Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 25.5

Chapter 25.5: Separation does not mean pain

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He He just sat and stared, refused to drink and do not speak.

The Hospital Dean said: “This girl is probably in shocked. The young man’s man injury is not too serious. He should be awake before nightfall.”

Very quickly, Zheng Xie’s assistants arrived with a set of dry clothes for him. After that, they went around to help him deal with his instructions.

Zheng Xie arranged everything for them. And then he moved in a bench and sat down beside He He, quietly accompanying her while waiting.

He He look very tired but been struggling to stay strong. Her lips are very dry and she gently lick it to keep it moist.

Zheng Xie got up and handed her a glass of water. “You go and lie down for a while. When he wakes up, I will call you.” He would like to ask, why you didn’t tell me when you come back but finally decided against it.

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He He turned and gave him a childlike look. Zheng Xie gently place the cup of water into her hand. She finally decided to have a drink. But she drank the water too quickly and choke herself.

Zheng Xie gently pat her back. He He took a gentle breath and gently ducked his hand.

Zheng Xie said: “Do not worry. According to President Wang, he will be fine….”

He He nodded slightly. After a short moment, said: “He said there will be heavy rain here today but I insisted on coming back. He recently caught a cold and he is not familiar with the road here. If….. In short, it is caused from my stubbornness.” After she finished saying it, she bit her lips, leaving a white print.

Zheng Xie stood up, wanting to reach out to touch her hair to appease her. But in the end, he decided not to. He said: “I go out for a moment.”

Zheng Xie smoked a cigarette on the terrace. It is still raining outside. His newly changed of clothes has gotten a little wet. He waited for the smoke to be cleared before heading back to the ward. Cen Shi has woken up. Zheng Xie stood at the doorway and chooses not to go in.

Cen Shi is not badly hurt. He could easily sit himself up after waking up.

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He He helped him to sit up while keep saying: “Be careful and don’t do any drastic movement.”

Cen Shi looked confused: “Who are you? Where is this?”

He He’s hand stopped in mid-air and she turned paler. Zheng Xie also was taken aback.

Cen Shi saw Zheng Xie, he bowed his head slightly, cracked his lips and turn towards He He and laughed: “Playing with you. You thought it is true? Such a gentle hit, you think it would be so serious?”

He He hold up her hand wanting to punch him but Cen Shi turned held her hand while lively playing with her. But tears ran down her face. She thought about the joke and started to smile but tears still in her eyes and face.

There is a box of tissue next to the bed. Cen Shi pulled a piece of tissue and handed to her: “Laughing and crying. You are really funny. I am fine. I am only teasing you. Are you hurt in anyway?” Cen Shi turned and look towards the door at Zheng Xie and smile: “I am sorry Mr Zheng for alarming you. Thank you for coming to see me.”

Zheng Xie barely squeeze a smile: “I should thank you for protecting He He.”

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No one accosted the moment, the scene were cold. Zheng Xie said: “The doctor will be here shortly. Later there will be nursing care that will come and take care of you. He He, I will send you home to change your clothes.”

Cen Shi said politely: “Do not bother. I will contact the company to come later and help.”

Zheng Xie more politely said: “It is not a bother. This is considered He He’s matter. It is weekend. Contacting your company over the weekend, I will feel very sorry.”

Cen Shi said: “Then, I will politely accept the arrangement.”

He He turned to Zheng Xie and said: “I will not go back. I will stay here with Cen Shi.”

Zheng Xie glanced at her: “Okay. I will get you some clothes. You go and get some rest. Ah Liu has been outside. Look for him for help if you need anything.”

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Cen Shi turned and said to He He: “Why don’t you go back and rest. That way, you can help me cook some porridge.”

He He said: “There is a porridge shop outside the hospital. I will go and buy for you.”

Cen Shi showed a pitiful and naïve miserable look: “I prefer to eat the one that you personally cooked.”

When He He turned to leave together with Zheng Xie, Zheng Xie turned to look at Cen Shi. At the same time, Cen Shi are watching him too. His eyes indicated that he is thinking hard about something.

No matter how he wanted to express, Cen Shi is still He He’s savior. Intentionally or unintentionally, he had just did Zheng Xie a favour earlier. Zheng Xie tried to smile towards Cen Shi but could not do it.

Cen Shi face is equally stiff.


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