Chapter 76: Achievements

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Translator: WQL Editor: Geoffrey

Zhang Tie’s actions were fast and had enough strength. He was also the first to act. In contrast,
the three girls were weaker and were slower to act. As the difficulty of picking pine cones was
higher than peaches, they were on even grounds. There were at least 70-80 pine cones on the
tree. Not intending to show even the slightest bit of courtesy, Zhang Tie’s two hands, which
were as nimble as a monkey’s, grabbed the bigger ones. Seeing Zhang Tie’s attitude, the girls,
one by one, began to grit their teeth. Although the pine cones they got were smaller, what
irritated them more was this annoying guy, who ignored their charm, as he grabbed the pine
cones in front of them, treating it as a big deal.
Seeing the two parties moving faster and faster and becoming increasingly more ferocious,
Wood, who stood to the side, touched his head and became really speechless. It seems that he
finally knew why Zhang Tie had been kicked by that girl. He was not like a gentleman in the
least when in front of girls—he completely deserved it!
After a short while, under their collective efforts, all the pine cones on the tree, with the
exception of the last, medium-sized pine cone that hung on a twig, were picked off. At the same
time, Zhang Tie and that blonde-haired girl both stretched out their hand, intending to grab it.
The instant the girl’s finger touched the pine cone, it suddenly disappeared right in front of her
eyes; Zhang Tie had directly broken the twig, snatching the pine cone away.
Watching Zhang Tie slowly remove the twig from the pine cone and casually throwing it into
the ugly mining basket on his back, all three girls stood up and glared at the ruthless guy,
Zhang Tie, who lacked any traces of being a gentleman.
“What’s your name?” The blonde-haired beauty glared at Zhang Tie. “If you offend us, you will
be the enemy of us, the Rose Association!”
“I’m Zhang Tie...” Seeing the angered look on the three girls, not knowing why, Zhang Tie felt
the discomfort in his heart disappear and arrived a certain conclusion—if one was not feeling
well, one could transfer their discomfort onto others, and thus immediately allowing the self to

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feel better.
“Good, I’ve remembered you!” After she finished speaking, the blonde-haired girl wanted to
“You better not miss me...” Noticing that they were leaving, Zhang Tie hurriedly shouted.
“Hmph… Hmph…” A girl with freckles on her face raised her chin and gave a proud smile. “You
rude guy, it’s already too late for you to apologize to us. We from the Rose association are not
that easily bullied!”
“No, I think you misunderstood. My meaning was you better not miss me, and especially do not
dream of doing those disgusting and terrifying things to me in your dreams when you miss
Hearing Zhang Tie’s words, the girls gaped as their faces turned pale. After glaring at Zhang Tie
and calling him a bastard, they turned around and immediately left...

Zhang Tie realized that his heart finally felt refreshed. This depression transfer method was
really useful.
At this time, Wood, who was standing by the side, raised his thumb towards Zhang Tie.
“Brother, I think I understand now…”
“What have you understood?” Zhang Tie curiously asked.
“My mom had told me that what men were afraid of the most was being unable to leave an
impression in the mind of the woman they liked. For a man to succeed, if they could not cause
the woman to fall in love with them at first sight, then the best alternative was to make that
woman hate them during the first encounter. A woman’s heart is very miraculous. Even though
they might hate you at first, they might very well fall in love with you later. Weren’t you using
this method?” Seeing Zhang Tie’s shocked expression, before Zhang Tie was even able to open
his mouth, Wood hurriedly stopped him and patted his shoulder. “No need to deny it. We are
both men. I understand!”
Afterwards, working together with Wood for another two hours, they were finally able to divide

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the pine tree into three sections. Zhang Tie obtained more than 250g of pine resin and more
than 10 kg of firewood, which were enough to make five or six torches. Zhang Tie put them into
his awkward mining basket and left the forest of pine trees.
While Zhang Tie was busy chopping the pine tree, Glaze’ group had stealthily slid back to their
base. Since Glaze felt that he was stronger than the others and wanted to show off, the four of
them had set base at a location that was 10 km away from Wild Wolf Castle. The four had set
base in a natural mountain cave on a cliff that was 6 m above the ground. In order to enter the
cave, they would have to climb down a vine of the tree above the cliff. Although it was far from
Wild Wolf Castle, they would not be threatened by common beasts here. This could be
considered a decent location.
The atmosphere in the mountain cave was depressing. It was dead silent. This time, Glaze did
not lose his temper nor did he shout loudly; instead, he calmed down expressionlessly.
However, the more silent Glaze was, the more the other three felt uneasy.
After being silent for a long time, Glaze finally opened his mouth, “Zuhair, if I stealthily enter
Zhang Tie’s base and chop off his head, do you think there’ll be a problem?”
Hearing Glaze’s question, the other three quivered at the same time as they felt a terrifying and
cruel air from Glaze’s calm tone.
“Since the conflict between him and us have been made public today, everyone knows that you
want to kill him. So, if you kill him during the survival training, you would be the first to be
suspected and would definitely be investigated by the Temporary Inspection Committee. The
four leading teachers in the Temporary Inspection Committee are all great and fierce. I also
don’t know what means they would use to investigate you. If you go kill him, it would be
difficult to ensure that you haven’t left any evidence!” Zuhair forcefully swallowed his saliva
and glanced at Glaze as he chose his words carefully. “Today’s conflict was completely out of
our expectation. If things went according to our original plan this afternoon, then he would be
suffering for the next couple of days. We only need to slightly adjust our original plan, and we

