Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 731: Chapter 731 Demented Sex Pervert

Chapter 731 Demented Sex Pervert

Date- 1 April 2321

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Time- 18:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234.

You stop looking at me like that. I cannot help but wonder that you have fallen in love with me. Said Aba to the boy who was looking at her in a daze.

Shorty, have you grown delusional? Why cant you behave like a normal middle schooler? I asked Aba, who exploded yelling, I am not a middle schooler! I am 17 this year.

What? No way. I said with great astonishment. Abas petite body resembled a 11or12-year-old.

Have you ever seen a middle schooler summon a golden grimoire? The minimum age to contract a grimoire is 14-15 years old. Aba argued, trying to prove that she was 17 despite how she looked.

Who knows you are a demigods daughter? One cannot underestimate demigod genes. I spoke just for the sake of arguing.

You Aba was speechless hearing the boys argument. And she turned to check the constant chill she felt on her back from earlier. It was Anna.

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Little bunny, change into this costume. Crazy-eyed Anna whispered in Abas ears as she shoved the cow costume in her hands. She was triggered by Abas words claiming that her crush might have fallen for her.

Y-yes. Aba was too frightened to argue and summoned a curtain card to change into a new costume.

Say Moo, Said Anna, looking at a petite girl in a cow costume.

M-moo! Aba mimicked a cow.

Louder! Anna yelled

I had it. Kill me and be done with it. Mentally tortured Aba finally had it. And snapped.

Oh, look who has gotten brave all of sudden. Dont worry I will not kill you. You see, sometimes killing can be mercy. I will make it so that you hope I showed you that mercy. Anna suddenly appeared next to Aba and whispered in her ears.

Y-you dont scare me, do your best. Though Aba said those words but her legs kept shaking despite her steady feet, which looked like cow hooves because of the costume.

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If you want to harm the princess you will have to go through me. Agatha suddenly appeared next to Aba and grabbed her in her embrace. Then she declared she will not stand by and watch Anna harm her lord.

Anna, we should stop here. I think the little cow has learned her lesson. I advised Anna.

You think so have you really fallen for her? Anna asked me with an eerie look in her eyes.

NoO hang her to the ceiling and whip her ass for all I care. Seeing Annas insane eyes I felt a shiver down my spine and threw the future hope of humanity under the bus. Maybe this would be a teachable moment for her.

Yeah, it will be a teachable moment for her. I thought to myself to suppress the guilt of giving the future of humility a potential emotional scar.

Do you have that kind of fetish? Do you like to see little girls hung and whipped? Is that what gets you off? No wonder you have been rejecting my advances all these days. I thought you were a man of virtue but turns out you are just another pervert with a twisted sense. Anna immediately came to this conclusion. Contrary to what I was expecting.

Anna, how could you say that? That is slander. Please dont believe her. I instantly regretted my choice of words.

You pervert dont you dare come near her Highness. Agatha looked at me with disgust hearing Annas words.

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Agatha, he has my pictures. Aba reminded Agatha with a trembling voice.

You freak! Delete her highnesss pictures right now or I will have to resort to violence. Agathas fierce gaze pierced my innocent soul.

Dont you dare! Even though he is a freak and a pervert. He is my freaky pervert. Nobody gets to punish or scorn him except me. So back off. Anna spoke like a wife who found out her husband was a demented sex pervert.

Thats it. All of you leave my warehouse. Right now. I yelled at the trio who were hell-bent on labeling me as a pervert.

Agatha looks like he wants to use my pictures to relieve himself, Aba uttered to Agatha, hearing me order them to vacate my property.

Anna looked at me with words, tell me she isnt right visible behind her regulated smile.

You shameless pervert, how could you in broad daylight? Agatha looked at me as if I were the worst scum walking in the world.

Here, I have deleted your pictures. Happy! Now leave. I deleted Abas pictures because I had no use for them now that she had spilled all the beans about the person who instructed her.

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Gotta ya! Aba said with a peace sign and stuck her tongue out in a childish manner.

Seeing Abas reaction I wanted to sigh in relief but it appears Anna still believed I preferred a petite body over her mature body. She had nothing to worry about, but her worries were justified, after all, what woman would not start doubting her charm when rejected so many times. I suddenly realized if I choose any other girl it may end up traumatic for Anna.

I want to make it clear to all of you here that I like mature girls with big breasts, ass, and slender waist. I declared hoping Anna would realize I had no feelings for Aba whatsoever.

You are a pervert! Exclaimed Aba.

Weebs like you should be burned along with your roots, Agatha commented.

Really? Anna asked with great anticipation. Because the words her crush used to describe his ideal woman described her perfectly.

Aba and Agatha felt something was wrong seeing Annas star-struck eyes when addressing the boy.They didnt understand why the solemn Anna would show such expression for a nobody card soldier no less.

Yep, I like big boobs and butts and I cannot lie I agreed, telling Anna she need not worry about me falling for Aba. I cannot believe a one-sentence from Aba would get Anna so worked up. I am starting to worry about my future.

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