Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 29.7

Chapter 29.7: Climbing up Half A Moon

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Setting aside the foreplay, he only entered when both of them are fairly ready and then gradually reached the peak. Afterward, when both of them are filled with sweat with a fairly high skin temperature, He He lay on him while pressing her ears to the position of his heart. Using the stopwatch function on her mobile phone, she tested his heart. “Only 68. Is the amount of exercise we did just not is small?” She started to measure her own.

“Xiao He He. You are really filled with nonsense.”

“Ah. This is a little shameless. Are you disappointed in me?”

“Fortunately, it is a new experience.”

She continue to lay on him and buried her face in his chest. Using her fingers, she drew strange graphics on his body while muffling asked: “Do you think that Uncle Zheng like my mother?”

“I should think it is appreciating her.”

“My mother too. In fact, so many years, from my point of view, it seems that there if there are no hindrance, they would not be so polite towards each other. If there is no third person present, they would not say a single word to each other.” He He silence down.

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“Continue.” Zheng Xie said.

“Your family would not like me to marry you.”

“Your mind is really filled with nonsense. I am the one marrying you, not them. And how do you know that they will not agree?”

“Because even I think that I am not suitable for you. I am stupid and silly. I have no background, so what do you like about me? What can I do for you? Even these incidents, I have done so badly, causing you to almost go crazy.”

Zheng Xie said: “There you go again.” With a helpless expression and a long sigh: “Xiao He He, I really cannot stand you. How come you never have such spirit when you are studying?”

He He open her mouth and place it on his neck. Zheng Xie shook. He touch her back to comfort her. “Well, you are not stupid nor a fool. Just you don’t use them in the right place. And your progress is not big enough. If your skills are more skilled and superb, I would have been driven crazier by you.”

He He kept quiet for a long time only to find that the way she asked the questions are wrong. Or is it Zheng Xie’s skills of answering is too high. Apart from the somewhat vague question, the other questions he did not even seem to have answered.

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The next day, the weather is still good. He He wore a pair of gloves and play with the sand. The sands are wet so was a little hard. Zheng Xie went to the nearby store to buy a set of children’s toy to help her in shoveling the sands. When He He was concentrating in the shoveling of the sands, Zheng Xie picked up chunks of pebbles to throw them back into the sea. In the distant sky and sea, with the near golden little sparkling waves, it feels like both of them have gone back into their childhood years.

Such a good weather, there is no one by the seaside. An hour later, they were the only having all the fun there.

Suddenly, there is a burst of small wind. He He said: “Let’s go back. There is not a single person here. Really strange.”

“Let’s hang out for a while more. It is not cold.”

“Your throat and trachea okay?” He He took out from her pocket, a sterile mask. She force Zheng Xie to put the mask on. There were a cat embroidered on the mask. Looks really funny. Zheng Xie insisted on removing the mask.

“Do not remove. The sea wind can be harmful.” He He looked at the cat and Zheng Xie with the mask on. It seems funnier as you look at it. She tiptoe and kiss the cat. She held on him like a child clinging on to Zheng Xie.

Suddenly, there is a flash of light and He He instinctively indent into Zheng Xie’s arm. She turned to look. On the beach, don’t know when, there had been a third person. He was carrying a professional heavy looking camera. He was standing about ten meters away from them taking a photo.

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The man was wearing a black-rimmed glasses and wearing heavy clothing. He was also wearing a large masks, grotesque while carrying a tripod. He look very professional. She is not surprise to see the man. The always careful Zheng Xie also did not find anything weird.

The man saw them looking at him and felt very embarrassed. “I am sorry. I am sorry. I am from the photographic society. The two of you from a distance look really harmonious. So cannot help but took a picture.” He showed them the photo of them that he took. “I want to do a solo exhibition soon. Can I use this photo?”

“No. I am sorry.” He He was the first to say something.

“Ah. Sorry Sorry. Do you want me to delete it?”

“Forget it. Goodbye.” Zheng Xie said and pulled He He’s hand to leave.

The man shouted from their back: “Hei. Leave me your address. I send both of you the photograph?”

“No need. Thank you.”

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After the man appeared, He He lost her interest. “There is someone here. Let’s go back.”

“Just now you were complaining that there were nobody.”

“That man is weird. Does not seem to look like a good man.” She turned to glance at him. She saw that he had already place the tripod and solemnly snapping photos of the sea.

“I am here.”

“We continue to play cat and mouse game. I go to the front side of the pergola. You can then start chasing me. The end is the station in front.” He He wanted to be a little further away from the man.

“With your kind of speed, even if you run another fifty meters more, I can still catch up.”

“Really? Well let’s try it then.” He He finished and ran away.

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