Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 21.7

Chapter 21.7: A Sudden Big Change (平地一声雷)

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He He said: “I am sorry to ruin my beautiful image in your heart. I have always been like this. You just don’t know it. Please do not use such eyes looking at me as if I am a monsters. Tomorrow I will continue to be the good and obedient He He.”

Their car drove past a theater with a huge billboards showing ‘Painted Skin’. Too eye-catching. Both of them simultaneously turned and looked.

Painted Skin is a supernatural-fantasy film that is also an action-romance movie that was released in 2008. For more information on the movie, it is available here : Painted Skin

Zheng Xie rubbed his temple and shook his head. He said: “He He, you are also acting this play.”

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He He squeezed a smirk: “Who is not? Everyone is wearing a mask. Brother Xie Xie, are you not the same? Finished profiteering, then transformed into a philanthropist. Heartless when getting rid of previous girlfriend but when it is a lover, a kind person in the public. Also in your youth, alcoholism and drugs are also part of it……” She murmured as if she is chanting a general sentence. Then she sleepily hung her head and closed her eyes.

Zheng Xie slammed on the brakes.

He made effort to cool down his livid nerve that also gradually gathered into his heart.

He grabbed He He’s arm and said: “You repeat your words!”

The groggy and awakened with his sudden attacks: “Repeat what?”

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Zheng Xie hissed out the word: “Alcoholism, drug abuse and gender confusion.”

He He woke up abruptly and stared. Instantly her mind restored to normal. She softly said: “I am talking nonsense. You do not mind it. Don’t mind them.” Then she lowered her eyes and her long eyelashes flickered.

Zheng Xie still tightly clutching her arm, grasping more tightly. He He winced in pain, forced to try to un-grip it but cannot break open.

Zheng Xie said carefully while still very angry: “He He, I remember that a long time ago, you also did not come home one night.”

He He with her head down continued: “I do not remember anymore. I often stayed overnight in my classmates home.”

Zheng Xie said: “I remember. It happen just two days before I went abroad. I remembered that that was the first time you did not come home. You said you spent the night in Su Ren Ran’s house.”

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He He said with a panic: “Oh, I remember that time. I was playing computer game with Su Ren Ran that night.”

Zeng Xie said quietly: “But the summer that year, Su Ren Ran’s brother brought her to Japan, which is why he never see me off at the airport.”

He He bit her lips and said: “Ah, I remember now. That day I was with Ding Ding.”

He said: “The name of the classmate name that time is definitely not Ding Ding.”

He He got irritated: “So long ago. With my dizzy head now, how to remember. You don’t keep asking me strange question.”

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Zheng Xie back down slightly his shoulder, his body seems to lose his strength. After a long while, he said slowly and firmly: “He He, it was really you that night. I always thought it was just my illusion. And after so many years, you should pretend as if nothing had happened. Today, if it is not because of your slip of tongue, I would never have guessed.”

He He is a little confused: “I do not understand what you are saying. I am dizzy. I want to go home.”

Zheng Xie caught her hand, grip it tighter making her pain. As she struggled, her other hand pulled the safety belt. But it was in vain as she could not un-grip Zheng Xie’s hand.

She suddenly began to cry like a child with big tears rolling down her face. She tearfully repeated: “I want to go home! I want to go home!”

Zheng Xie slumped and loosen his hands. He He broke away but could not unbuckle the seat belt. She then pulled the tape and managed to unbuckle.

She opened the door and ran out before Zheng Xie could react. She got onto a taxi that was parked at the side of the road and pulled away a moment later.

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