Soon it was the next group’s turn to line up, which was Anran and Li Xu’an. Anran also danced the fairy bride dance. The dance itself was very beautiful – the steps were light, the movements were correct, and every piece has its own charm. 

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It amazed everyone, including the audience in the live broadcast. 

[Ranran dances so beautifully.]

[I have to say, Anran is very suitable for this type of dance.]

[So pretty.]

Anran’s team was a big success, and they got a good evaluation of 70 points. This dance made him stand out, and even the director was full of praise for his beautiful dance. 

Anran himself was also happy.

Because he knew that another point of his previous life’s popularity was this dance. In two days, there would be another showing of this dance, and he would be spotted by a director while dancing. So, he knew that this was his chance for a turn around. He absolutely couldn’t miss it.

However, when Shen Xingsui and his group took the stage, he was dumbfounded.

It’s not because Shen Xingsui’s fairy dance was very good. Although his dance foundation was not strong, his movements and postures were very eye-catching. If anything, his cooperation with other dancers, especially the middle partner, looked amazing. Even when they made a mistake due to an off-timing move, it was perfectly resolved by Shen Xingsui’s clever movements. After the whole dance, this dance looked spectacular because of its uniqueness – it was somehow different despite being the same dance. 

Even the director applauded: “Okay, Suisui, you’ve made great progress!”

Other guests also praised him:

“Oh wow… that was amazing, Suisui.”

“Hahaha, your dance has improved very quickly.”

“Suisui, you surprised us.”

“You danced really well! You’re not nervous at all, it’s so good.”

Shen Xingsui was praised by everyone, and it made him a little embarrassed. “T-thank you.” 

Everyone was praising and surrounding Shen Xingsui, but Anran, who was supposed to be in the limelight, was left out in the cold. Anran was also not sure about this dance in his previous life, but fortunately he and Fu Jinxiao were in a group at that time, so Fu Jinxiao helped him in the dance’s direction. 

He always thought thanks to his solid dance foundation, he could perfectly express what Fu Jinxiao’s direction intended. However, he underestimated Fu Jinxiao’s ability — even a stubborn stone like Shen Xingsui could do the same as him!

Anran was displeased, but he didn’t show it.

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After experiencing the previous setbacks, he now understood that he couldn’t handle it directly. He had to wait for the opportunity and strike it hot. If he acted rashly, the consequences would be very serious.

While thinking about it, Anran suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhang Chi not far away.

As he looked at the ex-schoolmate, he found that Zhang Chi was standing in the corner and looking at Shen Xingsui. This young man was obviously still naive, so he didn’t know how to hide his thoughts. Anran understood what was going on at a glance. 

Wasn’t Zhang Chi’s mother the vice president of a listed group? Plus, he’s sure that not long ago Zhang Chi had plans to enter  the entertainment industry after returning from studying music abroad.

Anran’s eyes rolled around, and he leaned over and said, “Zhang Chi, long time no see, we used to be old classmates!”

Zhang Chi suddenly noticed the approaching Anran. He instantly became wary. Thanks to the previous scandal, he didn’t like Anran very much. But the camera was still rolling, so he could only be polite while trying to keep a distance. “Well, Anran, hello.”

Anran was not angry when he realized what Zhang Chi meant. He thickened his face and stood beside Zhang Chi while saying, “Look, Suisui and Teacher Fu The relationship is very good.”

Zhang Chi’s body froze, before finally replying, “Well…it’s pretty good.”

Seeing that the cameraman didn’t follow him, Anran put a smile on his face, “I’m really envious, you know? You also know Suisui and I used to like Teacher Fu very much. But seeing this, I think this can be regarded as fulfilling both of our wishes to get close to him.” 

Zhang Chi felt a little irritated when he heard this. But he had no choice – he still had to be cordial, “Well, I hope Suisui can be happy.” 

Anran noticed that flash of irritation. He smiled inwardly, knowing that Zhang Chi had been successfully hooked. He pretended to sigh and said, “It’s a pity that Suisui is still single now… I don’t know when his happiness will come…” 

Zhang Chi wasn’t expecting this. “Suisui is still single?”

He thought they were together romantically already.

