Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 52: Chapter 52: Viltronian

Chapter 52: Viltronian

Date 21 Mar 2321

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Time 16:20

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Resort, Hot Springs Bathhouse no.02

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Seeing Jaya roll on the floor wailing with her hands covering her ears I was flustered, I knew the source of her torment the howling mini Jaya inside the stone but I did not know how to make it stop yet.

I could see that some of the soul pathways from the stone were connected to Jaya and the mini Jaya was trying to communicate with Jaya using this soul pathway but these soul pathways were not for communication therefore Jaya could not understand what mini Jaya was trying to express instead it led to her agony.

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Mini Jaya did not understand this, being a part of Jayas will she just wanted to come back to Jaya but the grimoire was blocking her path.

I could put an end to Jayas misery but it would require me to cut the connection of the stone with Jaya. It would be the opposite of what she hired me for.

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Even though I knew what was happening, why it was happening and how to stop it, I could only sit back and watch it all happen to let nature take its course.

After 15 minutes mini Jaya was finally done howling and closed her eyes returning to her sleep ending Jayas misery.

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Jaya who was rolling on the floor unable to withstand the pain seconds ago suddenly got up and glared at me with bloodshot red eyes.

I understood why she is glaring at me, the first thing taught to her as the Fine Gold heiress is not to show weakness in front of anyone be it loved ones, family, friends etc. What just happened a few seconds ago went totally against that teaching.

So I know right now Jaya is thinking of hundreds of ways to assert her dominance over me and feel like the one in control here. So, I did not dare to test her patients or provoke her.

Her eyes were shouting come at me if you dare.


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