After Shen Xingsui finalized his composition, Fu Jinxiao’s song progressed very quickly. This song was released as the theme song of the blockbuster titled “Asking” during the Spring Festival. There were many big movies released during the Chinese New Year, and it was no coincidence that both “Asking” and “Mountains and Rivers” hit the theaters on the same date. Naturally, the two films were compared by the netizens. 

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 [It’s hard to compare the plot. “Asking” is more of an ancient sadomasochism watch, while “Mountains and Rivers” is an inspirational revenge xianxia.] 

[Honestly, the pacing of “Asking” is way better.]

[Agree. I got sleepy mid-way watching “Mountains and Rivers”.]

[On top of that, “Asking” has better music. I especially like the theme song of the movie.] 

Once the discussion shifted to the music, everyone realized the drama behind the two composers of these songs. 

Shen Xingsui and Anran happened to compose the music of “Asking” and “Mountains and Rivers” respectively. Both people had an extensive history, and both movies had the same airing schedule. 

When the theme song of “Asking” played out, my scalp felt numb.]

[It sounds so good, even my elementary school meimei keeps asking me the name of the son.]

[Suisui is the best!!] 

[It’s really good, compared to that, the theme song of “Mountains and Rivers” is underwhelming. It’s more of those low-brow internet song lol.] 

At this time, an anonymous netizen suddenly revealed on the Internet that the crew of “Mountains and Rivers” had invited Shen Xingsui to compose the music, but later was kicked out because of Jian Zhi and the crew’s greed. Then, he was replaced by Anran, Jian Zhi’s younger brother. 

Once this news hit, it immediately caused an uproar and ridicule. 

[Hahaha, I bet the crew regretted it until their intestines turned green now1regret it to death.] 

[Suisui gave that group of spicy chickens2useless/trash, and finally got a chance to cooperate with Fu-ge.] 

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[“Asking” is so good.]

[The song is on top of many music charts now. It’s beyond amazing.]

[I hope more and more people will see our baby’s talent.]

Because of the popularity of this song, many satellite TV platforms have noticed Shen Xingsui’s musical talent. Two days before the New Year, Shen Xingsui received a very lucrative invitation. 

Wang Meican said, “Do you know what show your Fu-ge attend this year’s Chinese New Year?”

Shen Xingsui replied without thinking, “Spring Festival Gala, I know.”

“Well, I just received a job invitation for you. A celebrity needs someone who can play the piano, but since you aren’t the main performer, you may not be able to show your face, and the broadcast station may not even give you a shot.” Wang Meican looked at him and said, “The person who was originally appointed can’t come, so they are searching for a worthy replacement. They needed someone who is good at the piano, has a steady mind, and has no stage fright. I recommend you. So, do you think you can do it?” 

Shen Xingsui hesitated for a moment , then nodded fiercely and said, “I can try!”

Wang Meican smiled, and she knew that this youth could do it and would not let herself down.

Soon, it was the eve of Chinese New Year. 

It was the day when many families across China would gather together. However, several artists had to forgo this in order to perform at one of the most prestigious stages in China. 

At the Spring Festival Gala backstage, many people crowded there. The lights were on, lighting people who had been rehearsing since early in the morning. They were so busy that some of them couldn’t even drink for a moment. 

Shen Xingsui and Shen Xingchen weren’t in the same studio, but they were relatively close.

Because Shen Xingsui wasn’t a main performer, he didn’t have a fixed dressing room. He was waiting on a bench for his turn to get makeup. Wang Meican passed by and said, “Suisui, you are still waiting here? Come with me, I will arrange a seat for you.”

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He followed up honestly, quite uneasy.

Finally, we reached the door of a room.

Shen Xingsui looked up and saw a golden sign hanging on the door of the room, which said [Fu Jinxiao’s Dressing Room]. His head immediately buzzed and he immediately wanted to run away. But the agent didn’t realize it, and instead, she opened the door as she said to the person inside, “Tonight, there are too many people outside. Suisui has been waiting for too long, so is it convenient for him to wait at your place?” 

There were several staff members inside: a makeup artist, a costume designer, the artist’s assistant, and the staff’s assistants. They all looked back at Wang Meican. 

Fu Jinxiao, who was sitting in front of the mirror, was wearing a wine red suit tonight. It was tailored to perfection, highlighting the best of his features. His makeup was also almost done, which only enhanced his appearance. Sitting down surrounded by other people, he looked like a noble son. 

