The moment Fu Jinxiao told his request, everyone couldn’t speak for a whole minute. 

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The guests felt they were having auditory hallucinations. So were the cameramen. And the director.

No one thought that Fu Jinxiao would be so brave, so daring.

And Shen Xingsui, who happened to be standing opposite Fu Jinxiao, felt his brain short-circuited.

“I…” Shen Xingsui’s eyes widened. He hesitated a bit, but his head was blank, “I…” 

The live broadcast audiences were also shocked stupid. They could only fill the screen with hundreds or so question marks:



[What the fuck.]


[Is today April Fool’s day?]

The director finally thought of something to save the situation. Panicking, he said, “T-teacher Shen, I think Fu-ge asked if you can form a team with him again. Right?” 

Shen Xingsui’s brain was still processing. Then, he slowly understood. 

Because of this interruption from the director, the other guests slowly reacted, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the news was too explosive otherwise. If Fu Jinxiao’s love affair was announced on this program… well, the whole Internet would be paralyzed. 

While this meant this reality show would be massively popular, the aftermath would be too messy to clean.  

Fu Jinxiao looked at Shen Xingsui quietly.

Shen Xingsui met the man’s gaze, and he didn’t know why or where his thoughts came from. Shen Xingsui just inexplicably felt that Fu Jinxiao was looking at him so seriously and quietly, which made him nervous and his heart beat faster.

Just like…

What he asked was not about team formation at all.

Afraid of any accident, the director specially added, “According to the rules of the game, you cannot refuse.”

Shen Xingsui came back from his blank look. He smiled softly, and nodded, “I accept, then.”

The atmosphere became lively again.

Shen Xingchen was still grumbling beside him, “It seems that you are going to win again?” The director said, “Although this invitation to form a team is not against the rules, you two can only form a team this way for one game, which is the next mission. After that, you need to let fate decide, hahaha.” 

After the director cleared it up, the guests understood. 

The audience in the live broadcast room also commented after listening:

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[Hahaha, why do you feel that Suisui is not willing.]

[Will my Fu-ge win again today~] 

[I remember that he never took the initiative to form a team with someone before. It’s always the other party who asked first.]

[Hahaha, it seems you can also play this way, Mr. Fu.] 

What Fu Jinxiao gave to Shen Xingsui was a blatant preference. He might be an old, cunning fox, but he would never hide his true intentions when it came to the matter of feelings. 

Soon, because they passed the sour food “test”, the guests could enter the village.

It was winter, but the temperature here was not particularly cold. After entering, they could already see the people in the village. The clothes they wore were mainly blue and white, all in the style of their culture. One of the young ladies looked at them in curiosity. She wore unique accessories and a beautiful braid, and had a light gait. Compared to the young ladies in the Mainland, she looked quite different. 

The director explained, “Everyone has worked hard. And the Miao people here are also enthusiastic for our visit. They have prepared a welcome song and dance for everyone. Please go to the square in front and sit down to watch.”

Indeed, in the square, there were already dancers with colorful outfits looking ready for a performance. 

For a lot of them, this would be their first time to see this ethnic’s dance. The men wore  gongs and drums around their waists, while the women wore silver bells and colored gauze belts around their waists. Both were very stunning. 

The director continued his explanation, “The chairs in front are for two people to sit in. Please form a team according to the order of entry just now.”

Naturally, Shen Xingsui sat with Fu Jinxiao.

Shen Xingchen sighed, “Why do we have to form a team again…?”

Shen Xingsui looked at the chair with the logo of the reality show. Suddenly, he felt a bit apprehensive, “Generally, if they asked us to form a team, it means that there will be a mission soon tied to this event. I bet it has something to do with this performance.” 

Fu Jinxiao commented,”When the dance begins, pay attention to the number of people, including the number of props, and remember the dance moves.”

This sentence summarized all the important points. Just like a top student who knew all the exam’s important questions even before the said exam began. 

Both Shen Xingsui and Shen Xingchen looked at Fu Jinxiao with gratitude and admiration. After all, they both had been tricked into a pit by this unscrupulous program. 

The director shouted from not far away, “Okay, take your seats, please enjoy the dance!” 

The music started, and all the performers appeared on the stage. They were all very talented – their moves were very graceful, their music suited the dance, and the bold sounds of the drums and gongs somehow complemented the graceful women’s gauze skirts.

When the dance was about to end, the performers started to interact with the guests.

A man approached and pulled Shen Xingsui around together, and the interactive enthusiasm made Shen Xingsui clap the drums. Meanwhile, there were two girls who shyly put ribbons on Fu Jinxiao’s body and danced around the man. With this interactive performance, all the guests were immersed and soon forgot their initial task. 

After the performance ended, everyone applauded loudly. 

The director asked, “Okay, what do you guys think of their performance?” 

Everyone said in unison, “Very good!”

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The director asked again, “Is this kind of dance beautiful, graceful, and moving?”

Everyone – bar some of them – was still immersed by the performance, and have not noticed the director’s sinister intentions. They still applauded and said, “It’s very beautiful, very graceful, very moving!”

The director nodded, and then said with a meaningful smile, “Since you all think it’s good. Then… you have to learn for their sake!”


“Yes, today’s task is to learn this dance, and the team that can perform it completely before sunset wins. The winners will be rewarded with a luxurious meal, and accommodation with a beautiful environment. As for the rest… our crew will graciously provide you with tents.” 


There was a moment of silence at the scene.

Almost at the same time, the smiles on the faces of all the guests just now slowly cracked, and they gradually put on pained expressions.

The audience in the live broadcast room, in contrast, were happily laughing. 

[This program is the gift that never stops giving, indeed.]

[That dance looks simple, but it is actually very difficult.]

[Fu-ge really hit the mark once again!] 

