Picked Up Another Gege

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Seven years ago, Xiao Hehe’s image of the future: Marry a man who loved her.
Seven years later, Xiao Hehe’s feeling now: Catch a millionaire.

“I have to keep my eyes open, and work to catch a millionaire.” Every time Xiao Hehe watched a happy ending romantic movie, she sighed this way.

Her friend, Su Renran, immediately retorts, “Isn’t there one by your side already? Figure, money, looks, and manners. He’s not lacking in any of those. You already know all about him, so you don’t have to investigate. All that’s left is to see how you’ll get him.”

“Zheng Xie?” Hehe cries out. “We’re only two grasshoppers that were accidentally tied together. Even when I’m daydreaming, I’ve never thought about having anything with him.”

“Don’t be so quick to say that. I can see that Zheng Xie treats everyone politely, but coldly. Yet, to you, he’s especially impolite and pays very much care.” Su Renran’s words hit home. Hehe’s 25 years were a history of being bullied by Zheng Xie.

When she was younger, she was always tricked into writing his homework and carrying his backpack. But those were minor things. Even when he liked other girls, she had to help him write love letters. When he bought presents, she acted as a delivery service. When they grew up, she acted as a servant, a temporary secretary, and even a fake girlfriend.

She had to check up on the apartment he didn’t live in, turn in the rent, and find someone to clean it. When his secretary was unavailable and he wanted to work, she had to help transcribe, organize data, and even serve tea. When he wanted to get rid of a girlfriend, but hadn’t found a new one yet, she had to act go in to act as the elated, infuriating, new woman. There’s nothing much to say about the rest, but what leaves her distressed is that one day, some woman that she ticked off will be too aggressive, too infatuated, and throw sulfuric acid onto her.

But she also owes a lot to Zheng Xie too.

When she was 5, she caused 10 year old Zheng Xie to fracture his foot. At the time, he was trying to get into the Youth Martial Arts School. Then he could only study to enter school.

When she was 10, she caused 15 year old Zheng Xie to become ineligible to participate in the National Junior Chess Competition. He was originally a very promising player to win, but when he was about to leave, she came down with pneumonia. Since there were no adults at home, he had to give up that opportunity to stay with her.

When she was 15, she caused Zheng Xie and his girlfriend to break up. That might have been his first love, she wasn’t sure. But looking at all the girls that have come and gone since, that was the most serious [relationship].

When she was 20, she caused Zheng Xie to lose out on a major business deal. Zheng Xie had started a company, and their future was uncertain. That business was worth a third of their annual sales. Xiao Hehe counted it over, and decided that she owed Zheng Xie more, so being bullied a bit by him wasn’t really excessive. Moreover, he often helps her out.

For other men and women, there exists the “Seven Year Itch,” but for the two of them, what would you say happens every five years? This past New Year’s, Zheng Xie solemnly told her, “Hehe, this year, we should do our best not to meet up, speak together, or cross paths.” Hehe would be 25 in two days.

But this time, she didn’t initiate getting close to him. He’s the one who got close to her. Although… She was the one to send a taunting text first. And then she did pretend to be goodwilled and visit him in the hospital…

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These thoughts were churning in Xiao Hehe’s mind, as she laid out the breakfast foods she’d bought from the neighborhood shop. The servings were for two. She was going to eat breakfast anyway, so she might as well. She thought for a moment, and hopelessly went to find Zheng Xie’s clothes and washing supplies. He really pays attention to brands, and only uses a certain few. Yesterday, it was only because he was too tired and uncomfortable to care about those details.

There’s this word that the author uses to describe a lot of Hehe’s actions, in particular when she’s doing something for Zheng Xie. I’m not sure if I’m translating it correctly, but the dictionary gives “unambitious” and “good for nothing” as possible definitions. In the previous paragraph, I use the word “hopelessly”, but perhaps a better way to describe it is to do something in a resigned manner.

Young master Zheng clearly didn’t feel at all inconvenienced sleeping in a different place for a night. He was as carefree as if he had slept in his own home. When he woke up, his eyes were still misty with sleep. And just a few minutes later, he sat down at the table, refreshed, and started eating.

Thus, it seems that this man is someone who often wakes up in others’ homes. Hehe’s opinion for him darkens. From her mouth though, she asks with concern, “Are you going to the hospital for an IV drip today?”

“I’m already fine, I’m not going.” He didn’t even lift his head.

“Zheng Xie, why do you hide your sickness for fear of treatment?” Secretary Wei seemed to have said that the doctor wanted Zheng Xie to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.

