was Shen Xingsui’s original, and Jian Zhi originally said otherwise.” 

Fu Jinxiao’s face was serious, and he ordered, “Go back to the company first.”

Wang Meican nodded. With the backing of Fu Jinxiao, there was no reason to participate in this social war. 

Shen Xingsui also saw this news for the first time, and he was also surprised by Jian Zhi’s brazenness. Immediately, he became angry and anxious. The public opinion gradually sided with Jian Zhi, accusing the original creator of treachery instead. It was the scene that Jian Zhi wanted to see.

But at this moment, a Weibo post by a no-name passerby was uploaded within ten minutes of Jian Zhi. 

The Weibo user’s name is:  

He posted it after Jian Zhi, and it was also a long article. It seemed that it was something he wrote after a long and careful consideration. 

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[Hello everyone, I am a high school classmate of Shen Xingsui. I lived abroad and just came back not long ago. Because of that, I heard about things I missed about Shen Xingsui. These days, I gradually learned a lot, and I regret not being the first to stand up when talking about the accusations against him during our high school days. But, it’s better late than never, so I’m speaking up for today’s matter.] 

[I am his high school classmate and one of his good friends.]

[In high school, Shen Xingsui’s elder brother Jian Zhi was already a well-known singer. At that time, I knew that Suisui did write a song for Jian Zhi, and wrote a greeting card for him on his birthday. It was given to Jian Zhi. As his friends, we were all lucky enough to go to that birthday party, but I can say very responsibly that the music score wasn’t given out to Jian Zhi.] 

[Jian Zhi isn’t good to Suisui.]

[They were on the balcony that day, and my friends and I hid behind and eavesdropped. When Jian Zhi saw the score, he threw it on Suisui, saying that it was rubbish and his creation was trash. I personally thought this was slander. Suisui’s creation was excellent. But, I can’t say anything about that, so I keep silent, pretending I know nothing about this incident. When Suisui cried when he came back that day, we gave him a cake to eat and took a photo.]

Under the Weibo post, an old photo was attached. Standing in the center of the photo was a teenager with red eyes. The young Shen Xingsui looked a little rebellious, with a cool smile on his delicate face. While he looked like he just cried, he still radiated with confidence. 

At the bottom of the Weibo article, it ends with emotional words.

[I have been thinking for a long time whether to stand up. I am a cowardly person, too many times I choose to remain silent, but I have been silent for too long. I thought that silence would save me from offending people and avoiding difficulties. But later I realized that no matter how painful it is to speak up, it isn’t as painful as living with guilt pushing down your conscience everyday in your life. So, I must speak of the truth and give Suisui the justice he deserves. Because Jian Zhi owes him many, many apologies. I owe him an apology, too.] 

This Weibo article rushed to the hot search in just ten minutes.

It even overwhelmed Jian Zhi’s Weibo at one point and became the number one hot topic on the Internet, the biggest melon in the second half of the year.

But the netizen’s shock didn’t stop there. Shen Xingsui knew this was a golden time to counterattack, so he posted a Weibo. 

This post was a comparison chart of the score, with a professional analysis pointing out the parts that are the same or similar. He also included on his account of what happened during his retrieval of the music score. He even clearly pointed out that if he did not take the original score, Jian Zhi would not make a statement at all. 

In the end, he attached a sound file. It was an edited recording of Jian Zhi from the wiretap he installed on his body on that day. 

“Yours? How so? I think you made a mistake, Shen Xingsui, the money you used to buy all of this junk was our family’s money. This room and this place are all ours. Since you are no longer worthy to be a member of the Jian family, I have the right to dump all of this trash where it all belongs. You have no right to take them back!” 

“You fucking retard! Stupid piece of shit! Who the fuck allow you to smash this! This is my album, in my house! Mine, you get it? Mine! All your tattered manuscripts are mine, I can do whatever I want!—”

“Why should I apologize?”

“I can’t afford you!”

Jian Zhi sounded crazed, and he threw all kinds of insults and slur around. This shocked the majority of netizens. After all, Jian Zhi’s image has been this “gentle big brother”. Today, with this recording, that image was shattered. 

At the same time, under Wang Meican’s arrangement, more music composers have spoken out today. They gave their opinions and professional analysis between the two songs. All of them agreed that Jian Zhi’s version was a direct copy from Shen Xingsui. 

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[This Young Master wants to steal his own brother’s original song for his own use. He even secretly threatened him!] 

[I want to laugh. This Young Master probably thinks he could get away bullying a weak person. Too bad he kicked the iron plate2attacking someone you shouldn’t because they’re powerful. this time.] 


With these posts and hot search, it refreshed the netizen’s three views3worldview. It drove them nuts. 

[Wait, is it true or not? I can’t tell which is which anymore…]

[I feel like I can’t finish eating melons today]

[Jian Zhi is disgusting.]

[Oh my God, kick him out of this industry already!]

At the same time, Fu Jinxiao’s official Weibo account posted something. It was the teaser for his newest album in a long time. He directly promoted the title track, and released a very eye-catching credits for that song. 

Composer: Shen Xingsui     

Arranger: Shen Xingsui

Lyricist: Fu Jinxiao

This announcement also made the netizens erupt in an instant:

[Wowowow!! Certified by Teacher Fu!]

[Mama, the two people I like collaborated.]

[Suisui’s composing ability has been recognized by Mr. Fu!]

[Hahaha, and people accused him of plagiarizing? Rubbish.] 

Unlike before, Shen Xingsui got the netizen’s unanimous support. His Weibo was overwhelmed by supportive comments in an instant, and there was also discussion about his original song amidst all of that. 

So, he retreated to his dusty trumpet. In the Private Message tab, Shen Xingsui saw the music scores he sent to Fu Jinxiao. He was inexplicably nervous, because the trumpet had really done too many star-chasing crazy things. Every Weibo post of this account was to express his support of Fu Jinxiao. Especially when he was in a bad mood, he would send a lot of words to Fu Jinxiao in order to help alleviate his sadness. es to send a lot of words to Fu Jinxiao.

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Although it’s all broken, messy words.

But he really wrote a lot of things. With every year passing, he witnesses the growth of Fu Jinxiao. But still, he kept sharing the trivial details of his life and words of encouragement. 

So, this account saw the growth of both Shen Xingsui and Fu Jinxiao. He knew (and was glad) that Fu Jinxiao never replied. He probably also never read it. 

Since he thought so, he switched back to the trumpet.

This account was beyond decrepit at this point. However, the red blinking icon on the notification page was very… eye-catching. It indicated that he had an unread notification or message. His heartbeat rose even though he hadn’t clicked on it yet. 

Shen Xingsui’s hands were trembling a little. He was very nervous to the point of having unsteady breathing. Finally, he clicked on it. 

The arrogant name was like taunting him at this moment. On the notification tab, the system said that he gained a new follower.

But… this account had been abandoned. Who would follow him at this time?

He had a bad premonition in his heart. 

Holding the last vestige of hope, he opened it.

You gained a fan in the last seven days: V

Shen Xingsui’s eyes widened, his whole body seemed to be on fire for a moment, his heart was about to jump out of his throat, he even doubted if it was fake.

With trembling hands and bated breath, he clicked on the account.

It was Fu Jinxiao’s real account.





Shen Xingsui blacked out.

1It’s a pun. In Chinese, it’s 张弛有度 “Zhāng Chí yǒudù”. It’s the same character used in his name. The term itself is most likely referring to the musical term.2attacking someone you shouldn’t because they’re powerful.3worldview

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