Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 28.2

Chapter 28.2: I want to marry you tomorrow

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“Why are you doing this to me?”

“Do you like me? The kind of like as a man towards a woman.” He He went in front of him and looked at him in the eyes.

Zheng Xie turned. She held onto his arms and pulled him back. “Do you really like me?”

“He He” Zheng Xie rubbed his temples, feeling a little tired. He He was also quiet.

“Before, you mentioned wanting to continue study. Why not I send you abroad to study?”

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“Do you really want me to go?” He He’s eyes turned watery.

“It is best that you stay away for a period of time. You can experience a lot of new things abroad.”

“Why you want to struggle? If you do not like to see me, then I get out of here. It is not that I don’t have a place to go. Tonight I will take Xiao Bao home.”

He He turned and walked away angrily. Zheng Xie caught her arm. “It is good that you go back. It is too late tonight. You leave tomorrow.”

He He angrily throw off his hand and quickly ran out. She did not hesitate this time and mercilessly bang the door. She did not care if Zheng Xie would really get angry because she is about to explode.

But He He had different ideas. She cannot immediately take Xiao Bao back to her small home. She returned to her room to see and found nothing that she can bring apart from Xiao Bao. She writhed in the house for a while, and make a lot of noise. She could not even find a bigger bags. She finally took her coat, the car keys, picked up Xiao Bao and left to return to her own home.

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As He He was walking down the stairs, she found that Zheng Xie was sitting in the living room waiting for her. His face was tired but he said in a gentle tone: “Xiao He He, stop being so childish. I let you return home because I have my reason….”

He He hugging Xiao Bao in her arms and looked at him. She lips were sip into a line, a stubborn look.

But Zheng Xie refused to explain further. He did not even look at her. He only turn his gaze to the curious looking Xiao Bao in her arms.

After a while, she said: “Have you eaten your dinner? I am still hungry. Go and cook noodles for me.”

As she was putting the kettle on the stove, with an upset face, she thought: “How did it turns out like this again?” She is really a natural slave.

The noodles were tumbling in the water. He He’s mood is in a mess. She recall the pieces of each happenings over the past several months. The secret that she had been hiding for over seven years, because of her slip of tongue, had caused the mess. She continue to use a new lie to cover the old lie until everything becomes uncontrollable. She felt guilty towards many people, Yang Wei Qi, Cen Shi, Mother and Uncle Zheng.

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Of course, she is the most sorry toward Zheng Xie. She had broken his life plans. He could have step by step, got married and have children. Because of her oversight, she had destroyed everything. Not only that, she had destroyed her own good child impression in his mind. Although he had been very strict with her, but at least in the past, in his eyes, she is an obedient child. Now, in his eyes, she is clearly an ungrateful, willful and a liar. And he hates liar the most.

But everything she did is out of her kindness. She felt wronged and angry.

He He looked out and saw that Zheng Xie is no longer in the living room. She filled the bowl with the noodles. Thinking that he now completely have no voice and should avoid hot stuff, she went to look for a larger bowl to be filled with cold water to cool down the noodles quickly. As she was absently doing the task, she inattentively touched the big pot and it fell to the ground with a loud noise. That hot pot was filled with hot water that spilled on her hands. She screamed.

The sound of her screaming succeeded Zheng Xie to hurriedly rush down. He hastily appeared in the kitchen doorway wearing only a bathrobe. His hair is all wet. He had actually gone to take a bath.

He looked around and found nothing. With an expressionless look, he turned away. He makes it look as if she is intentional.

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He He whom had just calm down a little, because of his attitude, had her emotions rise up again.

“I am not angry. Not angry.” As she is obsessed with herself, while holding on to another bowl of noodles, probably because her hands was shaking, a few drops of hot soup drop on her hands. She called out loudly and then spilled some soup.

This time, Zheng Xie whom had not gone far, did not bother turning his head.

He He did not know where her impulse and courage came from. With her eyes closed, she drop the whole hot bowl of noodles onto the ground, on her feet. With the bowl that feel onto the ground, nothing actually happened.

The burning sensation instantly hit but she does not cry out loud in pain. Zheng Xie unaware of what was happening, continued to go upstairs.

Did not succeed in getting his attention, He He became shameful and filled with anger. She burst into tears like a child.

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