I’m back! One week recovery time because I also had to catch up with my academic duty.

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Thank you Anonymous for you ko-fi donation! Enjoy the bonus update~

Ko-fi donation goals for the next bonus chapter (0/2)

The man’s handsome eyebrows and eyes were even more handsome under the chandelier’s light, and his voice was deep and magnetic, like a noble prince from far-away land.

Shen Xingsui pointed at himself almost in disbelief and said, “Me, me?”

Fu Jinxiao curled his lips into a charming smile, “Who else?”

“But I haven’t danced for a long time.”

“It’s okay.”

“But I’m not very good at dancing women’s steps…”

Fu Jinxiao said slowly, “I’ll do it.”


Not only Shen Xingsui was shocked, but Shen Xingchen who was beside him was flabbergasted.

How can anyone be so honored to dance the first dance with Fu Jinxiao? The most bizarre thing was that this person could make Fu Jinxiao do the woman’s steps too! 

Shen Xingsui quickly said, “No, it’s okay, I can try the women’s step, but it may be unfamiliar for me, just don’t dislike it.”

Fu Jinxiao took his hand and led him into the dance floor.

The other girls at the scene were stunned. They had been staring at Fu Jinxiao all night. They never dreamed that Fu Jinxiao would be taken by someone else… and a boy on top of that. 

Fu Jinxiao led Shen Xingsui to dance with natural and skillful movements.

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Shen Xingsui felt those unkind eyes behind him, and he stuttered a little, “Teacher Fu, if you invited me, it would make some people unhappy.”

Fu Jinxiao responded with an airy tone, “Really?”

Shen Xingsui nodded cautiously.

“Whether they are happy or not has something to do with me?” Fu Jinxiao’s voice was upright. He took Shen Xingsui around in a circle, wrapped his arms around the youth’s slender waist, lowered his head slightly, and whispered directly to Shen Xingsui’s ears, “I’m happy as long as I’m happy.”


Shen Xingsui’s earlobe was slowly stained red.

As if being soaked in a honeypot suddenly, he was a little at a loss, and even stepped on Fu Jinxiao’s foot because he was too flustered.

Shen Xingsui hastily apologized, “I’m sorry, Teacher Fu!”

Fu Jinxiao sighed, he put his arm around Shen Xingsui’s waist, patted it lightly, and lowered his voice: “Relax, baby.”


Those warm breaths and deep voice were hammering directly into his heart. 

Not only did he fail to relax, he made mistakes one after another. He stepped on Fu Jinxiao’s foot several times, and when the dance was over, Shen Xingsui blushed from pure shame. He apologized multiple times. 

Fu Jinxiao didn’t mean to condemn him.

“Suisui, your dancing skills…” With a helpless smile on his face, the man gently patted Shen Xingsui on the head, “From now on, remember not to dance with anyone except me.”

“!!!” Shen Xingsui was both ashamed and angry.

Is he really that bad at dancing? QAQ

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Shen Xingsui withdrew halfway through the dance, and he couldn’t afford to lose this person. It happened that Shen Xingchen didn’t dance, so he dragged him to the party in the backyard.

Shen Xingchen said, “I’m really starving to death! Do you know that the small cakes in the front hall are delicious, but their portions are too small! But the pork ribs in sauce are still delicious.”

Shen Xingchen suggested in the middle of eating, “Oh, by the way, Suisui, you see, Teacher Fu will be busy at the party in the evening. This time he will be attending a dance or something, so he must not have eaten a bite. Do you want to put these things away for him?” 

Shen Xingsui felt that what his older brother said made sense, so he nodded, “Okay.”

After the dance, he seemed to hear Fu Jinxiao saying that he was going upstairs to greet the old lady. Since he knew the way, he could wait for him in the corridor.

Holding the plate in his hand, Shen Xingsui went back upstairs through the aisle, stepped on the stairs, and came to the old lady Fu’s room according to his memory. But the house was too big, and he got lost while walking.

In the study on the second floor, a dispute is also taking place:

President Fu said very sternly, “I am not discussing with you now, but you should have a limit to your willfulness.”

Fu Jinxiao’s voice was slow, although not heavy, but it can be heard that he was not in a good mood, “Since Father didn’t come to discuss with me, why bother to pretend to say this? If you want to force your will upon me, just be upfront about it.” 

“I’m doing this for your own good! Will the path I arranged for you be wrong? With your ability, I am very relieved to hand over the Fu family to you. When you sit in my place in the future, you will understand that this will not be a wrong choice .”

Fu Jinxiao seemed to sneer, “It seems that Father doesn’t regret his choice at all?”

These words seemed to have hit President Fu’s sore spot.

