Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 29.1

Chapter 29.1: Climbing up Half A Moon

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At breakfast, Xiao He He mentioned about what they spoke about earlier last night. Some of the topics that were discussed were when he will return home to live. Zheng Xie turn and told her to shut up.

Probably because he did not sleep well last night, Zheng Xie did not go to work. He stayed the whole morning in his bedroom, did not appear at all. Maybe he was catching up on his sleep.

Xiao He He with her swollen feet, did not go anywhere. She half-laying on the bed, wrapped in her quilt with her laptop stalls on her legs. She was drawing while had the chat window open, and latching every five minutes to a cavity.

The original plan was for her to resign and go to work in C City. But these days, she also occasionally picked up some sporadic small jobs from someone else. Paintings, designing some covers and some animation just to earn some pocket money. So even without touching her savings or mother’s money, she still had some money to use.

It is considered that she had some skills and will not starved to death. It can be considered that in her twenty years, she had been adaptable in this areas, with no cent of ambition.

Zheng Xie’s mother was expecting her to become a famous painter. Her mother encouraged her to continue to do art research studies. But she decided to become a small non-descript painter, every day in accordance to her customer requirement, depicting products. She actually felt very satisfied.

“I am just a wasted piece of wood. So everyone is disappointed.” He He thought discourage.

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She used to be active in the chat group. There is a group of male friends who are discussing about the different ways to propose. This group of people are all from the designers’ background. There are many creative discussions. So many starts to talk about their memorable courtship to proposing.

He He is usually transparent in this group when they are in the moments of such scene. Today, she suddenly ask: “When you are being proposed, how to know if the person truly love you?”

“Ha ha ha…. Good sister, you are born in the 80s and not the 90s…”

“You have heard that marriage is a man’s most sincerity that is given to a woman.”

“Love is to do it…. To do it!”

“Attention… watch the impact. In this group, there are some ‘children’ as well.”

“Someone proposed to the little sister? Body through the money?”

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“If you love him, then accept him. If you don’t then kick him away.”

Xiao He He: “……..”

He He is feeling a little bored, so closed the chat window. After finishing up the drawings, she started to explore movies to watch online. Keywords: childhood, soon fell in love, sexual love. There were many movies to choose from but not a single nice one. None could hold her attention / interest for more than five minutes.

She began to reflect on the incident from last night and felt that she had gone overboard. No matter what it is, Zheng Xie was proposing to her. Although the scene is not very romantic and even felt like he is assigning a task. But yesterday, Zheng Xie was trying hard to explain how he felt about her. Although the way is awkward, for Zheng Xie, it had been a very difficult task. As for her, even if she is in doubts or feeling anxiety, she should not have fought against it. When Mr Collin ask Elizabeth to marry him, she even thank him. Not to mention that in her face was Zheng Xie.

The more He He thought about it, the more she felt regretful and felt that she must go and apologies to Zheng Xie. She had said a few harsh words in the past and had caused the relationship with Zheng Xie to turn sour. Her obstinacy adding toi her desperate effort had brought them back together and she obviously had messed it up again. At least she need to let Zheng Xie understand that she is not rejecting him because she does not like him but more for him to understand that he really do not need to bear any responsibility for her.

She planned several things in her mind, thinking of the best and most reasonable way to apologies without angering Zheng Xie again. But she could not compose a suitable statement. At this point, Aunty Wang called her for lunch.

Over lunch, she continued to think of a plan, so was eating slowly. Zheng Xie ate very little so had finished his meal. But he did not go away, instead looking down at the newspaper.

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This is always his rules. If there are no emergency, when others have not finished eating, one is not allowed to leave the table. This is a basic courtesy. He has always taken these as importance both to words and action.

He He quickly finished eating and put a plan in her mind. She checked for the last time and saw that Aunty Wang had left into the yard. So she was ready to open her mouth.

“That one….”

Then, Zheng Xie cell phone rang a few times. He took it out and glanced at it. He He also looked up. He He is surprised to see him laughing. He began to compile messages. His message content should be very short because he only took four to five seconds to complete.

He He paused the words that she want to say.

After a while, the SMS ringtone buzz sounded. Zheng Xie looked at the phone and dial back.

He almost did not speak but said a few monosyllabic words: “Oh…… ah….. Good.”

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His last words: “I know. I will see you this afternoon.”

At the other end of the phone is clearly a woman. And she sounded spoiled.

He glanced at the peering Xiao He He: “What did you wanted to say?”

“Nothing.” He He is no longer in the mood to apologize.

So Zheng Xie continued reading his newspaper until He He completed eating. After she finished, he put down the newspaper and went upstairs together with He He.

The sole of the feet had a little burned too. So He He was still in pain. She grabbed the stairs railing and like a rabbit jump from one step to another. She look pitiful. But Zheng Xie did not offer any help.

After lunch, Zheng Xie went out and only returning in the evening.

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