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The torrential rain kept falling, and Zhang Chi in the villa was restless.

On the one hand, he was worried that something would happen to Shen Xingsui, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Shen Xingsui would discover some of his unruly intentions. He was spinning around in the living room until he was dizzy, but at this moment he heard a noise outside the villa. It was the doorbell, which somehow rang at such an hour. On this gloomy, stormy  night, it sounded positively frightening.

Zhang Chi’s whole body was alert, tensed up like a burglar who was caught red-handed. 

“Who is it?”

The doorbell just kept ringing.

Zhang Chi moved to the door in small steps and turned on the electronic peeping hole. He saw a man in a black windbreaker from the video. Fu Jinxiao stood there alone with a stern expression. He looked at the camera, as if he could feel someone looking at him through the device. He obviously didn’t say a word, but his oppressive aura could be felt even through it. 

Zhang Chi gasped.

Fu Jinxiao rang the doorbell again, and Zhang Chi didn’t know why, but he was a little afraid to open the door.

Then, there was a scene that made him dumbfounded. Fu Jinxiao unexpectedly took out a small card from nowhere, and began to enter the password to unlock it. Seeing this scene, Zhang Chi was terrified, and opened the door without thinking.

With a “click“, the door was opened.

The outside wind blew towards his face at full force, bringing rain droplets with it, sobering Zhang Chi in an instant. Looking at the man standing under the pale light, he felt that he was like a deadly ghost from the deep mountains.

He was terrified. But also, glad that he didn’t do anything untowards. 

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Fu Jinxiao directly asked, “What about him?”

Zhang Chi stammered, “W-Who?”

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, as if thinking that Zhang Chi was an idiot for not getting what he meant. He went directly past Zhang Chi and entered the door. His eyes scanned the dining table in the hall and saw that the table was full with delicious dishes and opened red wine. He sneered at the clear romantic-esque candlelit dinner, his meaning unknown to Zhang Chi. 

Cold sweat dripped off Zhang Chi’s forehead, and he explained in a weak voice, “Today is my birthday…”

Fu Jinxiao’s eyes froze at the closed bathroom door with the light on. The gentle and smiling sharp eyes narrowed as he walked over and stopped at the door.

Zhang Chi ran over and knocked on the door first, “Suisui, can you open the door?”

Shen Xingsui didn’t make a sound.

Across the door, the sleepy man huddled against the door. He heard Zhang Chi’s voice, but he didn’t move.

Until Zhang Chi said again, “Teacher Fu is here.”

Shen Xingsui raised his head slightly, his misty eyes blinked and his long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if he couldn’t believe it.

There was a knock on the door, and then came Fu Jinxiao’s deep and familiar voice, a bit muffled as it travelled through the door, “Suisui.”

Shen Xingsui’s whole body jolted.

But because he was too sleepy and had no strength, he wanted to stand up, but he fell to the ground with a little effort as soon as he got up.

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Fu Jinxiao was very gentle. His voice was like coaxing a child. “Open the door.”

Shen Xingsui called softly, “Teacher Fu?”

This voice was obviously not clear-headed enough, a little soft and hoarse. Hearing it, Fu Jinxiao immediately knew that Shen Xingsui’s current state was not very good. 

Fu Jinxiao was chilled all over his body, but he was still gentle when speaking to Shen Xingsui, “Stay away from the door.”

Shen Xingsui stood up leaning on the sink. He just wanted to see if he could hold on to open the door. In the next second, the door was forcibly broken open, and the fragile door panel smashed against the wall, making a loud sound. Shen Xingsui looked up and saw Fu Jinxiao’s face. For a moment, he even thought he was dreaming. 

But Fu Jinxiao immediately walked up to his side and scrutinized him. After making sure he was alright, he pulled him over and hugged him into his arms. He didn’t even feel at ease when they met each other, so he needed to make sure Shen Xingsui was safe in his arms. Only by feeling the existence of this person and making sure that he was safe can he feel completely at ease.

Shen Xingsui froze in his arms for a while, and finally asked softly, “Teacher Fu?”

Fu Jinxiao responded in a low voice, “Yes.” 

The youth’s pupils trembled. “It’s really you?”

“It’s me,” Feeling his uneasiness, Fu Jinxiao patted Shen Xingsui on the back reassuringly, “I called you half an hour ago and you didn’t answer. So I came here to see you.”

