Regarding Anran’s proposal, Zhang Chi did not dare to agree.

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He firmly believed that relationships must be built over genuine emotions, and he didn’t dare to think about using these kinds of crooked ways. Somehow, though, he still accepted Anran’s small bag. The bag didn’t weigh much, but once he put it in his pocket, the weight felt unbelievably heavy, as if weighing down all of his steps. 

Shen Xingsui also came back in the evening.

They met at a small stall on the side of the road. The evening sea breeze was a bit cool. Shen Xingsui was still carrying a bag in his hand, which seemed to contain a lot of foods and drinks.

When he saw him, Shen Xingsui waved to him.

Zhang Chi ran over in a small step and said, “Why did you buy so many things, Suisui?”

Shen Xingsui smiled and said, “When I was strolling around, I saw many specialties in this town, so I bought some of them. I want to give them to my parents and friends when I go back.” 

Zhang Chi knew that Shen Xingsui had been a person who was very considerate of other people in the past.

For example, when he bought souvenirs and gifts, he always prioritized buying for his family and friends first. 

Zhang Chi was a little moved. He whispered softly, “I’ll help carry it for you.”

Shen Xingsui shook his head “No, it’s just two bags, I can carry them by myself.” 

Zhang Chi still came over and took a bag, saying, “It’s okay , I’m idle anyway.”

Shen Xingsui had no choice but to say, “Thank you.”

The sunset at the beach was beautiful. Zhang Chi gazed at the coastline and suggested, “You’re welcome, but it’s really rare for us to go out for a walk, so why not enjoy the scenery? How about taking a photo together?”

Shen Xingsui hesitated, “Right now? But I didn’t style my clothes when I went outside just now, and so I don’t look…” 

Of course Zhang Chi understood. After all, both of them were celebrities, and they had to pay attention to their own image. “It’s okay, I won’t post on Weibo, I just post on my private WeChat Moments or something.”

This was okay in Shen Xingsui’s mind, so he accepted. 

Shen Xingsui nodded, “That’s good.”

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The two of them turned their backs to the sea together. With lush green coconut trees behind them, their smiles were different: one smiled brightly, the other smiled shyly. The mobile phone’s camera recorded this warm moment.

Zhang Chi smiled as he saw the result. “Nice.”

Shen Xingsui hummed in agreement, “Let’s go back, then. It’s getting late.”

Zhang Chi nodded and he posted the photo to his Moments. Soon, his post received many likes from people, including former classmates and recent friends. Friends from all over the world came to leave comments one after another:

[Is this Shen Xingsui?]

[Wow, you two are good friends.]

[Their relationship is so good, I’m so envious.]

[Are you two on a private vacation?]

[Ah, he looks so happy in private. Zhang Chi, I’m his fan, can you get me his autograph?]

This was Zhang Chi’s most popular circle of friends in recent years.  Seeing them praising this photo and saying that they looked good together… it shook his heart. 

These words went deep into Zhang Chi’s heart, and made him feel an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and vanity. He thought, ‘If one day I really got together with Shen Xingsui, how many people would be envious of me? Lots of people will wish us well, because we’re actually a really good match, right?’ 

A few days later.

Two songs were almost produced. Hu Kaiyue was very satisfied, especially for Shen Xingsui’s excellent performance. 

“You exceeded my expectations. So, I am going to give you a song that is slated for a collaboration with a big blockbuster movie. You and Zhang Chi should work on it together. Give me a draft for the lyrics within three days.”

Shen Xingsui said, “Okay, what if the arrangement is also completed within three days?”

Hu Kaiyue laughed, amused by Shen Xingsui’s cheeky suggestion, “Are you boasting?.”

“No,” Shen Xingsui has always been very humble in his conduct, “Sometimes, I just get inspiration. That is, when writing lyrics I sometimes can already figure out the tune to go along with it. Although it may not be the best, if you are satisfied, is it just right to make a second revision, like correcting it?” 

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Shen Xingsui laid it down in a matter-of-fact manner, without any bragging in his tone. The more Hu Kaiyue thought about it, the more he thought this might be feasible. He raised his eyebrows, agreeing, “Alright. I’ll check the result after three days.” 

Shen Xingsui nodded.

“I’m going out for three days to talk to the production team.” Hu Kaiyue said, “The two of you will work together, and if you have any ideas or opinions, feel free to contact me on WeChat.” 

Zhang Chi replied, “Don’t worry, I understand.” 

Hu Kaiyue looked at the well-behaved Shen Xingsui next to him, and felt that there should be no problem. In fact, the longer he knew of Shen Xingsui, the more he felt naturally attracted to Shen Xingsui’s talent and personality. His abilities were all top-notch, and he’s very clever too.

Really likeable.

‘I still have to observe again. If no one is actually with him, then I will try to chase after him.’ 

Shen Xingsui warned, “It seems to be raining these two days, so be careful when you go out.”

“I know,” Hu Kaiyue reminded him, “Don’t stay up late to write lyrics. Three days might not feel too long, but if you didn’t finish in that time frame, it’s okay. However, if I found out that you haven’t slept in that time frame, there will be consequences, you hear me?” 

Shen Xingsui smiled, reassuring him, “Understood.”

After Hu Kaiyue left, Zhang Chi and Shen Xingsui were left with a chance to be alone.