Hearing his agent’s voice, he peeked and immediately noticed Shen Xingsui. 

Shen Xingsui only took a peek at his idol, and his heart beat nervously.

But Fu Jinxiao glanced at him and smiled, “It’s Suisui.”

Shen Xingsui got even more nervous when he was called.

Fu Jinxiao’s smile gradually deepened. He answered his agent’s original question, “Of course it’s convenient, come in.” 

At this moment, it’s impossible for Shen Xingsui to decline the offer. 

Shen Xingsui sat down on another chair obediently. “Hello, Teacher Fu.”

“Happy New Year.” Fu Jinxiao’s voice was low and magnetic. “You are still so polite to me, Teacher Shen is too out of touch.”


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Shen Xingsui clicked his tongue, Fu Jinxiao was making fun of him , right?

Ever since that trumpet-following event, he had been avoiding Fu Jinxiao. He didn’t know if Fu Jinxiao noticed this, and if he did, Shen Xingsui could only hope the actor wouldn’t hold it against him. Because, he knew that if Fu Jinxiao retaliated against him……. 

As his mind getting more and more tangled, the makeup artist came over and said, “What kind of makeup does Mr. Shen want to put on? “

Shen Xingsui quickly came back to his senses and said, “I’ll be fine with a simple one. I’ll leave it to you, Miss.”

The makeup artist giggled in response, “Ah, you’re too cute, Mr. Shen. No wonder you are so well-liked~” 

He didn’t know how to say hello, and also how to chat with girls. Every time he encountered this situation, he was always flustered. 

Fu Jinxiao glanced at the makeup artist, and said slowly, “You have a boyfriend, restrain yourself.”

Then, the actor quickly added with a raised eyebrow, “You have no chance even if you break up first.”

The makeup artist choked up.

‘Why is this man so bad?’

When Shen Xingsui listened to their bickering, he only thought it was amusing. He didn’t dare to intervene, fearing that he would be the next one to be teased again if he said something.

Soon the Gala began. This was the first time he participated in a large-scale show. It was really an eye-opener. He saw a lot of celebrities who he could only see on TV before. Many of them were veteran musicians or actors, and all of them were well-known figures in the industry. 

And these people, they generally didn’t chat with juniors, but when they meet Fu Jinxiao, they will stop and smile and say a few words:

“Long time no see, Mr. Fu.”

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“How long has it been since we met?”

“Okay, okay, let’s have a meal together next time.”

“Oh, you’re getting more and more handsome, when will you find someone…”

Shen Xingsui followed behind and looked at Fu Jinxiao. All those well-known celebrities seemed to try to please Fu Jinxiao, be it by sweet-talking him or by offering something. For someone with mild social anxiety like him, he was like a fish on dry land. He could only be amazed by Fu Jinxiao – his idol was not a mortal, but instead a God. 

Fu Jinxiao, who was talking with someone, looked back at Shen Xingsui. Then, he smiled as he beckoned, “Come here.” 

Shen Xingsui walked over obediently as if being called by the a teacher, and bowed obediently, “Teacher Fu.”

Fu Jinxiao stretched out his arms to pull the youth over, with a very intimate gesture. He introduced the lady in front of Shen Xingsui and said, “This is Teacher Cai, you should have heard of her.”

She was a very famous veteran actress in the industry.

Shen Xingsui hastily bowed very sincerely, he was flattered, he never expected to meet these big shots like this in his life: “Teacher Cai, I have watched many of your works. I am Shen Xingsui, nice to meet you!”

The actress shook hands with a smile, “Nice to meet you also. I know of you, young people sure are very talented nowadays.” 

If someone saw this scene, they would know how lucky Shen Xingsui is at this moment. Perhaps in other financial circles, the rich Shen family is indeed powerful, but in the entertainment industry, Fu Jinxiao’s status and his contacts were on the top. There were countless people who wanted to cling to him one after another.

Today, being able to be recognized by him is definitely a great blessing.

However, Shen Xingsui himself was still ignorant about his luckiness. He was much more immersed in his idol-worship of Fu Jinxiao. This caused Teacher Cai to look at Fu Jinxiao with a smile and say, “It’s rare to see you introduce someone to me. This one seems to be…” 

Fu Jinxiao was gentle and polite. He smiled and answered her quickly. “He’s my… kid. You can say that.”

1regret it to death2useless/trash

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