“Xiao Hehe, you’re getting more impolite. You don’t even add a form of address when calling me.” As always, Zheng Xie was the best at changing the topic around. Wow. She’d been calling him that way for several years now. Of course, most of the time, she didn’t even use his last name. She just called, “Hey.” He was actually putting on these kinds of airs now. But since she was in the wrong, she chose to keep quiet.

Forms of address, like “gege” for older, close male acquaintances and friends. Or “jiejie” for females, etc.

Zheng Xie lowered his head to eat. He’s always had a good upbringing, unlike a lot of other people. When he ate, he never made a sound. Hehe admired that a lot. She tried to learn from him, and drink her milk without making any noise. But when Zheng Xie suddenly spoke, she was very surprised and almost spit out her milk.

“Hehe, you’re off from work today, right? Come to a banquet with me.”

“Today is the opening ceremony for the Olympics. Who has time to go play with you? The number of girlfriends you’ve had this year already hit double digits. And you’ve also had several beautiful female secretaries too. Why ask me?”

“The banquet will be in the afternoon. Everyone will be young. Haven’t you always wanted to meet more people?” Zheng Xie ignored her unreasonable provocation, and calmly explained.

“The people who hang around with you won’t be any good. I’m not going.”

“Hehe, your company’s doing well this year, isn’t it? I don’t need to put in an order, right?” Zheng Xie took another sip of his soybean milk. Hehe gasped, and before she could say anything, forgot what she was going to say. The underprivileged trying to keep to their principles was indeed a very difficult thing.

Hehe put on a smile, and said, “Xie gege, I was just kidding with you. I was only worried that I can’t match up and will make you lose face. I’ll go, I’ll go. Should I wear a miniskirt, or something that shows my midriff? I’ll go prepare right away.”

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Secretary Wei sent someone over with the clothes. It was a light yellow, knee-length dress, and there were sheepskin sandals in the same color. There was also a necklace and hair accessories. It was a shame that at her age, she had to dress up this way and act young.

When she arrived at the banquet location, she became very happy. There were Fuwa (“good-luck” dolls) all around the playground. There were balloons floating, and confetti, and questions written on papers. It was clearly a game party. No wonder Zheng Xie didn’t bring along those elegant girls or secretaries, and insisted on dragging her there.

After another look around, she grew even happier. This party was Olympic-themed. There was an electronic display, showing a countdown. There was probably a dress code too. The men were all wearing black suits, and the women were dressed, head to toe, in either red, yellow, blue, or green. The party organizer was just too brilliant. Would they be grouped by these colors for the games later?

Zheng Xie left her, so she went to socialize on her own. Hehe was enjoying herself, answering the questions here and there, winning tons of prizes. Then she decided to find something to eat. People were grouped in twos and threes in the corner, and she accidentally overheard some gossip.

“There was supposed to be a wedding between the Chengs and Zhongs next month. But it was suddenly canceled. What happened?”

“The formal statement was that the bride suddenly fell ill. And then the groom was called to Sichaun because of the earthquake. So everything was delayed. As for the actual story… Well, only those involved will know.”

“That’s not all there was. I heard that Cheng Shaochen got back with his ex-wife. The old lady was so happy that she brought her daughter-in-law and grandkids back from England.”

“Ex-wife? Cheng Shaochen was married before?”

“Are you from Mars?”

She’d seen Mr. Cheng twice before. He was someone who wasn’t easily seen through by others. She felt he was more difficult to deal with than Zheng Xie. Never would have thought… So he had already gotten hitched. And he even chose to do it a second time. That woman must be a divine creature, worthy of being worshipped.

Because of her eavesdropping, she accidentally got herself pulled into the conversations.

“Hey, who’s the girl who came with Zheng Xie? Newly appointed?”

“She doesn’t seem like his usual type. All these years, his girlfriends have all been the same type. Supposedly, they’re like his first love.”

“Oh, I remember Zheng Xie had a god-sister. Is it her?”

“Should be. She doesn’t look bad. I heard Secretary Zheng likes her a lot, and she seems to have a decent temperament. If she catches your interest, why not go meet her?”

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“Secretary Zheng? The provincial…(?) And her…?”

“You don’t even know who Zheng Xie’s dad is? You must be new here.”

(?) I assume Zheng Xie’s father holds some important position, with the title of Secretary, but I’m not entirely sure what it is.

Xiao Hehe decided that once she left this party, she’d call Su Renran, to let her know that the gossip going around these socialites isn’t any better than their commoner gossip.

