Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 27.18

Chapter 27.18: A quiet life

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The snow is still heavily blowing, biting the cold ground. In the city, He He drove to the airport to pick up Cen Shi. She did not even take any scarf. In a hurry, she was sweating so did not feel cold. But now, she is feeling the chill and the fine sweat on her body had turned into ice, cementing close to her body.

She could not think of where Zheng Xie would be. If he was determined to not let people know he was ill, he did have a lot of places to escape. But she only knows Zheng Xie’s two residence. And the unit opposite her, Zheng Xie rarely go and stay there before, therefore this time, she did not dare to expect him to be there.

But He He have nowhere to go to look for him. And because he concealed his illness from his family, she could not even call his friends to ask. She knows that there is no hope to hold but still want to hope that her thought is right. But it was hard to wait for the taxi.

Although she knew that he could not be here, and when she knocked for over five minutes with no response, she began to cry again.

On this floor, there are only two units. One side is her home and the other side is Zheng Xie’s house. She had these two units to come and go. But now, she did not even carry the key. In the huge city, she is alone. Her one and only relative has disappeared. She could not return home. The whole world seems to have abandoned her.

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He He knocked on Zheng Xie’s door: “Brother, you open the door. You open the door! I am He He.” She weep while lying on the door until alerted the neighbors downstairs.

The neighbor downstairs is an old couple. They looked at her for a long time before finally recognizing her.

“He He ah…. You come back. Did not bring the key? Faster come into the house. The hallways is cold.”

Xiao He He went into the elderly couple home. After washing her face and drink a few mouthful of water, she found herself about to be frozen.

The old lady said: “The lady guess is right. She said that if you come back these few days, let us contact her.”

He He previously frozen brain is not flexible. While she was thinking about the meaning of the sentence, the old man had already call the number written on the shining piece of paper: “Miss Wei ah, I am sorry to bother you so late. But He He has just come back. Oh, ask her to pick up the phone….”

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He He rushed past, and rudely grabbed the phone: “Secretary Wei, right? Yes, its me. Zheng….. where is my brother?”

“You already know about it? It is late today. You have a good rest. Tomorrow I take you to see him.”

“I am in the neighborhood. I do not have the keys. Where is he? I want to see him now.”

An hour later, Wei Zhi Xian drove over to pick her up. She could not help but showed a surprised look to see her: “How did you end up like this?”

He He had been in tears and the cold wind had frozen her mouth and face with shallow scars. Extremely embarrassing.

The old married couple added on the side: “This is much better now. The look earlier was much more pathetic.”

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Wei Zhi Xian brought over Zheng Xie’s driver. “On this type of road, if I were to drive myself, I would only arrive at dawn.”

He He asked: “Why would you rather let the elderly be messenger and not calling me to inform me directly?”

“You also know how stubborn Director Zheng is. When he said to keep it quiet and not let anyone know, who would dare to even leak a single word to anyone. I guess that you would come back to tidy up so left a message through the elderly couple. You can also save a trip back to see him. Really did not think that you would come back. I am really lucky to hit it.”

“When I could not find him, I did not dare to call anyone else.”

“People do not know about it. His phone have been switched off. When someone asked me, I only say that he has gone abroad on holiday.”

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When they reached the destination, it was almost midnight. In the midst of the snow and darkness, He He could not recognize the place.

This is the old house that Zheng Xie’s mother when she was still alive used to stay. It is an independent cottage with a small courtyard. Ancient and simple styled. He He also had spent several years here. Later when Zheng Xie’s mother passed away, and both gone back to school, they had never gone back to the house to stay. Later there were urban renewal, so the area were developed and became unrecognizable. He He always though there the house had been removed but did not expect that the original has been retained so well.

It is so late but the villa’s light were lighted.

Wei Zhi Xian introduced He He: “This is Aunty Wang. After the death of Aunty Qian, she has been taking care of the house. In the evening there is a nurse to take care of Director Zheng. During the day, Dr. Li and Nurse Liu would come over.”

Aunty Wang said: “I know Miss He He. I have seen her when she was a little baby girl.” He He later realized that this Aunty Wang is the sister of the former old nurse at home. She was once Zheng Xie’s nanny.

Wei Zhi Xian asked: “How is Mr Zheng tonight?”

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