We are all already born with our Fate

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Born with silver spoon in the mouth will also have to face their own pain.

During strings of gathering with friends over dinner, someone said something angrily: “People are all born with different fate, some people are just born with silver spoon in their mouth.” She would naturally thought of her boss, Zheng Xie.

Zheng Xie is indeed very lucky. The official position of the father is rather high and mother into a family with successful family business. Backdating to both of his maternal and paternal grandparents, their background history have been recorded separately in the Revolutionary Memorial Hall.

These are nothing, although born into a good family, is a smart person, even temperament is good. Others may be envious of him, but he never took it seriously. Not only he refuse to join his mother’s and inherit the huge family business, he also kept a safe distance from his father side. After returning from abroad, he took over a small business venture and work hard in the venture. In only 5 years, he has managed to expend the size of the business venture by hundredfold.

Although he has a strong family background where he faced less big obstacles, He He had accompanied him along the way. Therefore, the effort and his key to success, she had seen it all and understand what he had gone through the most.

In the ordinary world that emphasizes everything that is balanced, all gain and loses. But in Zheng Xie’s perfect and smooth path can only with a heavy sigh, attribute it to the good deeds from his ancestors.

Of course, with the kind of background that he was born into, he also had a different kind of life experience.

Friends like Zheng Xie whom never know the true reality of life, always have enjoyed his youth. Unlike her other friend Su Ren Ran, whom almost got into a depression, discovered the joys of life in the orphanage. Hence at every spare moments, she spent the time with the orphans and disabled children.

However, Zheng Xie is completely different. He has a very healthy lifestyle. He looks after his diet, exercise well, and abide to a good balance of rest and working. Although he was never a soldier, he had learn martial art for many years since young. He spent many holidays in the juvenile training camp, all these are the result of training from young.

If we want to look for his weakness, then it is said that his emotional state of mind in relationship is unhealthy.

In fact, the simple “feeling” is something Zheng Xie don’t think. He also had not had more than three months of probation period with his “girlfriends”. Zheng Xie has lots of women friend, so much so often that she needs to check the memorandum to recall the appearance of a person. This is because he is always changing, at times, the frequency is like changing seasonal clothes. There are also shorter time, such as a week, however this is very rare as Zheng Xie has expectation where their body is great and their attitude is also not too outrageous.

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He found so many “girlfriends”, each has their duties. As dinner companion, different ones for grand banquet and those as ordinary dinner companion. There are girlfriend for visiting, even designed to cope with the elders and so on. Of course not to see the elders. He has many elders in the family whom always drops for a surprise visit. He has elders’ girlfriend whom are designed to resist any sudden arranged blind dates.

All the girlfriends of Zheng Xie, all their preference and information are recorded by Zheng Wei, such as Miss Liu Hai Qin likes light blue, GUCCI and speaks Cantonese, Mss Sun Xiao Lin can speak Japanese and German, is a vegetarian advocates and conservationists. Because he never remembers, Zheng Wei will always remind: “Zheng Xie, Ms Li Zong will accompany you to attend the birthday party of Miss Chu today. She does not eat seafood, fearing other saying that she is fat.”

Of course, when it comes to the gifts of flowers and any invitation, it is in her hands. After the date, anything that her boss does, it exceeded her management authority and monitoring. She will not comment.

She is very puzzled. Zheng Xie obviously have a good memory. Reading it again after the employee roster, he can articulate No. 0810 employee’s name and age, but when it comes to understanding on his women’s habits and preference, he does not remember. Oh, apart from Xiao He He.

Xiao He He affairs, big or small, he remembers them all, although at times when he received He He’s calls or text messages, he always sounded impatience, but somehow, often suddenly look for her. When preparing a gift for his girlfriend, he will suddenly said: “This set is more suitable for Xiao He He, change another set.” Or when he visit a new restaurant, while signing and getting ready to leave, he will suddenly say: “The dessert just now, send 2 set to Xiao He He.”

She had to admit, there are many type of lucky, not only those born with a silver spoon in the mouth. Xiao He He is also unable to be jealous even with anyone of them.

Zheng Xie is driving alone on the road slowly as the rain is still heavy, such a trouble. Xiao He He got down from the car while in the suburbs, saying that she wants to go to Su Ren Ran’s home to see the newborn kittens as Mother Su had promised to gift her one of the kitten.

The moment when he wanted to stop her, sarcasm came out of his mouth: “You can’t even fend for yourself well, you still want to keep a cat?”

He He stuck out her tongue: “Such a big man still afraid of cats… what a shame… what a shame…..” She ran away without looking back.

On the way, he picked up a call from a childhood buddy: “Ah Xie, there is a newly opened place at the pavilion that has very good taste. And the service team there are very nice. Come out and check the place out.”

“Not interested. Another day.” He hastily cut the line and call Wei Zhi Xian: “Help me book a room in the 7th Street, just me alone. No one is allowed to disturb me. This afternoon, transfer all my incoming calls to your phone.”

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Zheng Xie in the clean chamber slept the whole afternoon. Woke up to see that it is already dark and the rain has stop. He called Xiao He He and hear lots of buzz over the other end. He He said: “I am in the night market with Ren Ran eating barbecue.”

He gave up the thought of having dinner with He He and intended to call for a meal himself.


There is a vase of fragrant white roses. Zheng Xie does not like the smell of flowers. He was going to throw the flowers into the trash, but after thinking, thinks that it is wrong so got the waiter to take it away.

Zheng Xie truly admire both He He and her mother. They are actually the biggest victims, but Aunty Lin decided to keep quiet and remain calm all these years, never once mentioning those incidents that she had to go through.