Hehe found a peaceful corner, and intently enjoyed her plate of food. At the same time, she looked around for Zheng Xie. Was he also participating in, or just listening in on, this gossip too? She found him right away. He wasn’t far from her, standing in an inconspicuous spot, chatting with a beautiful woman.

Ay… She didn’t want to admit it, but even amongst the room full of glitz and glamour, Zheng Xie was still the most outstanding. He was slim, with delicate features. And although she usually complimented Zheng Xie for being an adonis, compared to all the feminine and fragrant men present, she actually felt that, regardless of his appearance, he gave off an indescribable masculine air.

I say “compliment,” but it was meant more as a backhanded compliment. And I used the word “adonis,” but the original phrase used was “xiao bai lian” (lit. small, white face). I think it’s often used in a sort of derogatory sense, for a handsome young man or “pretty boy.”

Zheng Xie also saw her, and said his farewell to the beautiful woman. Then he walked over towards her (Hehe), and picked up some food from her plate to eat.

Hehe saw that Zheng Xie was holding a cup of wine, and she was immediately angry. “Your stomach wasn’t well yesterday, and you had to get an IV drip. Now, you’re drinking? Are you looking for trouble?” She took the glass away from him, and downed it. Her concern was fake, and her last action was key to that. She just about choked.

It was because she’d felt guilty, so she drank the wine too quickly. So she choked, and started coughing. Zheng Xie helped pat her back, but he also laughed. “How come you haven’t grown at all? You couldn’t even act well as a wallflower. By the way, have you seen anyone you like? I’ll help you out.”

“No one’s even halfway decent. They’re no better than you, even. Just help me get something to drink.”

“Don’t say such emotionless things in public. Get it yourself.”

“I already took a lot of food. They’ll start noticing me. I’m just worried I will make you lose face.” Xiao Hehe put on a cheeky grin.

Hehe’s mentioned the idea of “face” before, and I didn’t really explain it. The internet does a fine job of it, if you’re unfamiliar with the idea. It sort of encompasses things like pride and honor, etc.

She was being very shameless now. Then she heard a smooth and deep, announcer-like voice from above. “Ah Xie, you’re still alive?”

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“Ah” is basically a particle. It’s usually added in front of names, showing a sense of familiarity/closeness.

Zheng Xie turned around and smiled. “You’re still alive and well, so why should I be dead?”

What’s she supposed to say to that? These people aren’t young anymore, why do they speak without reserve? From Zheng Xie’s side, Xiao Hehe turned around. She came face to face with a pair of deep, clear eyes, and a gentle smile. It felt rather familiar.

The smile of his eyes deepened. “Zheng Xie, this is…?”

Zheng Xie dragged Hehe out from the darkened corner to a well-lit area. “This is my little sister, Hehe. You’ve met her before, I’m sure.”

“Hehe?” He squinted briefly, searching his memories. And then his eyes appeared clear, “I remember. I saw her at the farewell party, before you went abroad. So many years have passed now, but Hehe hasn’t changed much. She still looks like a young girl. Ah Xie, we’re getting old.”

Hehe carefully looked to Zheng Xie. Seeing his blank expression, she gradually felt relieved.

The man who had been immersed in memories, hadn’t noticed the strange look that showed briefly on Hehe’s face. Gently, he said, “Hehe, you probably don’t remember my name. I’m Shi Lin.”

“Shi Lin? Like in Kunming?” Hehe repeated the name several times to herself.

“Shi, as in ‘time.’ Lin, with ‘rain’ and ‘forest.'”

Hehe mistakes his name to mean “Stone Forest” (石林 shílín), which is a natural stone formation near the city of Kunming in China. He clarifies by explaining the characters used for his name. Shí, from the word “time” (时光 shíguāng). Lín (霖), written with the characters for “rain” (雨) and “forest” (林).

“Mr. Shi.” Hehe quickly returned to normal, adjusting her posture, and extending her hand. After all, she’d had more than one lesson on social etiquette before. He shook her hand gently. His hand was cool and dry, not like all those other guys, with warm, sticky hands.

“No need for such courtesies. Since you’re Zheng Xie’s little sister, you might as well call me ge (older brother) as well.”

“Shi dage.” Hehe glanced over to Zheng Xie. Since he didn’t show any objections, she decided to change her tone.”

“Ge” and “dage” both mean “older brother.” I think calling someone “gege” or just “ge” shows a closer relationship than “dage.” Or maybe the former just sounds cuter to me?

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