Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 16.4

 Understanding that is too deep

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Zheng Xie heart began to worry. He tried not to show any strange mood in front of Yang Wei Qi as she did not even know who called. But before he could speak, she spoke first: “It seems to be windier. Let’s go back. Less dangerous and I am also tired.”

After landing, Yang Wei Qi excused herself to go home to watch a live entertainment show so she will drive herself home. Zheng Xie is very grateful for her understanding. He drove along the beach road to the hotel where Su Ren Ran’s wedding dinner is held.

The luxury beachfront hotel has been extended to the sea. From far, Zheng Xie could see He He.

She and another bridesmaid are sitting together at the edge of the sea level. They had replaced the daytime dress and is now wearing a dress that is not able to distinguish the color with fabrics that shine in the moonlight. Very visible from far.

He walked up to them, and extended his hand to He He. Xiao He He did not go and shake his hand but as usual, hold onto his arms to stand up. She could not even stand up straight, severely shaking, indicating that she had quite a lot to drink.

Another bridesmaid laughed while clapping her hand: “Xiao He He you lose. Do not try to get out of the bet!”

He He replied: “Dare to bet, dare to pay. Who is afraid of who?”

Zheng Xie extend his hand out to help the other woman. He could not help but frown: “Drink to this extend. Why no one send you home?”

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The other woman said: “He He say, after drinking too much, cannot just get into any strange man’s car. So she did not allow anyone to send her home.”

He He somewhat vaguely said: “Such anilities is not my invention. My brother taught me. Ding Ding, you must remember the teachings of my brother.”

Zheng Xie had to send these two drunken female home. They leave after a staff member confirmed his identify very conscientious. He drove out of the parking, saw Cen Shi in another vehicle from the rear view mirror. Their eyes briefly intersect for a moment, nodded slightly to each other.

After Ding Ding got off, He He climbed from the back seat to the front seat. Zheng Xie already started the car, see her acrobatics, immediately stopped the car. He did not agree at her indecent behavior.

He He said: “After all, I am already drunk. I will not remember your nagging.”

“I could nag you tomorrow.”

“At that time, I will not remember tonight. I can deny it.”

Zheng Xie shook his head and continued driving.

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The car is too quiet. He He began to gently hum. For a while singing “小白船” and after that singing “两只老虎.” He saw her naïve drunkenness and simply let her be. After a while, he asked: “You playing betting game with people again. Each time such boring game. Each time you lose. This time what did you lose?”

小白船 (Little White Boat) – 小白船 (Little White Boat / 两只老虎 (Two Tigers) – 两只老虎 (Two Tigers) are popular children songs

“This time is, fortunately, it is going to Ding Ding’s home to do part-time housekeeper for half a day.” He He honestly replied: “All your fault for causing me to lose. We bet that you will not come. I say you will not while Ding Ding say you will come.”

“How do you know I will not come?”

“Because Su Ren Ra will leave the driver to take us home. Ah, so you don’t have to trouble yourself. How come your date ended so early? Would Ms Yang be unhappy?”

“How you know I’m dating?”

“Intuition. My intuition has always been very accurate.” He He said cheerfully. “Do you remember Ding Ding? She went abroad for many years and recently came back. We often play as a child. She once sprained her leg from playing. Because she is a little fat, we could not move her and there were no adults at home. Then you piggyback her to the clinic. She had a crush on you for many years.”

“Fat little girl? She looks thinner than you.”

“You were carrying her up the stairs. Your back were all wet. Ding Ding since then work hard to lose weight and finally turned into a thin girl. This is the power of love, yeah, brother!” Xiao He He literally use her arm to draw the shape.

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Zheng Xie folded back her stretched arm for her. “This drunken girl is so drunk to the state of disorder. For so many years have not been so polite and call me brother. I get goosebumps just from that.”

“When I call your name, you find me rude. I call you brother, you are uncomfortable. You’re indeed high maintenance.” She seems to speak to herself very vaguely: “If Ding Ding comes back one month earlier would have been better. I could be her advisor, teaching her how to get closer to you. I would have fun watching while earn extra money. She loves you for so many years, I could have mold her in accordance to all your favorite standard. What a pity. What people say is true. There must be an appropriate time for people to meet.”

They reached the downstairs of He He’s home. Zheng Xie thought for a moment, hesitated and said: “He He, do you have anything to say to me?”

“I am telling you that Ding Ding had a crush on you ah. She never had the courage to say, so I speak on her behalf. So she will not have any regrets while you do not have anything to lose.”

“What about yourself?”

“No. Nothing really.” He He shake her head like rattling, looks like naiveté. She shook herself while feeling dizzy. She puts her hand around her head while tapping her fingers on her temple.

Zheng Xie leaned over, push her hand and then rubbed her temple. Turn three times, reserve and three time and then repeat. This is what He He thought him in the past.

He He said: “Why are you so good to me tonight?”

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“Am I not good to you in the past?”

“In the past, if I am drunk, you will first nag me first, then threw me into my house no matter what. You don’t even pour water for me. Leaving me to fend for myself.”

“You’ve never drank so much. And you say that you are drunk, so nagging you is useless.”

“Whatever you have train and nagged me, I have remembered. See, today I did not let any stranger to send me home.”

Zheng Xie pulled his hand away from her temple and get off the car. He open the door on her side of the car. “You look pretty alert. Get off. We go home.”

He He get off the car. She took a few steps behind him. Suddenly she threw herself on his back, slinging to his waist while in a sweet little voice said: “Brother, you carry me upstairs.”

Zheng Xie reflexed. “Xiao He He, if you make more scene, I will throw you here.” He flashed back immediately after half-step. He He lean to the other side and crooked past. He quickly grabbed at the back of her and He He homeopathically threw herself into his arms and then stop moving.

Zheng Xie looked down. She was fast asleep.

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