With the same calmness, Xiao He He with the exception of the anniversary of her father’s death, grew up without ever having a big birthday party. In contrary, her life is filled with sunshine and good health. She never think that there are anything missing in her life in comparison with those whom are better off than her, as if people whom are born without any father.

But he cannot forget. It’s been 25 years already. The scene that day is still vivid and fresh in his mind. It seems like his own Pandora’s Box, all of his unknown weaknesses, such as weak, timid, anger, resentment, regret, self-pity are all set in the box, carefully hiding his fear of being found by someone else. His mother was there. After the event, she felt sick and slowly she died.

That day, Zheng Xie with his mother went together to the toy counter in the departmental store to pick a gift. This is because Zheng Xie is being rewarded by his mother from receiving a “small red flower” (star given by the teacher) in kindergarten.

Zheng Xie put down the toy submachine gun that he was holding. Next to him is a man who said in a loud voice: “Show me the doll. The Male doll, no…. no…. both I will take. I do not know if my child would be a boy or a girl.”

Zheng Xie looked up and saw a tall and strong man with thick eyebrow and big eyes just like those heroes on TV. But under the both arms of the man, he carried a large stuffed doll. He quietly laughed.

The man looked at him and grins while snapping his fingers: “Kid, do not be a picky eater, eat more vegetables and in a few days, you will be higher than the gun.” Before he left, he touched his head. Zheng Xie tried to dodge and almost bite him.

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Then, he is not clear on how things started, just heard a scream and then intermingled with a rasping voice that shouted: “Freeze! All get on the ground.” Among the panic, a loud gunfire sounded, not his toy gun sound, but like those on television. The air emit a pungent smell.
Those on this level, including the staff are mainly women and children. Someone cried shrilly and soon more people began to cry. Another voice shouted: “Cry some more, I hit you!”

Zheng Xie was grabbed and push to the ground. The person whom is holding him is shaking like a sieve. Then he suddenly realized, his mother just went to the counter to pay. And the person holding him now is not his mother.

Even in his young age, he vaguely understand that he cannot cry. Otherwise he and his mother will become the target of the bad guys. Just now, he could hear very clearly the sound from the bad guys, indicating that they are very close.

He is very scared and bite on his lips to refrain from making any sound. But he was surprised with a scream. The scream came from his mother.

When he looked up, he saw the bad guy grabbing his mother’s hair and pulled her out. She was trying to climb over the people to look for her child.

All the thoughts in the clever little head of Zheng Xie is the bubble of instinct. He struggled to break free from the arm of the man and rushed out:
“let my mother go!”

A long time after that, he finally understand the cause of the incidents. Two of the scarred criminal on the run, while dodging the police, fled to the mall children’s department, trying to hold unarmed women and children as hostage to achieve a breakthrough. In the process of escaping, they even killed a policeman and took a pistol.

At that time, in several armed police who rushed to the floor, Zheng Xie became the first hostage in the hands of the criminal. They grabbed his neck and held a cold gun to the head, far from the confrontation of the armed police.

The young Zheng Xie is extremely scared. He clearly remembered his late grandfather who once said that boys cannot cry no matter what. But imagine, if he is dead and went on the newspaper tomorrow, his family and love ones would be very sad.

His ears are buzzing, could only hear them talking. He is having difficulty in breathing from his fear. He saw his mother lying on the ground but there is no blood. Probably she has fainted. That’s is good. This way, his mother does not have to see him killed by the criminal.

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Zheng Xie’s mind is in a mess. Someone exclaimed and his head was heavily hit. His vision darkens and followed by burning pain.

He thought he was going to die but suddenly heard a shout by his ears: “You dare to step forward, I will shot the child.”

A gush of wind, the grip on Zheng Xie’s neck loosen and was fiercely pushed to the ground. He got up just in time to see someone with a gun pointed at the criminals and were fighting together. The man yelled at him: “Run!” While the criminal’s gun is kicked, Zheng Xie saw the tall uncle as his rescuer. However, he only managed to run a few steps before he was caught by another person.

Zheng Xie remembered the uncle rushed to grab the fist of the guy who caught him. With a raised of a hand, thrown Zheng Xie and shouted: “catch the child!”

This was the last sentence Zheng Xie heard from his savior alive. When Zheng Xie has safely fallen into the hands of those who catches him, he wanted to look and see the uncle but his eyes were tightly covered.

The criminal lost their hostage and their guns and soon was detained by two armed police. Zheng Xie vaguely heard crying, shouting and the sound of an ambulance. He was carried into the car and his mother was also carried into the car. Zheng Xie’s injury is very light, just broke his forehead by the criminals with their riffles butt. While his mother, the shocked induced her hidden heart disease.

The uncle who rescued him is also a police office. He took leave of absence in the afternoon so had been wearing civilian clothes. He turned back when the crowd got into disarray. After he grabbed and thrown Zheng Xie into safety, he was stabbed in the heart by an unexpected sharp knife.

In the evening, Zheng Xie’s father rushed to the hospital and looked at his wife whom have got out of danger. They brought Zheng Xie, whose head is in a bandaged through the countless stairs and corridors. It is just like the day in the shopping mall, bloody white coat walking everywhere, woman screaming and the sound of children crying.

Zheng Xie closed his eyes and cover his ears until his father pulled his hand down and said: “Xiao Xie, open your eyes and see this little girl. She was born this afternoon. Her father is the hero who saved you today.”

That is Zheng Xie and Xiao He He’s first meeting. Zheng Xie saw a crumpled small thing, smaller than his small dog.

He stared at her, trying to see where her eyes is when she suddenly opened half of her eyes and flat with a thin mouth.

Zheng Xie thought she would be like the other children crying along the hallway. But the little thing turned her lips upturned, seems like laughing at him.

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