Anran nodded. “Yes, Teacher Fu said that if he has a partner, he will make it public. Since there’s no such announcement yet, this means Suisui is still single, right? I think Teacher Fu just treats him as a student. Alas, poor Suisui…” 

Zhang Chi frowned when he understood the implication. 

He had already retreated, but if these two people were not together, wouldn’t he have a chance?

Although it was true that Fu Jinxiao was really strong, with his wealth and status, he might actually look down on Shen Xingsui. Maybe it was just Suisui’s wishful thinking that they could be together? 

If that is the case, then… 

Zhang Chi’s dilated pupils gradually brightened.

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Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Anran next to him excused himself, “I’ll go back first. The director should call for an assembly later on. Anyway, I’m just casually chatting with you. Don’t take it too seriously~” 

Zhang Chi regained his senses and nodded his head. 

The director not far away was dividing rooms according to the scores of each team. Shen Xingsui, Fu Jinxiao, Anran, Li Xu’an, Tuya, and Shen Xingchen, had high scores, so they got relatively good rooms. 

Now it was getting late. Everyone was all exhausted after a day full of activities, and they’re not in the mood to continue any activity. The director took pity, and declared that the recording was finished for the day. Immediately, everyone was ready to go back to rest. 

In the evening, Shen Xingsui had just washed up and was about to sleep. But there was a knock on the door outside, making him confused. “Who?”

A familiar voice came from outside the door: “It’s me.”

Shen Xingsui recognized Fu Jinxiao’s voice. He hurried over to open the door, and smiled subconsciously when he saw his idol, “Teacher Fu?”

Fu Jinxiao nodded. “Not asleep yet?”

Shen Xingsui was a bit confused on how to respond. “I just finished showering, and about to sleep now. Why are you here?” 

“What else could it be?” Fu Jinxiao looked at the youth with gentle eyes, “Did you put medicine on your hands after showering?”

When Shen Xingsui was questioned, he was a bit embarrassed. Still, he replied honestly, “No, I haven’t…”

Fu Jinxiao knew that this fool would not take care of himself, so he took the medicine box into the room. “Don’t be careless just because it’s a small wound. You’re a pianist, right? Even this kind of small wound to the finger may affect your performance. If you don’t care for it immediately, it will be too late if something really happens.”

Shen Xingsui sat on the chair obediently. “I was wrong.”

Fu Jinxiao opened the medicine box and put everything in order before he said, “Give your hand to me.”

Shen Xingsui stretched out his hand. The wound on it was still a bit red. Thankfully, it wasn’t infected, just still a bit tender. The youth himself didn’t expect that a wooden splinter could hurt this much. In fact, now that Fu Jinxiao mentioned about his wound, he really felt the throbbing pain now. 

His brows furrowed as he winced when the cold medicine was applied to the wound. 

Seeing this, Fu Jinxiao glanced as he said, “There’s no next time about this matter, okay?” 

Shen Xingsui was about to reply, but he stopped when he heard another knock on the door. He immediately became nervous – although he didn’t know who it was, it was very late. If someone saw Fu Jinxiao in his room, there’s bound to be unsavory rumors following soon after. 

Shen Xingsui was a little anxious, and pointed to the curtain in the room, “Teacher Fu, can you go in and wait for me inside, please?”

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Fu Jinxiao, who was sitting on the chair, raised his eyebrows. “There is nothing shameful about this.”

Shen Xingsui knew that he wouldn’t care, but he was still anxious. So, he gently tugged on the actor’s sleeve, and even said in a coquettish tone, “Just go in and stay for a while, or it will be troublesome if someone gossiping about this later.”

Fu Jinxiao actually thought that outcome was still favorable to him. But he couldn’t stand Shen Xingsui’s begging, so he finally agreed.

To be honest, this situation was a bit ironic and funny. In the past, there were numerous little stars who rushed to catch his popularity by (trying) to have an affair with him. But now, he was sending himself to Shen Xingsui’s door, and he was hidden instead. 

Of course, Shen Xingsui didn’t understand Actor Fu’s complicated heart, so he tidied up before opening the door.

Zhang Chi outside the door got a little impatient while waiting. But, he still smiled happily when Shen Xingsui finally opened the door for him. “It’s me, Suisui.”

‘What is he doing here so late?’