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would be able to kill him. These past few days, we have already found a wolf den. Luckily, Zhang

Tie chose to be a miner alone. Not only is Zhang Tie looking for his own death, but the Gods
have even gifted us such an opportunity. He’s definitely dead this time. For the next couple of
days, I will stealthily follow him and grasp his habits. Afterwards, we can carry out our plans
against him!”
“That Burwick should also die. Anyone who blocks my path ahead should die!” Glaze ferociously
“That Burwick is more cunning than Zhang Tie. Ever since we arrived at Wild Wolf Valley, he
has already made precautions against our revenge. Right now, he has a certain degree of
influence and has more than 200 people on his side. These past few days, they have been
practicing how to hunt prey. At any time and any place, there would be a large number of people
around him, making it hard for us to find an opportunity to kill him. If we really want to deal
with him, we will have to think of another way. According to the usual arrangement of survival
training in the past years, there would be a competition between students from different
schools. If Burwick wants to stand out in the final competition, he has to get a good rank. When
the time comes, you just need to find an opportunity to pretend to make a mistake and heavily
wound or kill him, but...” Zuhair stopped talking...
“But what?”
“Burwick is already a LV 1 fighter, and he’s not much weaker than you. He is also cunning and
good at hiding his real strength. If you fight him in the ring, he might find a way to escape.”
“Not much weaker than me?” The corner of Glaze’s mouth raised into a cold smile. Glancing
over the three in the cave, Glaze asked, “Do you think only others will improve or hide their
strength, and I will stay a LV 2 fighter forever?”
“Glaze, you...” Sharon showed a face of surprise...
“At most, it will take me two weeks to ignite the second burning point on my spine. Once I do
that, I will become a LV 3 fighter...” Glaze’s eyes seemed to shine with ghost fire. “In the final

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competition, I will definitely find an opportunity to kill Burwick. The moment I start to control
my own fate, you will also start to control your own fates with my favor...”
They no longer talked about Zhang Tie. Previously, when Zhang Tie went against them at
school, Zuhair had already thought up of a fierce plan to take revenge on Zhang Tie during the
survival training. After today’s incident, they were more determined to take revenge on Zhang
Tie. A few of them didn’t even think Zhang Tie would be able to defend against their revenge. In
their eyes, Zhang Tie was just a rude and brainless, trivial figure who dared to go against them
and sought his own death, while Burwick was the one who could really threaten Glaze’s
position at school. At school, there were even rumors that some teachers thought that Burwick
was better than Glaze. Once Burwick found an opportunity to stand out in the survival training,
he would be able to obtain a recommendation. Certainly, Glaze would not allow for such a thing
to happen.
When Zhang Tie with his awkward mining basket finally returned to the trap that he had set in
the hidden stream, it was already afternoon. The afterglow from the setting sun started to
scatter off Wild Wolf Valley. Seeing that none of the traps he had set in the forest were able to
catch prey, Zhang Tie was slightly disappointed.

On his way back, Zhang Tie had paid attention to whether he had been followed by the others or
not. During this time, he pretended to be wandering about in the forest. Seeing that nobody was
following him, he stealthily slid to that stream.
When he arrived at one side of the stream, Zhang Tie was still somewhat nervous. After all, this
was his first attempt. He was not sure that he could capture fish.
After taking a deep breath, Zhang Tie moved away the twigs that sat above the pond. The scene
in front of him immediately surprised him. There were eight fish joyfully swimming in the
pond, five of which were grass carps. The other three were much longer than a chopstick, and
each weighed at least 2 kg. On their jet black backs, one could see two pale golden lines. Seeing
all of this, Zhang Tie became really excited...

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