Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Bounty

Chapter 75: Bounty

Date 22 Mar 2321

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Time 15:45

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234, Card Lab

Tom Wyatt and Papa Wyatt are not blood-related brothers, they grew up in the same orphanage. They bonded over their love for Card Apprentice Championship, as they were of the same age their relationship grew deeper and considered each other as brothers.

They grew up sharing the same dream of being ranked in the Card Apprentice Championship and when they were of legal age both decided to take up Wyatt as their surname in honour of the late Card Apprentice Wyatt Hunter ranked no.13 in the year 2292 Card Apprentice Championship.

Nearing the age of 17 they both successfully contracted grimoires and became card apprentices, so the government resettled them to a newly founded Village as farmers.

Even though they were card apprentices they were government-contracted farmers with minimum wages who were confined in the village as farmers.

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Both Tom and papa Wyatt were young and hot-blooded, they yearned for freedom, and to achieve their dream of being ranked in the Card Apprentice Championship.

So they decided to work odd jobs in addition to their regular farm work to earn and collect enough money to redeem both their freedoms from the government.

3 years in, together they had already collected enough for one of them to bail out of the government contract but then the situation had changed they no longer shared the same dream.

Tom fell in love with a lovely village girl and his new goal was to marry, settle and start a family with her. But papa Wyatt still nurtured their childhood dream so, without informing papa Wyatt Tom bailed papa Wyatt out of the contract.

Of course, they had a big fight after that incident and papa Wyatt went on his adventure, became a silver grimoire holder, helped Tom gain his freedom and marry the love of his life, then papa Wyatt met and married mama Wyatt, and finally settled in Sky Blossom City near to uncle Toms village.

Every summer and winter break both the Wyatt families would gather at Tom or Papa Wyatt house to spend time together with family.

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Even though Tom Wyatt and Papa Wyatt were closer than blood brothers they were not related in the government papers so Tom Wyatt was not informed of the unfortunate passing of Papa and Mama Wyatt.

The thought of informing Tom Wyatt about papa and mama Wyatt never crossed Young Wyatts head as he was too depressed to think straight losing his loved ones, being bullied, falling prey to scams young Wyatt went through a lot for his age and experience so I could not blame him.

uncle what is it, it seems urgent, tell me I will report it to them later.

Its about your cousin Ronnie, he is in trouble. I thought maybe your father could help.

Ronnie! What about him? I know he can be mischievous sometimes but he is smart enough not to get himself in any trouble.

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*sigh* I guess it doesnt matter telling you now, you will know about it soon anyway.

Ronnie, he ran away from the village

What?!.. Are you sure? Why would he do that? Maybe he is kidnapped by human traffickers.

In this world, human trafficking is a day to day incident especially near the rural areas as they need slaves to do illegal dungeon mining.

T-that punk ran away from the village with the village heads daughter. It has been a week now! at first, I thought spending all their money they will return but it seems they ran away for good

Snort face Ronnie got a girlfriend before me. Wait! What am I thinking clearing my head I asked, whats the problem? They will return when they are bored of each other.

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The problem is that the village heads daughter is already engaged to the village guard chiefs eldest son.

Now both the village head and guard chief have already lodged an official complaint on your cousin stating that he kidnapped Jackie against her will. And also put a $25,000 bounty on Ronnies head.

No matter what if Ronnie falls in their hands he is as good as dead

Jackie! Jackie is the village heads daughter!

Yes, she used to babysit you and Ronnie remember


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