Zhang Chi looked at Shen Xingsui and said, “Suisui, then we…”

“Let’s agree on the part of this song that we are each responsible for,” Shen Xingsui has always been business-like to him, “It will be easier for our cooperation.” 

Zhang Chi nodded and said, “Okay.”

These days he had been looking for opportunities, but he never found any good chances. 

Seeing that the cooperation was coming to an end, perhaps this might be his last chance. 

During the night, there was lightning flashing outside, breaking the tranquility. It was going to rain. In the past, Shen Xingsui would be leaving the villa, and there would be two assistants driving him back to his accommodation – a small bungalow down the mountain. But seeing the weather tonight, it’s far too dangerous to go outside, so Zhang Chi wanted Shen Xingsui to stay in a spare room in the villa.

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This made Zhang Chi feel a little restless.

 When Shen Xingsui came down from upstairs, he saw Zhang Chi sitting in the living room, looking dazed. He asked him, “Why didn’t you go to the piano room?”

Zhang Chi snapped out of his inner thought, replying, “Ah, no… I was thinking about something.” 

Shen Xingsui had been working with him for almost a month, so out of a sense of budding camaraderie, he asked, “What is it?”

Zhang Chi hesitated for a while. Anran’s words kept replaying in his mind, like a spell confusing his thoughts. Coupled with the rhythmic falling of the rain outside, Zhang Chi thoughtlessly blabbed, “Today is my birthday.”

Shen Xingsui’s eyes widened in surprise. “Ah, it’s today?” 

Zhang Chi nodded, he looked outside and said, “I used to spend it at home, but this year I can’t go back because of work.”

Shen Xingsui understood this. This kind of longing, he too had experienced it multiple times in the past. No one even remembered his birthday. He emphatized with Zhang Chi, so he comforted him, “Don’t be sad, there will be another chance to celebrate your birthday in the future.” 

Zhang Chi smiled and said, “Thank you, Suisui.”

Shen Xingsui pursed his lips and smiled.

Zhang Chi stood up and said, “It’s time for dinner. I remember there are some dishes in the refrigerator, so I’ll cook those for dinner. It’s raining so much outside. I think it’s better for you to spend the night in one of this villa’s guest rooms.” 

Shen Xingsui originally wanted to go back to eat, but at this moment there was another flash of lightning outside, and the thunder was so loud that it seemed to tear the sky apart. This villa was halfway up the mountain, and it would be very dangerous to drive in this weather. After a moment of hesitation, he agreed to Zhang Chi’s proposal, “Mm, I will stay in the guest room tonight.”

Zhang Chi was secretly happy, and walked into the kitchen to cook.

Shen Xingsui was never someone who would just sit and wait for others to work. He leaned over and said, “I’ll help you.” 

“It’s fine,” Zhang Chi said softly, “I can do it. You must have worked hard writing songs, go rest now.” 

Shen Xingsui was actually not very tired, and he has long been used to this kind of rhythm of work. He always feels a bit guilty to see others working hard while he’s free. However, Zhang Chi insisted again and again, so he gave up and left the kitchen. 

Not long after, he received a call from Fu Jinxiao.

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Shen Xingsui walked to the window and accepted the call, “What’s wrong?”

As expected, Fu Jinxiao was asking about his whereabouts. He replied honestly, “Today it rained too much, and it would be dangerous for the driver and assistant to go up the mountain. I won’t go back. I will stay in the guest room.” 

Fu Jinxiao was displeased by that answer. “You are alone there.”

Shen Xingsui replied, “No, Zhang Chi is here too.” 

When he heard the name Zhang Chi, Actor Fu frowned even deeper. True, it was raining outside. It wasn’t the best choice for Shen Xingsui to go down the mountain in the rain.

Still, Fu Jinxiao urged him, “Stop hanging out with Zhang Chi, and go back to your room earlier.”

Shen Xingsui couldn’t laugh or cry. He always seemed unable to take good care of himself in the eyes of Actor Fu. “I know, I’ll go back upstairs after dinner. Don’t worry, I’ll call you before bed as usual.” 

Fu Jinxiao nodded. “Yeah.”

Shen Xingsui seemed to hear the sound of rain on his side. The downpour seemed never-ending, and a faint longing sprouted in his heart. He and Fu Jinxiao haven’t seen each other for almost a month. The time they met each time was very short, and the time they separated each time was so long. The distance between them was not the kind of distance that could be breached with just a phone call.

Both of them have their own jobs. 

However, Shen Xingsui has a restrained temperament. He was afraid that if he asks too much, he would be considered ignorant or willful. So even if he missed Fu Jinxiao very much, he wouldn’t do selfish things. 

The droplets kept hitting the window, making a rhythmic “pitter-patter” sound. Amidst the noise, Shen Xingsui whispered to his phone, “Where are you?”

“Why?” Fu Jinxiao replied after a moment of silence. He continued in a languid voice, a hint of a smile could be heard, “Miss me?”

Shen Xingsui blushed, a little annoyed. “That’s not what I meant.”

After refuting, he fell silent again.

He said something against his will, but he really hopes that Fu Jinxiao can understand.

Fu Jinxiao responded in a raspy whisper. In the silent night, his voice was low and magnetic, with a touch of lingering love. 

“I miss you too.”

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