Shen Xingsui was taken by surprise. He looked at Fu Jinxiao in shock, his face positively flushed.

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Fu Jinxiao’s arms were around his waist, emanating scorching heat, causing his heart to beat itself out of his ribcage. There was a familiar scent wafting around his nostrils. The distance between them was basically zero, hugging so close like this.

When Fu Jinxiao’s words fell, eleven Shen Xingsui’s ears turned red. He whimpered and said softly, “I-I think it’s too soon?”

Fu Jinxiao kissed his fair cheek and whispered, “Then when do you think it’s appropriate?”

Shen Xingsui replied shyly, “At least until after we get married…”

“Hmm…” Fu Jinxiao’s voice was low and elegant, and seemed to have a little smile as he continued, “I see, so Teacher Shen is expressing his dissatisfaction with our relationship status? You want to put marriage on the agenda as soon as possible, then.”

Shen Xingsui choked up, and whispered, “I don’t mean that.”

Fu Jinxiao put his arms around his, interlocking their fingers together. He had a peaceful smile on his face, enjoying the moment. However, just as he was about to continue his teasing, the mobile phone on the table vibrated, breaking the cozy atmosphere.


Fu Jinxiao stood up in displeasure. His shirt collar was open, and his thin waist was full of explosiveness when he sat up. He stretched out his long arms and picked up the phone, saying in an unfriendly way, “Hello.”

The unlucky person at the end of the line was none other than Zhang Chi.

“Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu, are you awake?” 

“Otherwise?” Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, “A ghost is answering your call?” 

Zhang Chi said quickly, “I’m sorry, but I have something urgent to tell you. U-uhm, have you checked Weibo? Someone seems to have posted our photo yesterday?”

This guy now naturally changed his camp to side with Fu Jinxiao and Shen Xingsui.

Fu Jinxiao picked up his spare phone and glanced at Weibo. And sure enough, he saw that a marketing account posted something ambiguous today. The title of the post itself was written in a cautious manner: [Same-Sex Controversy?] 

Although same-sex marriages have been allowed in the past two years, no same-sex couples, especially public figures, have dared to disclose them. Naturally, this post sparked some comments:

[This is Shen Xingsui?]

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[The face looks really similar!]

[Aren’t you writing a song in retreat? Why are you having a tryst?]

[The person holding him is indeed a man.]

[Oh my god, isn’t that person that fellow?!] 

Many netizens were shocked by this gossip, and they participated in the discussion one after another, vying to be the first to eat these fresh melons.

A fan of Shen Xingsui claimed that it was just a dinner between ordinary friends, while some passers-by thought it was a romantic relationship. Many homophobic expressed that they were no longer his fans, and some said that their CP was actually knifed.

There are even quite cold and humorous ones:

[I thought Shen Xingsui was really with Teacher Fu.]

[I was ready to break them up, but he ended up with someone else.]

[Hahaha, could it be that he thought Teacher Fu is not worthy?]

[I’m actually a little angry now for no reason!]

The thinking of this group of fans was also quite strange. But in general, because everyone from all sides participated in the discussion, soon, Shen Xingsui’s suspected relationship reached the top trending list.

Shen Xingsui, who was still in his bedroom, also saw Weibo. He covered his head with some annoyance, “Why was it photographed? I thought this villa was very hidden and nothing would happen.” 

Fu Jinxiao glanced at him and replied to his frustrated question, “Remember, as long as it is not in your territory, no place is absolutely safe.”

Shen Xingsui really suffered and learned a lesson.

Many things could only be understood by those who have experienced it once. Before, he still trusted others too much, so he was calculated and used by others.

Zhang Chi said on the phone, “Teacher Fu, there’s also another thing. Anran just contacted me.”

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Fu Jinxiao restrained his gentleness. His face became more solemn, and asked in a low voice, “What did you say?”

Zhang Chi really was frightened into loyalty the night before. He directly told Fu Jinxiao everything Anran asked, and also told Anran a lie that Fu Jinxiao fabricated. 

“I didn’t tell Anran the real situation that happened last night. I told him that I succeeded,” Zhang Chi didn’t forget to take credit for himself, “Then Anran wanted to expose Suisui and me, but he doesn’t have real evidence, so he wants me to create a chance for him to catch us in the act.”

After hearing this, Fu Jinxiao said, “He didn’t suspect you?” 

The Jian family have been quite miserable lately. They have been cut off by the Shen family for a lot of cooperation and foreign trade. Now the funds in the group were not circulating. Jian Kuo has been selling properties and trying every means to raise money. The situation of their family was very difficult now. All he could do was to rely on Jian Anran and Jian Zhi, the two people in the entertainment industry, who can make money and relieve pressure.

What’s more difficult was that these two could no longer be relied upon. 

Jian Zhi’s resources were suppressed by Fu Jinxiao, and there was almost no breathing room left for him. While Anran was also entangled in all kinds of scandals. He was pushed out by Shen Xingchen in their idol group, and he couldn’t get access to other resources because of his brother’s involvement. What a good thing.

They blamed all the faults on the Shen family and Shen Xingsui.

“He really hates Suisui now,” Zhang Chi said with deep emotion, “I think he is simply blinded by hatred. The current public opinion is against Suisui now, and it is very malicious, so he feels that he has a chance to trip him up.” 

Fu Jinxiao’s eyes were dark, and he whispered, “I see, you don’t need to reply to him, I will contact you later.”

Zhang Chi responded quickly, showing his high level of eagerness. 

