Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 26.4

Chapter 26.4: Sense and Sensibility

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Cen Shi drove the car leisurely. He let a lot of other cards overtake him. He turn to the side and saw the light across He He’s face.

Cen Shi said: “Now I finally understand why you would prefer to follow Zheng Xie day in and day out. Staying with your mother is like being interviewed daily.”

He He said: “You drive faster. The store is closing soon.”

Cen Shi crease his eyebrow. “You still dare to ask me to drive faster…. The last incident did not leave you any psychological shadow?”

He He said: “While having a meal will also potentially choked to death. So many opportunity to create psychological shadow. If you are going to crawl, then I am going to take the taxi.”

Cen Shi said: “Only villain and woman are difficult to understand. Xiao He He, you are double headed snake.”

He He turned away and refuse to look at him. Cen Shi step on the accelerator, the car lunge forward. He He almost hit the glass.

Cen Shi was a little bored while waiting for He He in the car. She rushed into the small boutique ten minutes before their closing time but he is not allowed to follow. Less than three minutes later, she trotted back with two bags in her hand.

Cen Shi is speechless. “Your speed is really amazing.”

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When He He ran out of the boutique, she obviously was very happy. She even took the initiative to let Cen Shi see what she bought. Two pairs of same style shoes, a pair that is green and the other pair is beige.

Cen Shi nodded: “Not bad. Ms. Xiao, when you buy things, you are getting more aristocratic demeanor.”

He He pretended not to recognize his sarcasm and carefully explained to him: “A few days ago, I was hesitant as I did not know what color to buy. So while I was trying to think carefully on which to buy, today suddenly I thought, that it might be sold to others. So might as well buy them.”

Cen Shi said with seriousness…. “Of course, of course. To seize the initiative to buy the shoes are not as difficult as choosing husband. Only had to pick a pair that you like and have enough money to buy ten colors. It does not matter if you don’t have enough money, I can lend you.”

He He snorted and put the shoes back into the bags. She wildly thrown into the back seat and ignored him.

Cen Shi intently driving, after a while laughed: “Your two elders, and the Xiao Zheng, must have never seen your unruly look. Just now, you were like a small rabbit. So well behaved. Speaking about it, I am more fortunate than them, right?”

He He became annoyed: “Cen Shi can you just shut up!”

Cen Shi put on an exaggerated frightened look. He He calmed down and became amused. She bit her lips and look out of the window.

After a long time, Cen Shi said: “If you are upset, just release it. If you have something to say, just say it. Keeping in your heart, you are not afraid of getting heart attack?”

He He said: “You are the one that will get heart attack.”

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Cen Shi drove round a corner and said: “What is so good about Zheng Xie? He is like a white marble statue, cold with no normal human feelings. Oh sorry, I forgot that he has powerful internal. His inner intelligent are like robots, always will be the latest and greatest version.” He He turn and stared at him.

Cen Shi ignored her. “Xiao He He, you asked me to act with you. Is it for your mother to see or for Zheng Xie? Or are you doing this for yourself?”

“Cen Shi, if you are already tired, you can leave. Thank you for accompany me.”

Cen Shi said: “Not a bother. I am just amused today. I suddenly found out that I don’t know my exact position in the role. I am trying to do my homework. So that I am not careless and let it slip up.”

“I am sorry.”

Cen Shi became confused and speechless. After a long while, he said: “He He, have you ever really liked me before?”

He He thought for a long time and said: “Yes. A long time ago.”

Cen Shi said: “He He, at that time, you just left so simply. I thought you did not like me but only a wounded pride. If I know that you really like me, I will not……”

“It is all in the past. Don’t talk about it anymore. It is all in the past.” He He interrupted him and whispered.

“Actually, I want to tell you, if you like a person, you should let him know.” Cen Shi see that He He did not respond, and unthinking say: “I want to buy you ice-cream. Do you want to eat it?”

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He He replied: “I do not want.”

Cen Shi said: “I want to eat. Why don’t you treat me?”


On the other side of the city, Yang Wei Qi clutched Zheng Xie’s hand, walking through the night market.

The night market are bustling with food stalls of various aroma mixed together, which generated a strange smell. The merchandise stalls are dazzling and full of wonders.

Yang Wei Qi bought a small bunch of cloth fish. She turned around and said to Zheng Xie: “The bunch of cloth fish in your home, He He made them herself, right?”

Zheng Xie nodded while reaching out to pull his sleeve.

Yang Wei Qi laughed. “Tonight, you have pulled your sleeve several time. It is interesting that you have this habit.”

Zheng Xie smiled but the smile soon disappeared.

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He also did not know when he formed this little habit.

When He He was younger, she always goes out with him while clutching his hand.

When she grew older, and know about the difference between men and women, she refuse to hold his hand.

But in many occasions where it is crowded, he was worried that she would get lost. So often he pulled her schoolbag or tug her crony. She always say that he is leading her like a puppy.

Then she started pulling his sleeve. Especially when she is tired, her whole body weight would weight on him. Often she pulled his sleeve so crumple that it is not a pleasant sight, so he had repeatedly pulled his sleeve to smoothen it.

He remembered that the last time, she pulled his sleeves was in this very same night market.

It was only a few months ago. 恍如隔世

恍如隔世 (pin ying: huǎng rú gé shì) is define as – As if a generation had passed / As if being cut off from the outside world for ages

He is then reminded on how He He pulled Cen Shi sleeve earlier. It turned out that it is just her habit, she does the same for everyone.

He should also strive to get rid of this bad habit.

Amidst the crowded people, Yang Wei Qi clutched his hand, afraid of being separated. Both of their palms are sweating and sticky. Zheng Xie went into a moment of trance, he pulled out his hand, and hold her backhand wrist. Her wrists are think, delicate and smooth. There is a sense of familiarity.

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