Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1004: 1004 Ellen's mother

Date- 12 Oct 22XX

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Time- 17:51

Location- Central Region, Capital city, Duskborn Mansion

Having Ellens father rejects his proposal a hundred and oneth time Sansas father shook his head and sighs saying, You are a good man you know that. The Duskborns and that woman dont deserve you. Your loyalty is what I like the most and hate the most about you. This loyalty of yours is going to hurt you badly one day, I just hope Ellen doesnt become the collateral.

Commander, it is not loyalty. This what I have to do as a son and a husband, Ellens father replied.

What about your part as a father? Cant you see because of your stubbornness that child Sigh, For the childs sake I will ask you one last time to come work with me, as far as the Duskborns are concerned let me handle them, Sansas father words were genuine, for his men he was willing to shoulder the storm let alone the Duskborn family.

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This time Ellens father did not immediately reject Sansas father. As his commanders words stuck with him, he was a good son to the Duskborn family and a good husband to his wife, but was he a good father to his daughter?

Being bound by the Duskborn family, Ellens father had to make a lot of compromises that indirectly made it difficult to be a good husband and a good father. But he owned his life, his parents life to the Duskborn family, he could not bring himself to turn his back on them over a few disagreements. Remembering his dying fathers words, Ellens father chooses to suppress the side of him that screamed that he was not being a good father. Then blurted out, I am sorry commander, I cannot.

While speaking these words Ellens father kept his head down while speaking these words as he could not look into his commanders eyes and say that he chose his family over his daughter.

Sansas father shook his head and walked away saying, I will contact you with something soon, until then dont do anything stupid.

Before leaving Sansas father decided to check on his little angel and following the laughter of the children he walked to the adjacent hall. As he was preparing to peek into the hall through the door, he saw Ellens mother bring refreshments for the children and immediately moved to make way for her. While passing by him Ellens mother halted and glimpsing at him she said, I dont know why he needs your permission for him to get his old job back but what happened?

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So, it was your idea. Woman, do you know you are sending him to his death, Learning that it was Ellens mother who put the idea of going back to the hell hole in his comrades mind Sansas father snapped.

Dont overreact. All jobs have their risks but none pay as well as this one. Besides he is doing the same work for the Duskborns for pennies, Ellens mother, spoke realistically, but that was her husbands life she was speaking of, so Sansas father could not help but wonder how can this woman be so heartless to the man she loved or used to love or the father of her only child.

Wipe that disgust off your face or I will forget that there are children in the next room. Even though you dont agree with what I am doing. I am doing everything in my power to give my child a better future. Unlike your comrade who time and again chose the Duskborns over this actual family, us.

Do you know how frustrating it is to know that the man you trusted your entire being to doesnt consider you as his priority? Forget me, I am an outsider, what about his daughter? She is his flesh and blood, yet he would rather see her suffer than go against the Duskborn family. You dont know half of what I have to deal with here. So, dont you dare judge me, Ellens mother tried her best not to rise her voice fearing the children on the other side of the door.

Listening to Ellens mothers side of the story Sansas father could not help but hate the undying loyalty of his comrade and feel that as a weak woman facing a big family like the Duskborn family all by herself, Ellens mother did not have many options to choose from. It was either this or letting the Duskborn family use her daughter as a tool in some potential or business arranged marriage.

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I am sorry that I looked down on your struggle. But this doesnt mean that I approve of your ways, Sansas father apologized but stuck to his opinion.

As long as it doesnt happen again, Ellens mother forgave Sansas father and continued to say, You know, I too dont like using my daughter as a tool but if I dont make her strong now, like her father she will never be able to escape the clutches of the Duskborn family.

I understand. You are trying to help your daughter in the means available to you. I can respect that, Sansas father said so seeing that even though this woman was rotten, she still showed a little love for her daughter. So he decided to recruit her help.

Thank you, Ellens mother knew the arrogant and prideful Sansas father would never speak such words. He wanted something from so she added, What is that you want?

I forgot who I was dealing with here, Sansas father said trying to hide his embarrassment, and then confessed, I want your help with your husband.

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I cant get my husband to choose me over the Duskborn family, what makes you think that I can be of any help to you with regard to him? Ellens mother said recalling that she was not even in the top three of her priority list.

You expect me to believe that? From the day you met him you have him wrapped around your fingers. Yes, he is stubborn when it comes to the Duskborn family but if it is you, I think we can do something about it.

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