“Fu Jinxiao!” The patriarch scolded angrily, “I’ve told you many times that what happened to your mother was just an accident. It has nothing to do with Li Na, and it has nothing to do with me…” 

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, and his tone had a touch of mocking, “It has nothing to do with you? Is that right?” 

President Fu suddenly choked up.

Fu Jinxiao continued with disdain, “You know that she is on her due date, but is that business so important that you must fly to the United States to discuss it in person?”

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“The business obviously ended two days before the due date. You didn’t come back, but left the company and went to another place.” Fu Jinxiao’s voice paused, full of sarcasm, “So it has nothing to do with you, right?”

Wen Rong died from dystocia, maybe it  really has nothing to do with this man.

But how desperate was that woman before she died, when she needed her husband the most?

President Fu sighed, “It was all an accident, and I didn’t expect it to happen. I thought nothing would happen.” 

The irony in Fu Jinxiao’s eyes was even stronger.

“And I married Li Na, she treats you well, doesn’t she?” President Fu continued as he looked at his son, “I thought that since you never met Wen Rong, Li Na could be your mother. She takes good care of you, and won’t let you have a bad childhood…” 

Fu Jinxiao didn’t say a word.

President Fu looked at his proudest eldest son and knew his stubborn temper, so he backed down and said softly, “Okay, I won’t force it anymore. You don’t like the daughter of the Wang family I told you about before. Forget it, I heard that the youngest son of the Shen family has returned, and you also know that the Shen family has always been on good terms with our company. It seems that you are quite satisfied with him…”

Shen Xingsui searched for the room for a long time but couldn’t find it. Just when he was about to give up, he passed by a room, and happened to hear the voice of conversation inside. It was somewhat familiar, so he stopped In place out of curiosity.

President Fu continued, “If you think it’s not bad, you can get in touch with Shen Xingsui more.”

Shen Xingsui was taken aback, isn’t this President Fu? What did he mean by this…?

Because he didn’t listen to everything, Shen Xingsui was nervous and a little bit anxious. He never dared to mention the marriage contract with Fu Jinxiao, but he didn’t know what Actor Fu was thinking.


Sure enough, Fu Jinxiao’s familiar voice answered. It was very cold, devoid of any smile, “Father even planned this?” 

President Fu replied, “Don’t you want to marry him?” 

“You know what I hate the most about you?” Fu Jinxiao’s glare was full of hostility. He might be sitting down, he might be the younger party, but his majesty was enough to bring everyone – even his own father – down. “Do you think that what you want is the best for me? My business is no longer something you can mess with. I know what you want with meddling with my marriage. I’ll tell you now: it’s absolutely impossible to influence me or my marriage because of the marriage contract you made, understand?”

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President Fu choked completely.

He now fully understood that his son is no longer what he used to be. He could no longer even influence him. 

Shen Xingsui’s body outside the door also froze. He still had some fantasies that he shouldn’t have before, and he has fallen back to reality at this moment. Sure enough, not even an arranged marriage could tie him with Fu Jinxiao. He shouldn’t think too beautifully about it. 

‘Shen Xingsui, what are you thinking?’

He left as if sleepwalking, he turned a corner, and found what he had been looking for all along: the old lady’s room.

The attendant at the door was helping the old lady to go out. The old man was also very happy when he saw Shen Xingsui, “Suisui, why are you here? Are you here to find Grandma?” 

Shen Xingsui didn’t know what to say, but he could only nod his head stiffly.

The old lady sensitively noticed that his complexion was not good, “What’s wrong with you?”

She looked at Shen Xingsui suspiciously, always feeling that something was wrong. But she didn’t know what, and could only ask him gently, “You can come in first, Suisui.” 

Shen Xingsui did not enter, he just took the seal he had accepted before. He respectfully put it back into the old woman man’s hand, and then bowed deeply, “I’m sorry, Grandma. I have thought about it carefully, this seal is too expensive, I can’t accept your things.” 

The old lady hurriedly supported Shen Xingsui, “Suisui, didn’t Grandma say that you deserve it?”

Shen Xingsui shook his head and said, “No, I don’t deserve it. I think the owner of this seal should be someone more suitable than me. Someone… who… has more reason than me. I understand your kindness. But now, I really have no reason, and I don’t deserve to own it. Again, thank you for your kindness, I will go first.” 

The old lady could only look at Shen Xingsui as he left. She was beyond confused – obviously everything was fine before, how could everything have changed in such a short time?


The old lady turned a corner as he thought about it deeply. She just ran into Fu Jinxiao who had finished arguing with his father. The actor’s expression was not very good, but he still saluted when he saw his grandma.

But the old lady waved to him, “Come here, let me ask you something.”

Fu Jinxiao asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You…you and Suisui, did you have a fight?” The old lady hesitated, “Or, did he dump you?”

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