The kiss ended slowly, but Shen Xingsui’s heart beat like a drum, and it showed no sign of decelerating. 

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He blinked and blinked, fearing that he had some hallucinations as he heard this sentence. Just today, on such a chilly spring night, he heard the idol he had liked for several years… confess his love to him. 

Fu Jinxiao gently brushed Shen Xingsui’s face with his calloused fingertips, and chuckled lightly, “Give me a reaction, Mr. Shen, you make me lose face by not answering.” 

Shen Xingsui could only blush in silence. He became shy after fully digesting the kiss.

Fu Jinxiao was shocked by the youth’s frazzled nerves. He smiled helplessly and dotingly, “My, my, your skin is so thin.” 

In a certain sense and level, it’s not that Shen Xingsui was too thin-skinned. It might be just because a certain someone’s skin was too thick instead. Not that Shen Xingsui dared to say that outloud. 

But Fu Jinxiao ignored it and continued, “It seems that I have to work hard to make Mr. Shen more adaptable in the future.”

‘Adapt… to what, exactly.’

Shen Xingsui’s eyes were misty, and he blinked in confusion, not fully understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Fu Jinxiao looked at the young man in front of him. He was fair and rosy, his makeup hadn’t been completely removed, his clear appearance was unreasonably  gorgeous. It reminded him of the celestial bride that appeared on the stage. 

It felt blasphemous, to think that the pure Goddess could elicit such a carnal feeling of lust from Fu Jinxiao. If anything, Shen Xingsui’s pure innocence actually excited him to dirty and conquer it. 

Fu Jinxiao’s heart itched. By God, he wanted to bully Shen Xingsui to tears. 

Shen Xingsui seemed to have sensed his intentions. He pushed the actor away with his arms, and said softly, “Don’t…”

The smile in Fu Jinxiao’s eyes faded in an instant. His eyes darkened, his voice was a little hoarse, with a touch of oppressiveness, “Why.”

“We should not kiss anymore. If my lips are still swollen tomorrow, I can’t explain it,” Shen Xingsui’s blush came again with vengeance, “We have to record the show tomorrow, in case everyone finds out…”

His worries came from various aspects.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinxiao was merciless. “If they can see it, so be it.” 


‘Why is he so willful?’ 

Just when Shen Xingsui was complaining in his heart, the rumbling sound of his hunger broke the tranquility. In the quiet small courtyard, it rang loud and clear. 

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows. “Are you hungry?”

Shen Xingsui nodded embarrassingly.

“When cooking noodles, why didn’t you think of cooking an extra bowl for yourself?” Fu Jinxiao said as he stood up and walked to the kitchen.

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Shen Xingsui honestly replied, “I was busy and forgot.”

When he was thinking about another, he completely forgot about himself. Now that he’s done, he relaxed and finally felt hungry. 

Fu Jinxiao walked into the kitchen and picked up the remaining dough on the table. Fortunately, it was already kneaded. He simply picked it up, boiled water in the pot, and picked up the kitchen knife to cut it into bite-sized pieces. “Time is tight, so I won’t roll the noodles for you. I’ll make hand-cut noodles instead.” 

Shen Xingsui looked at the neatly sliced ​​noodles into the pot, and he was amazed, “Mr. Fu, how can you still do this?”

He didn’t know how many surprises this man had.

“I asked a chef for advice when I was shooting a movie before,” Fu Jinxiao in an unhurried manner, “It can only be used to look good, and the taste is so-so. At least it can fill up hunger.” 

Although that’s what he said, he’s clearly just being humble. When the steaming hot sliced ​​noodles came out, Fu Jinxiao’s technique of mixing sauce and hot oil was exceptionally proficient. He only added an egg to Shen Xingsui’s bowl of clear soup, but the taste was vastly superior to Shen Xingsui’s cooking, despite it being from the same dough and soup base. 

Shen Xingsui sat on the table, took a sip and couldn’t help but praise, “It’s so delicious.”

Fu Jinxiao told him, “Eat slowly, I’ll make it for you later if you like it.”

Shen Xingsui felt full after eating half a bowl. He asked, “You know how to cook a lot of food, do you like to make delicious food?”

Fu Jinxiao curled his lips, “Not really.”

Shen Xingsui felt admiration for the actor. He even excelled in his hobby. 

“Actually, I don’t cook very much unless necessary and for work,” Fu Jinxiao sat lazily on the rocking chair next to him, playing with the red string in his hand. “I haven’t cooked for anyone else. Just you.” 

That made Shen Xingsui stare at his empty bowl, completely dumbfounded. He fell into deep thought.

Fu Jinxiao took a glance at the youth, grabbing his attention. With pursed lips, he teased, “I’ve never worked for anyone like this in my life.”

Shen Xingsui blushed, and his heart began to pound again. What’s wrong with this man? They have been acquainted for so long already, why does his heart still beat so wildly every time this happens? 

“I…” Shen Xingsui worked hard to organize his words, “In the future, I will also hone my cooking skills and try to cook better in the future.”

Fu Jinxiao: “No need.”

Shen Xingsui’s heart sank, but he didn’t have time to think about Fu Jinxiao’s true meaning.

