Chapter 17: Another Wriggling Awareness

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Following Moiron, Rosalie also stood up, and they shook hands.

“I’ll say goodbye. You’re not attending the ball tonight, are you?”

“Yes, I’m going to rest.”

Even if it wasn’t for yesterday’s incident, Rosalie had no reason to attend the ball in the first place, let alone participate for the second time.

“Then come and have a leisurely cup of tea with me later. See you soon.”

Moiron nodded and left the reception room.

“Am I amusing?”

Since entering the novel, Rosalie had heard many people say that she was amusing or interesting. It was a compliment she’d never heard before.

“It’s just as Erudit predicted.”

In response to Rosalie’s desire to remain in a friendly partnership with Moiron in addition to obtaining the weapon materials, Erudit suggested reducing customs taxes.

Rosalie decided to give Erudit a big bonus when she returned to the Judeheart mansion.

⊱⊱⊱────── {.⋅ ✧✧✧ ⋅.} ──────⊰⊰⊰

That afternoon, shortly after Moiron left and just before the ball started, Sonia came to the mansion. Seeing Rosalie’s face, Sonia had a sad expression that seemed as if she could burst into tears at any moment.

“Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay, Sonia.”

Sonia examined Rosalie up and down. When she saw that there were no major problems, she looked relieved.

“Were you really rescued by the guards? I didn’t see you around the garden.”

Rosalie was perplexed by Sonia’s question. Judging by her reaction, it seemed like Derivis hadn’t told her anything. Rosalie thought he had told her.

However, Rosalie couldn’t say anything recklessly. It had to be kept a secret.

“Just don’t worry about what happened.”

“You and Devi… “

Sonia muttered with a dark expression, and Rosalie called her name.

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Soon, Sonia’s dark expression vanished and a smile took its place. For some reason, it was a forced smile, like a mask, unlike her usual one.

“It’s nothing. You’re not going to the ball tonight, are you?”

“I plan to rest today.”

“That’s a shame. You looked beautiful yesterday, Rosalie.”

“Sonia is prettier today.”

As Rosalie complimented Sonia with her usual indifferent face, Sonia gave her a bright smile. Rosalie paused, then spoke up.

“I’m sorry, I’ve made you worry.”

Sonia shook her head and reached out, grabbing Rosalie’s hands.

“Oh, no! You ran into robbers, after all. Facing them again could tarnish your reputation and lower your dignity.”

Sonia patted Rosalie’s hands comfortingly. At her less-than-consoling words, Rosalie quickly withdrew her grip and opened her mouth to speak.

“That’s not…”

“Oh no, I have to go to the ball! Take care of yourself.”

Sonia deliberately turned away, pretending not to hear Rosalie. There was no smile on her face as she turned around. Her expression was cold.

Rosalie’s meaningful gaze followed her quick steps as she left.

⊱⊱⊱────── {.⋅ ✧✧✧ ⋅.} ──────⊰⊰⊰

Two days later, Rosalie weakly rubbed her tired eyes. She had been working on documents at night and training during the days, and her body was screaming in exhaustion.

‘The story is going wrong. I need to keep an eye on Bella.’

Bella hadn’t been seen in the mansion since Rosalie threatened to cut the tendons in her wrist. Frightened, she had unilaterally avoided Rosalie.

There was only so much Rosalie could do to interfere by following her around. To carry out the territorial war as planned, she needed to keep a close eye and ear on her.

‘How should I keep an eye on Bella… should I bribe Callie? No. She’s a maid who has been serving Bella since before she got married. She won’t be easily bought.’

Rosalie rolled the sugar cubes prepared next to the coffee on the table back and forth. Emma, who was watching beside her, hesitated whether to say something about the sugar cubes that were being played with.

‘Someone with reliable skills would be preferable. It needs to be done discreetly.’

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The sugar cube, which had been rolled too much, began to break and sprinkle powder on the table. When Emma couldn’t stand it any longer and was about to speak, there was a knock on the door.

“Duchess, a guest has arrived.”

“There shouldn’t be any guests visiting today.”

Rosalie stopped rolling the sugar cubes upon hearing Martin’s voice from outside the door and she quickly got up. 

When Rosalie opened the door, Martin was surprised and cleared his throat.

“Ehem. If it’s the guest, I have them wait in the reception room.”

“Who is it?”

Rosalie’s urgency made him speak quickly.

“It’s the Young Lady of the Marquis of Bright, Bianca Bright. Is there any problem?”

“No. I’ll go to the reception room.”

Martin scratched his head at Rosalie’s usual appearance and seemed to be happy for some reason. It had been a long time since guests visited the mansion one after another. He really enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the mansion, which was different from before.

Unlike the joyful Martin, Rosalie was trying to figure out why Bianca had come to the mansion as she headed towards the reception room.

