Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 100: Chapter 100: Pimp

Chapter 100: Pimp

Date 23 Mar 2321

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Time 09:47

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234, Cardroom

After refreshing up, I and the gang had a light breakfast, Susan and Corey did not have breakfast at their place just to eat together with the gang. I was not used to the idea of enjoying breakfast with acquaintances due to being constantly on the run in my past life but I did enjoy todays breakfast though I still hated Ronnies guts. I dont know why this cousin of mine just rubs me the wrong way.

As I got up to soak my plate in the sink, Jackie asked, What are you doing?

I am full and was going to wash my plate I answered with puzzled eyes.

Leave it on the table, I will clean it later. Said, Jackie

Yes, Cus Just go and wash your hands. Jackie will handle the cleaning. Seeing me hesitate Ronnie added.

I looked at him with dumbfounded eyes, no its fine! You should rest more after all you are pregnant. I refused Jackies offer advising her to work less and I am a grown man I can clean my damn plate.

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Hearing me Ronnies face was red with embarrassment and covering his embarrassment he shouted, Yes Jackie Wyatt is right, you are pregnant now and you should rest more, from today I will handle the rest.

I did not stay long enough to listen to their repulsive couples talk and walked into the kitchen, washing the plate I sat on the couch waiting for Susan. After finishing her breakfast Susan shortly she reported, Wyatt I was able to procure all the items on your list except for the Gore Bat ear bone and core.

I did except that after all even though Gore Bat is just a D rank monster the ingredients they produce are rare and coveted by all the card apprentices. Since I had decided to create my second origin card as soon as possible, once William loaned me $100million I did delay any further and had sent a list of ingredients to Susan to procure all of the ingredients I would require to create my origin card.

D-rank Gore Bat is not a strong monster except for the special ability of its ear bone to listen to the soul pathway.

Yes, the ability to listen to the soul pathway, an ability that would make any card apprentice go crazy. Every soul pathway has a unique wavelength to it and the ear bone of Gore Bat can catch this frequency, but there is a catch that the distance at which Gore Bats ear bone can catch the wavelength of the soul pathway is very small as the ear bone of the Gore bats is meant to receive ultrasonic sound produced by its larynx, not the wavelength of soul pathway its just an accidental perk.

The D-rank Gore Bat is not a rare monster, to begin with, these monsters can be found in any dark cave dungeons but ever since the discovery of Gore Bat ear bone uses, all the dungeons with Gore Bat monster had been monopolised and our the years to manage the supply and demand many even went as far as destroying their enemies Gore Bat monster dungeon, leading to todays predicament where unless you are a somebody with a background you wont be able to get your hands on this ingredient.

Even though I knew Susan could not get the Gore Bat ear bone I still had to try my luck because I did not know another way to get the ingredients without using some favour which I did not want to as I did not like to be indebted to others.

While I and Susan were thinking about how to procure Gore Bat ear bone Corey walked in and said, I can ask my uncle.

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I am not the Bright family son in law to constantly keep seeking help from them at every little trouble I face. I will think of another way soon Bright family had already helped me out by giving me a hefty loan and warning me of the hidden dangers I know nothing is free in this world so I was hesitant to walk too close with the Bright family.

Yes, Do not involve your family in every little trouble we face. Did you not say you want to be independent. said Susan and reminded Corey of her original resolve.

Corey nodded in understanding and spit out her tongue cutely at Susan saying, I will get work then. Hopping to the storage section of the warehouse.

*sigh* you and Corey are of the same age but you both have a different level of maturity. She still acts like a 13-year-old while you act like a sage reincarnated said Susan and seeing the disgusted look I gave her she hurriedly added, dont get me wrong, I am just curious

Dont get too curious, I am strictly against workplace romance seeing Susan not get my point I elaborated, *ahem* Too much curiosity leads to obsession and other feelings

My point exactly which 16 or 17-year-old talks like that?

Duh! Every one of them, they just lack the opportunity to talk to the right woman.

See! that right there *sigh* I dont want my little brother to grow so fast Sasan said exasperatedly.

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Stop it! When did I become your little brother?

Call me big sis Susan suddenly said.

What has gotten into you today?

I dont know! I always wanted a younger sibling but our family at that period could not afford to feed or spare focus on raising another child, so my parents never planned on having another child.

I did not ask you that woman focus! Gore Bat ear bones work comes first. I do not know why Susan was acting like that, I had no clue but If asked I could come up with two possibilities One, staying around a pregnant woman has brought out her deep desire of having a sibling or Two, her aunt flow is visiting. Considering what I know about aunt flow I should remove the latter as its offensive and does not seem to be related to her current clingy mood.

Wyatt, dont be mean call me big sister and I will get you the Gore Bat ear bone. Susan had become very clingy today and what does she mean by she will get me the Gore Bat ear bones, if she can why hasnt she already thats her job.

Knowing Susan to a certain level, I knew Susan was not a slacker, there had to be something bothering her so I asked, spit it out, whats wrong? Dont make an excuse I will get angry even if its you, Susan.

Susan finally calmed down and after a few seconds of silence, she said, The Guild is not short on Gore Bat ear bone instead it has a huge stock of Gore Bat ear bone when I asked for a pair of Gore Bat ear bone they said that I do not have the authority to sell them because under the new law the Gore Bat ear bone comes under protected ingredients.

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But there is another way I can get the pair of ear bones

So, whats the hold-up? I knew Gore Bat ear bones were protected ingredients but I thought that law only applied to export and import.

T-that there is this guy Frank Lloyd he seems to have bought some of your armour in the auction and ever since then he has been asking me out on dinner usually, I would politely decline but this time he said if I had dinner with him he would help me buy a pair of Gore Bat ear bones. For some reason, I felt uncomfortable in my heart hearing Susan and was angry at the smuck making her uncomfortable no this feeling I am feeling is not something between a man and woman but something between two friends or even siblings.

How can I feel about Susan this way, we are not that close? we have not even known each other for a week yet why does our relationship seem so deep that talking to Susan felt like talking to a best friend or family.

When did this happen? Is it because Susan is a hot chick? Am I that vain and shallow to judge women on their looks and sexuality instead of their nature and heart. Thats a problem for another time right now I have other problems to take care of and stop trying to find fault with myself and be happy I have found someone I can trust and count on.

How dare someone eye my employee fuck! have I fallen to a point where I require to pimp my employee.

Feeling my anger, Susan said, Its not a big deal its just a dinner I can handle it if it is for my little brother

Do I Look Like Someone Who PIMPS HIS SIS TO GET THINGS DONE!!! I thundered in rage and anger. My rage was not towards Susan or even that smuck named Frank but myself looking at how far I have fallen due to my ignorance and unpreparedness which let Susan who lived morally her whole life undergo something so uncomfortable and consider something that demeaning.

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