But Fu Jinxiao sensed his downtrodden mood. He restrained his teasing, and whispered, “I’m very happy to provide for you. Besides, today is a very joyful day for me–” 

“–all thanks to you, Suisui.” Fu Jinxiao’s handsome face looked mature and deep in the night. With a heartfelt smile, he continued, “I have received the best gift today.”

The next day–

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Today was the last day of filming. 

For the closing day, the director decided to organize a group activity for everyone.

The director stood at the front and said, “Okay, first of all, thank you for participating in the recording of the second episode. Today we are going to call it a day, as it’s the last day. There is only one last challenge for everyone to complete.” 

Everyone stood up and listened.

“That is, everyone cooks at least one dish that they ate at the entrance of the village on the first day,” The director said with a loudspeaker, “In the end, everyone’s dishes will be put on display and for the locals to judge it. The person who makes the most authentic and delicious dish will win a luxurious award that I have specially prepared.” 

Shen Xingchen raised his hand, “What luxurious award? Is it 5 million yuan??” 

The corner of the director’s mouth twitched, “Our funds are limited…”

“Then it must be a seven-day trip to Hawaii,” Anran joked next, “Send us on vacation?”

The director said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, it will definitely satisfy everyone!” 

Since the director has said so, of course the guests could only cooperate.

It’s just that everyone eats different things that day, so everyone has to prepare the ingredients separately, and these ingredients were not free. As usual, they needed to exchange points or labor with the villagers.

A single fish costs 20 points.

When doing tasks before, the guests always got points that had limited usage. But now, they finally understood the true purpose of these points. 

Tuya lamented, “I only have 30 points here.”

Others soon followed, bemoaning:  

“I only have 25 points.”

“I have 19 points.” 

“Shut up, I have -20 points.” 

After everyone reported their respective points, of course they all looked at Fu Jinxiao, who hadn’t spoken much since just now.  Under everyone’s gaze, Actor Fu said slowly, “135 points.”


Everyone was shocked!

Why were Fu Jinxiao’s points so high? Isn’t this against the sky?

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Fu Jinxiao seemed to understand everyone’s doubts, and said, “When you find mirrors and divine water in the forest, you will be rewarded with points. On top of that, if you find extra hints, keys, and finish other tasks, you can get points too.”

Most of these tasks have not been completed, and only Fu Jinxiao has completed all of them. 

God damn it, this man.

Tuya immediately showed off her shrewdness, “Can I borrow some points?”

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows. “What are you going to pay back?”

Tuya hesitated and said, “For the sake of our long-standing friendship…”

Fu Jinxiao curled his lips, turned around and left.

Tuya hurriedly followed up her offer, “Hey, hey, you, stop there! I haven’t finished talking yet. Let me reiterate, you see, for the payment, how about the album you mentioned last time…”

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed when they saw this scene:

[Hahaha, the real stingy old man in real life.]

[Friendship? What’s that? Can I eat it?] 

[No one should try to take advantage of the old fox.]

[Tuya has seen the big picture.]


Fu Jinxiao lent Tuya 20 points, which was enough for her to get a few more supplementary foods for free, saving her the trouble of finding ways to get the ingredients herself.

When the other guests saw that it was really possible to borrow, they were all eager to try.

Instructor Li also had thick skin and had known Fu Jinxiao for a long time. He’s brave enough to ask for 20 points by saying, “Hey, Mr. Fu. I have this out-of-print album here…” 


In fact, Fu Jinxiao was just joking. He didn’t need this kind exchange. Plus, as a “humanitarian” senior, he actually was going to distribute his points to his juniors. 

Shen Xingchen came over and said, “Don’t say anything, I will steal one of my brother’s collections in exchange for points.”

He has always been very good at filial piety.

Fu Jinxiao said, “I’ll give you 10 points.”

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Shen Xingchen thought it was okay, at least his own points would be -10 points. After all, it sounded a little better no matter what. But Shen Xingchen was a considerate older brother, so he asked in Shen Xingsui’s stead,  “What about you, Suisui? What will you exchange?” 

Shen Xingsui remained silent by the side.

Fu Jinxiao glanced at Shen Xingsui and said, “How much do you want?”

When others came to borrow, it was a matter of negotiation. First talk about what they could give, then how much they dared to ask after judging Actor Fu’s current mood.

But when it’s Shen Xingsui’s turn, the youth don’t need to speak, it’s Fu Jinxiao who’s directly offering it to him. 

Shen Xingsui has been counting on Fu Jinxiao all this time. He had a decent amount of points, especially since he won last time. So he felt he doesn’t need to borrow any points. “It doesn’t matter, I don’t need much…” 

Fu Jinxiao cut his words, “I’ll give you 40 points.”

Shen Xingsui: “…” 

Shen Xingchen yelled, full of indignity, “What did Suisui exchange for so much?? Can I also borrow so much?” 

Fu Jinxiao glanced at him coolly, but smiled silently.

Shen Xingchen: “…”

There was silence.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed:

[Shen Xingchen lost the last remaining hope in his heart.]

[Fu Jinxiao, probably: How can you compare yourself with Suisui?] 

[Hahaha, Suisui doesn’t have to give anything.]

[Teacher Fu is too caring to his students.]

[I want to be his student too if that means I’m going to be spoiled like this.]

[Be sober, don’t hallucinate. If your name isn’t Shen Xingsui, that’s just a pipe dream.]

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