Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 30.1

Chapter 30.1: End of Autumn

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Next Stop… Happiness. The wandering day will soon end.

The marriage of Zheng Xie and He He was fast and simple. They only invited the most important family and friends. But to He He, she felt that it is still too grand. In fact, what she hope for most is to secretly register the marriage with Zheng Xie. But on this issue, she unfortunately do not have any right to speak. What she was most worried about was her mum whom actually not say anything but remained polite and kind to Zheng Xie still.

The most surprising is the large parcel that she received before the wedding from Yang Wei Qi. It is the exquisite workmanship of the wedding gown that He He had personally designed for her. In the note, Yang Wei Qi said that the dress is done in accordance to her size. This is counted as her returning the pendant and gifts. But He He still owe her a set of design.

He He’s heart felt relieved. She asked Zheng Xie, such a good woman, to let her go, will be not feel sorry?

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Zheng Xie said that it is not true. Because she is very good, so she is worth more for others to appreciate her. At least for him, improvising He He is sufficient. Then in the evening, he was abused by the angry He He.

Taking into consideration of what had happen, He He went back to school in accordance to Zheng Xie’s plan. But she choose to remain close, so only went to the adjacent city to further her study. Similar climate and closer distance to home. So every weekend, she will come back or Zheng Xie will head over to see her.

In fact, Zheng Xie often in a little tipsy mood, will appear in front of her in the middle of the night even when it is not the weekend. Driver Wang explained with a smile that Zheng Xie had drank a little high and especially missed her. So he took the three hour drive to see her.

At first, He He stayed in the campus. In the spring, the big fairy tale house is covered with green. Since it is so close to the university, He He moved over to stay there. Zheng Xie hired a middle-age woman to take care of her. And the cat Xiao Bao that accompanied her, is getting fatter and lazy. Xiao Bao act more like a dog in a cat’s body. Each time Zheng Xie visit, it would wags its tail and roll. Completely forgotten who had been feeding it, bathing it while giving it nice clothes to wear. And also make interesting toys for it. Also forgetting that it is a cat.

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When Wei Zhi Xian went to hand some office documents to Zheng Xie, he was looking at a few photos. He was considering whether or not put those photos into the shredder.

Wei Zhi Xian said: “If you don’t want those photo, give them to me. Those photos are so beautiful. That classmate of mine could not use it for his exhibition. He is very sad as he says that these are his proudest piece of work….”

Zheng Xie and He He was rolling on the sand in the photographs. Zheng Xie smiled looking at those photos. He placed them back into the bottom of the drawers. “These are really good photographs. But due to poor resilience, I could not even get him to be our photographer for the wedding. I am worried that He He would recognized him and get really mad.”

“Well this is a professional. Not a private detective or paparazzi. And he is reliable. Because he suspect that he is doing something bad, it took him two days of consideration before agreeing. And most importantly, it look nice ah. Such a beautiful picture, the heart would soften.”

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“Listening to it. Seem that it make sense. Thank him for me. And my dad’s spy that you have taken advantage off, remember to find a good way to thank him. This week, I will head over to He He’s place a day earlier. If there are any urgent matter, call my cell phone.”

Over on He He’s side, she was looking for information in an electronic library while chtting with Ding Ding and Su Ren Ran online.

He He: “Both of you come over to see me this weekend. The gardenia I planted, the flowers had bloomed.”

Ding Ding: “Another day. Weekend is your reunion. We do not want to be light bulb”

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Ren Ran said: “Yesterday while attending a banquet, I overheard a little about Brother Zheng Xie’s gossip. Really funny.”

He He: “…..”

Ren Ran: “He is now participating lesser in various meetings. And also refuse to see people over the weekend. Some people rumored that his body may have a big problem. So over the weekend he had gone to see the doctor. The reason they suspected for his cancelled marriage. And that he does not seem to have any girlfriend now.”

Ding Ding: “There are also rumors that he is the one that…. But we can’t even tell whether he is still the subject to attack.”

He He: “…..”

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