Although Shen Xingsui was a little puzzled, he went to open the door. He looked at Zhang Chi outside the door and said softly, “Why are you here, what’s the matter?” 

Zhang Chi had a basket in his hand. “I’m bringing you some things. I hope you like it.” 

Shen Xingsui thought about it and finally let Zhang Chi in.

Zhang Chi put the basket next to him, and what he took out were some local specialties and fried dishes. “I heard that it is not easy for you to record programs, and you eat less at night. I brought some dishes for you to taste.”

Shen Xingsui said quickly, “You are too polite, I am not hungry.”

Zhang Chi said with a pleading tone, “You are welcome, aren’t we good friends, Suisui? I know that I have done wrong things before, and I owe you an apology for that, so take this as my compensation, okay? This is something I can do for you. Please don’t refuse?” 

Shen Xingsui fell silent.

Just when Zhang Chi thought he agreed, a faint smile appeared on Shen Xingsui’s face. “There’s no need to apologize, I don’t care about the past anymore.” 

Zhang Chi was slightly taken aback by the bluntness of his answer.

Shen Xingsui repeated it again, this time a bit more solemnly. “It’s all in the past.”

His warm and clean eyes looked at Zhang Chi. It contained none of the previous warmth of past friendship – it’s all politeness you’ll give to a work colleague. 

Zhang Chi didn’t want to admit it, but he understood the implication.

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The past is the past. The story goes on. 

They’re just two parallel lines now, never fated to intersect again. 

Zhang Chi felt a little uncomfortable. He finally thought of his purpose of coming here today, so he continued, “Suisui, no matter what happened in the past, it’s over. We can start over now. I see that you are doing well now, and I am also very happy. So, treat this meal as my invitation to you, for a new start.” 

Shen Xingsui couldn’t deny him again. After all, there’s still some leftover tenderness inside his heart. In the end, he nodded in agreement and prepared to eat a few mouthfuls.

Seeing that he had started to eat, Zhang Chi breathed a sigh of relief. He also ate a little, and said casually, “Have you ever thought about getting married with whom you’ve been talking to?”

Shen Xingsui paused with his chopsticks, then gently shook his head. “No.”

Zhang Chi was a little happy in his heart, but he didn’t let it show on his face. “Then you haven’t considered it?”

Shen Xingsui had considered it, so he directly said, “Emotions are not something I can decide. When you meet someone who is suitable and you like, you will naturally consider it.”

With this answer, Zhang Chi was finally able to say his main point. “Then do you still like… him?”

Shen Xingsui paused while eating. This question was too sensitive, especially when Fu Jinxiao was still in his room! 

Zhang Chi thought he was sad because he didn’t answer, and felt that Suisui must still like Fu Jinxiao.

“Suisui, I think you are just too stubborn sometimes,” Zhang Chi finally couldn’t help it – he started to persuade, “Actually, I think you should look at the world and other people more. Although I admit that Fu Jinxiao is really powerful, you can’t just look at the surface. The entertainment industry is so chaotic. He has been around for many years, and he has definitely seen many flowers and grasses1beautiful girls and handsome boys. Plus, I heard that many people in this circle are quite dirty. They liked to toy with people’s hearts…” 

Shen Xingsui hastily coughed a few times, signaling Zhang Chi to stop talking.

Who knew that Zhang Chi thought that Shen Xingsui had listened, so he continued in an even more vigorous manner, “Suisui, I’m really not lying to you. I’ve heard about this before. Many female stars were photographed coming out of his hotel room! Look, if that many had been photographed, who knows how many there actually are? There’s definitely a couple girls who managed to sneak around. Let me tell you…” 

Shen Xingsui gaped in shock. He didn’t expect Zhang Chi to be so daring to speak.

Then, he saw Fu Jinxiao slowly walking out from behind Zhang Chi, making him become even more anxious. He hurriedly tried to save Zhang Chi, “Don’t say anything, Teacher Fu should not be such a person. Zhang Chi, you must have listened to the rumors, right? Let’s not indiscriminately believe in such gossip in the future.” 

However, this only made Zhang Chi think that Shen Xingsui doubted him. “Why don’t you believe it Suisui? How can such things be false? People like him have messy private lives! I won’t lie to you!”

1beautiful girls and handsome boys

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