[The biggest bug in this show is Fu Jinxiao.] (as in, programming bugs. Anomaly. A cheat.)

[Hahahahaha, but it’s really funny, this reality show is so good.]

Anran stood up and said, “Director, although this dance is indeed very beautiful… but, I really, really can’t remember it after only seeing it once.”

No one refuted this sentence this time.

Tuya stretched out her hand and said, “Uhm… since the time limit is before sunset, so we should have time to rehearse and study?”

Fortunately, the program team was not really completely insane.

The director replied, “Of course, we also have considered this. So, all of the dancers can teach you. That is, if you can gain their approval and consent!” 

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Honestly, everyone here was a performer of sorts. They all have basic training in both dancing and vocal. It wasn’t that difficult for them to learn some movements for a short dance before sunset, so long they found a teacher.

Shen Xingchen was the happiest smiling one, and while turning around, he said, “That’s great, brothers and sisters, you can teach me…”

His words stopped abruptly.

As they all turned around to the stage, they all found… all the performers to be gone. 

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Shen Xingchen’s eyes widened, and he stammered, “W-where are they?!” 

The director replied with a smile. The kind that was asking to be punched. “As you can see, they have already gone somewhere. Hey, all of you had already seen them, so I think you already knew their appearance. Today, you need to find them in the village and invite them to be your teachers. They may or may not give you a test, of course. But after that, you should be able to learn from them~” 


Everyone was silent for a moment.

Shen Xingchen messed his hair in frustration, “It’s over, after the director’s interruption, I can’t remember their faces clearly.”

Instructor Tuya, who unfortunately formed a team with him, said, “I still remember two of them. But for the rest, I really don’t remember their faces. I’m too mesmerized with the dance so I don’t pay attention to memorize their features…” 

And while everyone has tried to remember some things about the dance, they really didn’t purposefully remember each of the performer’s personal characteristics. 

Shen Xingsui didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He snuck a glance at Fu Jinxiao, and said softly, “I have a good memory and I think I remember a couple of them. But since I was too distracted in remembering the props and their number… I don’t remember much. Sorry…” 

Fu Jinxiao lowered his head and whispered in return, “Don’t forget, they may change their clothes.”

These words directly blocked Shen Xingsui. 

‘That’s right, why did I completely ignore this point? My memory points are combined with their clothing. If they changed their clothes and hairstyle, would I be able to recognize them?’ 

Fu Jinxiao hooked his lips in a smile. “Let’s start slow. First, we should look around. Maybe our memory will jog when we see them.” 

Shen Xingsui came back to his senses, and nodded frantically, “Yeah!”

He didn’t know why, but any problem would feel simpler as long as he discussed it with Fu Jinxiao first. Even though he knew it wouldn’t go well, but as long as he was by his side, Shen Xingsui wouldn’t worry much. He would think positively – that the problem was solvable, that he had enough resources to weather it, and so on, and so forth. Maybe, this was the true charm of Fu Jinxiao. He felt reliable. Shen Xingsui loved that quality. 

Not long after that, several groups have set off on their way. 

While the village itself didn’t look that big, it was actually quite huge. The road was unpaved, with many directions, so it was easy to get lost.

Shen Xingchen and Instructor Tuya followed Shen Xingsui and Fu Jinxiao. On the way, it was like a spy war was staged. Anyone who saw passing by on the road felt suspicious, especially the willful young master Shen Xingchen, who seemed to be a little face-blind. 

As long as he met young men or women, he would come up to them and ask, “Excuse me, can you dance?”

Then, the passersby would shake their heads in confusion. 

Shen Xingchen was not discouraged, and continued to catch people and asked,”Excuse me, sir, can you dance?” 

The caught man said, “I can’t dance, I want to go to the field to farm.” 

Shen Xingchen said a little embarrassingly, “Ah, I’m sorry to bother you.”

Until later, he met a young lady. When she saw Shen Xingchen, she smiled shyly and said, “I am your fan. And uhm… I can, I can dance.” 

Shen Xingchen happily laughed, “Then can you teach me?”

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The girl nodded, “But you have to take a photo with me.”

Shen Xingchen immediately agreed, and the girl took out her phone from her pocket to take a photo. After the two of them took the photo, she said, “I can dance the national style dance.”

Shen Xingchen was stunned and explained, “That won’t work. What I want to learn is the Miao ethnic dance, the one you performed on that square just now.”

The girl understood, and she replied, “Ah, I see. Then… uhm, I’m sorry, I know how to dance that. But I don’t have the authority to teach you that…” 

Shen Xingchen was dumbfounded.

While the live broadcast audience were enjoying his misery. 

[I lost it.]

[Chen Baby, you just got tricked into a free photo~]

[I laughed so hard at his expression.]

Shen Xingchen waved his hand and said, “Okay then, it’s okay. Then, excuse me.” 

However, just when everyone was a little disappointed and felt that the task was very difficult, the girl said, “But my older sister can teach you.”

Shen Xingchen’s spirit was lifted again!

The girl raised her steps and said, “You guys take your time looking for her, then I’ll go first.”

How could Shen Xingchen let her go? He chased her directly, in a bit of desperation. “Miss, young miss, don’t go! Take me to find your sister, okay? I can take two more photos with you, even three is fine!”

The girl hesitated, “Uhm… can I get an autograph too?” 

Shen Xingchen answered without hesitation, “Yes!”

Seeing that the little girl agreed, Instructor Tuya started bargaining, “Can Suisui and Teacher Fu learn from her too?” 

One of the staff that followed them immediately replied before the girl could, “No, a person can only teach a team.” 

Then, there is no way.

Shen Xingsui understood, and placated her, “It’s okay, then you go. We will look for a teacher by ourselves.”

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