It was raining heavily outside, the mountain road was rugged, and he didn’t even bring anyone with him. Knowing all these dangers, he came anyway.

Shen Xingsui took a deep breath. His heart was warm, but his head was getting more and more sleepy. In this dazed state, he wanted to say something. But his instinct felt that he was safe, and it made his tenseness – the thing that kept him awake – melt away. In the next second, he fell into dreamland. 

Fu Jinxiao soon discovered that the person in his arms had fallen asleep.

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Zhang Chi, who was standing not far away, looked at the two of them hugging each other, and said in confusion, “You, you, both of you?”

Fu Jinxiao turned his face to look at him, those sharp eyes seemed to have murderous intent. It directly shut Zhang Chi up in one glare. After so many years in the circle, if he still couldn’t realize that Shen Xingsui’s behavior meant something, then he only need to get one look from Fu Jinxiao to understand it completely. 

Zhang Chi could only say weakly, “His bedroom is the first one on the second floor.”

Fu Jinxiao walked upstairs, opened the guest room and looked around before putting Shen Xingsui on the bed. He didn’t leave immediately. Instead, he turned on a circular device that he carried and checked the house for a minute, and got up after making sure that there were no pinhole cameras and radio devices.

At this moment, a call came to his cell phone.

Fu Jinxiao picked up the phone and saw Wang Meican’s name, and immediately picked up the phone, “Hello, Wang-jie.” 

“Jinxiao, I received an email with a photo. It seems to be taken from outside Suisui’s villa,” Wang Meican said, “Take a look.”

Fu Jinxiao immediately opened the mailbox and saw the photos taken. These were obviously taken outside the villa, and the equipment was definitely not an ordinary mobile phone. From a glance, he could tell that the pictures were taken by professional paparazzi. Whether it was the angle or the content of the photo, it could easily cause people to misunderstand.

In this photo, Shen Xingsui and Zhang Chi were very close, as if hugging each other. There was also a clear picture of the sumptuous dinner behind them. If someone did not know the details, they would misunderstand it. 

Fu Jinxiao immediately asked, “Which paparazzi?”

As a professional manager, Wang Meican had already checked it before calling, “It belongs to the Cheng family. It seems that they were targeted when they went down the mountain to play two days ago. For the photos, they asked us to buy it for a price, and I have sent the money over.”

Fu Jinxiao’s eyes flicked across the photos, and then glanced at Shen Xingsui who was sleeping soundly on the bed not far away. The raindrops by the window left clear tracks on the glass.

Wang Meican sighed and said, “Suisui is young and doesn’t know how to defend himself from paparazzi. I didn’t expect those paparazzi to follow there. Fortunately, I bought it. Otherwise, I don’t know what will happen…” 

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Fu Jinxiao whispered, “I see.”

Wang Meican subconsciously noticed that Fu Jinxiao’s tone was wrong, it was kind of low and depressing, as if the mountain rain was about to come, and the wind was toppling the building. When he was younger, he actually had some temper, and would be quick to anger. But as he grew older, he became calmer, as if he was undisturbed by many things, unless his bottom line was crossed. 

And once Fu Jinxiao was really angry, it was difficult for things to end peacefully.     

“Jinxiao…” Wang Meican said hesitantly, “What’s the matter with you? Is something     wrong ?” 

As far as Wang Meican thought, if she was the one that managed this, she would use the standard PR protocols. But if she let Fu Jinxiao handle it… she couldn’t guarantee that nobody would be hurt. He was that vicious. 

Wang Meican: “Hey… you…”     

Before hanging up the phone, Fu Jinxiao seemed to think of something again, and he ordered her, “Take a look at Weibo and major platforms tonight. If anyone exposes this group of photos, please tell me immediately so I can check it.” 

“–And,” Fu Jinxiao looked at the photos, his voice was quiet, but there seemed to be a hint of hostility under his calmness, “I’m also in the villa. They probably took my photo. Contact them immediately. Tell them that if they can’t make those photos disappear from their hands, I will personally make sure that it’s them who will disappear from this circle.” 

Concise and cutthroat.

It’s so lethal that no one will think it’s a joke.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Wang Meican immediately replied, “Well, I understand that I will take care of it right away. Please don’t handle it by yourself, you can discuss it with me when you have time…”

The phone hung up immediately.

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