‘Why did she come? I hope it’s not to tell me that she’s turning herself in. I don’t want any more fuss. Or did she come to cause a commotion like a villain?’

Whatever the reason for Bianca’s visit, Rosalie was not pleased. Pausing at the door to the reception room, Rosalie turned to Martin, who had followed her.

“Is there a problem?”

“Don’t serve tea, and don’t let anyone in.”

“What? But she’s a guest, not serving tea would be…”

Suddenly, Rosalie remembered a scene from a morning drama she used to watch before going to work during her military service. It was a scene where an actress playing the role of a villain in the drama splashed hot tea on the face of the other actor.

While watching that drama, she used to imagine that if anyone ever splashed hot tea on her for any reason, she would punch them right away.

“Just in case. The Young Lady’s face is precious.”

Martin tried to ask what she meant, but Rosalie quickly opened the door and went inside. Martin just obeyed and retreated at his master’s command, looking at the golden doorknob.

“Hello, Duchess.”

Bianca, who was sitting on the couch, stood up to greet her. The sharp and hostile attitude she had shown at the ball and in the house where she was kidnapped had softened noticeably. When Rosalie sat down on the opposite couch, Bianca followed suit.

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“Why did you come to see me?”

Bianca fidgeted with her fingers and hesitated. Rosalie inwardly hoped that Bianca wouldn’t mention anything about turning herself in to the Imperial guards.

“I want to apologize. I’m really sorry.” 

Bianca bowed her head and apologized. However, Rosalie just stared at her without saying a word. 

“Unexpectedly, she apologized…”

As Rosalie was considering whether to accept the apology or not, Bianca hesitated and continued to speak.


“And what?”

“Let me call you sister!”

Bianca’s unexpected words momentarily left Rosalie speechless. Bianca, who had surprised Rosalie, even had a slight blush on her cheeks, as if she was confessing to a crush.

Rosalie, whose thought process had momentarily frozen, managed to open her mouth.

“What did you just say…”

Bianca suddenly jumped up and sat down next to Rosalie. Rosalie moved away, surprised by the sudden movement, but Bianca did not back down and sat even closer to her.

“Please let me call you big sister!”

“First, calm down. Why do you want to call me ‘sister’ all of a sudden?”

Bianca reached out and held Rosalie’s hands tightly.

“You saved me! I was trying to kidnap the Duchess—I mean, my sister—but you saved me!”

“Well, that’s…”

“I still can’t forget how my sister protected me from that terrifying man with a small dagger and without abandoning me in the midst of danger.”

As she spoke, Bianca’s grip grew stronger. Even though Rosalie had not given her permission, Bianca had already naturally started using the term ‘sister’.

The reason Rosalie did not let Bianca die was not due to moral beliefs, but solely to avoid disrupting her plan.

However, Bianca, who had no way of knowing this fact, showed a firm determination in her eyes.

“Please let me call you sister.”

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Rosalie sighed involuntarily at the sight of Bianca, who would burst into tears at any moment if she did not allow it.

‘How did this happen?’

A small tear formed in the corner of Bianca’s eye as she waited for a response. Eventually, Rosalie nodded slightly and spoke, feeling that a friendly relationship would be less bothersome than a hostile one.

Excited, Bianca threw her hands up in the air.

“I’m so happy!”

“But aren’t we the same age, twenty?”

Rosalie suddenly thought of Bianca’s age and asked. Bianca was the same age as Rosalie and Sonia, who were both twenty years old this year.

“It’s okay. If I had been born one day later, I would be nineteen. And since you’re so cool, you’re my sister.”

Rosalie fell silent, at a loss for words. Her head began to ache as the story kept twisting and changing. However, Bianca was too excited to notice and continued to smile happily.

“I’ve always wanted a sister, so I’m very happy.”

“I heard that the Young Lady has an older brother and a younger brother.”

“Oh, please speak comfortably.”

Rosalie shut her mouth again at Bianca’s blushing, embarrassed reaction.

“Please come to my salon next time! Many nobles will come, so it will definitely be fun.”

Bianca, who loved social parties and gatherings, eventually created her own salon. Thanks to the strong connections she had built in noble society, the salon was very popular.

It was a place where people mainly gossiped about luxurious topics such as jewels and art pieces, but there was also a rumor that the people in the salon never missed talking about any rumors. 

“Come to think of it, Sonia suffered a lot from Bianca in that salon.’

In the novel, Sonia had been called to Bianca’s salon many times and had gotten in trouble because of Bianca’s mischief. 

Rosalie, who didn’t like to talk about jewelry or luxury items in the first place, immediately shook her head.

“No, I’m not interested in that sort of thing.”

“Then let’s spend time together with just the two of us, sister!”

Bianca said with a big smile, but soon made an awkward coughing sound.

“Sister, you’re very close to the Young Lady of Count Amins, right?”

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