Shen Xingsui listened to their conversation for a long time. He could only helplessly smile, “Why does he listen to you so much?”

Fu Jinxiao threw the phone aside. He stood up, stretched, got up, and poured a glass of water. “He didn’t listen to me.”

Shen Xingsui didn’t understand what Fu Jinxiao means. 

“He has to bow his head,” Fu Jinxiao looked up and drank the water in the glass, “The best way to deal with these people is to seize their weaknesses and kill them with one blow.” 

Shen Xingsui recalled the content of their conversation just now, said softly, “Actually, I have an idea.”

Fu Jinxiao gave him a surprised look, “I’m listening.” 

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Shen Xingsui sat up a little bit upright and said softly, “Although I haven’t had much contact with Anran, I probably also understand what kind of person he is. Both Jian Zhi and him… they hated me the most. So this time, if Zhang Chi was targeted by Anran, I think there is a large possibility that Jian Zhi is also making plans behind the scenes.”

Fu Jinxiao poured him a glass of warm water, then sat down on the sofa next to him, and looked at him with great interest, “Go on.”

“I agree that Anran did go too far this time,” Shen Xingsui’s gaze gradually became firm, “I know that Jian Zhi has been secretly taking care of someone, and they will secretly meet in a hot spring resort hotel every month. And…”

Fu Jinxiao: “What?”

Shen Xingsui took a deep breath and said, “The person he’s dating is his boss’ boyfriend.”

Even Fu Jinxiao, who was used to seeing all kinds of scandals, was taken aback when he heard this.

The agency that Jian Zhi and Jian Anran signed with was called Jiutian Entertainment, which was an enemy to Fu Jinxiao and Shen Xingsui’s agency. Unlike regular agents like Wang Meican, Jiutian’s agents have always liked to take shortcuts – pimping artists, do back-alley business, and the like. 

And one of the pillars of Jiutian was Jian Zhi.

Jian Anran was also promoted by Jiutian Entertainment. The owner was called Zhang Chuliang, who was also an unscrupulous businessman, but he still had nothing to say to Jian Zhi, even though Jian Zhi was now being crushed by Fu Jinxiao. These two brothers were still planning a way out for them.

What he never expected was that…

Jian Zhi had given him a green hat a long time ago!

Fu Jinxiao curled his lips together and let out a muffled laugh. He looked at his boyfriend, Shen Xingsui,  and asked, “How did you find out?” 

“I once accidentally overheard Jian Zhi flirting with that person on the phone.”

Fu Jinxiao: “Is that all?”

Shen Xingsui was amazed by his sensitivity, so he could only say honestly, “After I found out who the other party was, I was very surprised, but I didn’t believe it. So, I followed him secretly… and found out.” 

Fu Jinxiao suddenly felt that he might have underestimated Shen Xingsui. 

This youth was more clever than he imagined. He was just more emotional, so it’s easy to think otherwise. 

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Shen Xingsui had such a big leverage on Jian Zhi in his hand, but he had never used it. He wasn’t the type of person who would drive people to a desperate situation. Should those two not think of such a nasty plan against him this time, he might have kept this secret for the rest of his life. 

Fu Jinxiao pondered for a moment and said, “So you want to…”

“I looked at the date, and if there is no accident, they should meet every 15th of the month. If Anran really wanted to get a hot scoop, I think we should give him one,” Shen Xingsui’s plan was very meticulous, “I noticed that Anran is currently participating in a a sponsored brand’s visitation activity, which is to take a live camera to explore the city’s popular spots, mostly food stuff. I guess he asked Zhang Chi because he wanted to capture some indecent scenes of me and Zhang Chi through live broadcasting, so that he could completely trip me up on the Internet.” 

And through this plan Anran thought up himself, he would be the one to pick his brother clean. 

Shen Xingsui had already guessed very well in Anran’s mind.

It was precisely because he understood the viciousness of this person’s mind that he decided to fight back.

The smile on the corner of Fu Jinxiao’s mouth deepened, “So you want to lure him over to have a real unexpected impact with Jian Zhi?”

Shen Xingsui coughed lightly and nodded shyly, “Probably so, do you think it’s feasible? “

This trick was really too bad.

At that time, not only Jian Zhi and Anran would like a dog biting another dog, but even their bosses will bite them to death.

It’s just that they needed to make a detailed plan in the middle. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, everything would fall short. If Shen Xingsui was alone, it might be difficult to complete this matter. But fortunately, Fu Jinxiao was here to help him. 

The corner of the older man’s mouth curled up into a smile, and he said slowly, “Is there anything that can’t be done? Since Anran has already arranged the situation, then let him do what he wants.” 

Shen Xingsui relaxed when he heard that it was feasible. He breathed a sigh of relief: “Actually, it was just a general idea of ​​mine. I thought you would think it was a little naive, and it might not work.” 

“Be a little confident in yourself. You have thought carefully,” Fu Jinxiao played with the glass in his hand, while slowly said, “I just didn’t expect that Teacher Shen, who usually looks quiet, can think of such a marvelous prank idea.” 

Shen Xingsui choked on pure air. He guiltily said, “Is it too vicious?” 

Fu Jinxiao only chuckled in amusement. “Of course not.” 

As he spoke, he stood up, walked to the side of the bed, bent down, and kissed Shen Xingsui. The youth still had some anxiety between his brows, so he decided to smooth it over with his flirting technique. “It’s much kinder than what I originally planned, Baby.” 

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