Celestial Peak

Chapter 325: 325

The events that occurred in the tomb of Mesas attracted a lot of attention from both the newcomers and the original geniuses flocked in that place after everything settled down.

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The newcomers didn't dare went to challenge the tomb with the original geniuses. They will not win, the geniuses in this place are the cream of the crop, even the non-rankers are strong and they were not so stupid to challenge them. Though there are some people who are stupid to realize this fact and challenged the tomb with them only to end up getting destroyed by the rankers who came.

With the events on the tomb ending, three things caught the attention of the people. First would be the appearance of the only Quintessence swordsman on the tomb of Mesas and his sudden disappearance; his identity was never revealed though he remained a mystery except for the fact that he was a friend of Yan Renhuo who already left for the second layer.

The second would be the mysterious ambush the leader on the Holy Deities Guild. But the leader, Ferman didn't dwell on the ambush as he is now trying to find the one who helped him in order for him to uphold the promise of his father.

Lastly, it would be the coffin of Mesas or so they called it. At the moment no one has yet to get to the second step. Pesa and the other top rankers are already in the tomb to try and get the God Body that resides at the coffin. But everyone knows it will take years to decades in order for them to get the treasure. But it will all be worth it once they do, the Legacy of a God is worth it for the trouble.

Oh, as a bonus the Beast God's Legacy is also being challenged at the moment and the Beastmen are gathering for them to achieve it for themselves. However, a fresh name of Fjord appears when the topic regarding the Beast God appears.

Wang Ling at this time has no idea what is happening around him. He was in seclusion, right after escaping from the tomb he went to find a place to stay in. And when he found nothing he went ahead and carved a mountain for him to stay in.

He made preparations for seven days and nights and needed another three days to prepare a special formation that had been instructed by the Gray Figure. It took a while but he managed to create the formation flawlessly. Borrowing the words of the Figure, the formation will hide the aura and qi of the bloodlines.

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It may be hard to do but Wang Ling will not argue with the results. He entered the cave he made and brought out the black box. Wang Ling opened fully opened the box and then a wave a potent hellish qi exploded onto the cave.

The qi was entrapped in the cave when it tried to escape to the world and Wang Ling was satisfied with the results. Having seen the effects of the formation he grew calm about his approach to this thing.

Inside the box, there was only a black pearl. The pearl was dark as the night and was about the size of a palm. It was small but it was also dense, he estimated it may just be around 100 kilograms.

When Wang Ling saw this he did not know what it was but he knew it was something precious as his bloodline reacted to the ball.

He became curious and asked the almost all-knowing Gray Figure what the pearl was.

\"I don't have the exact history of it but in the Universe, there are countless minor realms and two known realms that are above them. These two realms are Heaven and Hell, and both have their own treasures that are formed after hundreds of thousands of years and some other special and specific circumstances, these treasures are known as World Treasures.

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\"In your hand is one of the few world treasures, not that it is the only one of its kind, but its existence is only permissible if their total number is a mere ten. This is a Blood Hell Pearl, a pearl that has the concentration of enormous hellish qi as the crystal and a concentration of Immortal Devil Bloodline on the inside.

\"You see the dark crystallized sheen it has? That is crystallized qi that took years to form, on the inside, and on the very core of this Blood Hell Pearl the blood of exactly 666 peak Immortal Devils exist.

\"It forms only after a war of terrifying proportions takes place. The blood of devils that reached the pinnacle of the Immortal Realm will seep into the ground and then slowly it will become purified the longer it takes. In 50,000 years the blood will finally become a ball and hollow out the earth. 150,000 more years the hallowed out earth will be filled with hellish qi and it will form a hill size liquid-form of qi. 300,000 years later the blood inside will be purified to the point the drop of blood will be the size of a nail and 200,000 years later the liquidized qi will condense and form a crystal-like this one. In your hands is a treasure that was only created after 700,000 years. And in this 700,000 years, no one must touch it or else the process will be destroyed and the qi and blood will scatter.

\"Do you understand what this means? This means that in your hands is a treasure that can make you soar to the peak in one jump if you are normal. But because of your circumstances, it will directly help you form your True Devil Bloodline to the top. If you do it well, you may just be able to reach True Devil God in one leap!\"

Listening to the longest background on a single question, Wang Ling was astounded at the treasure in his hands. This is a treasure that appeared in the time when even the previous era of Wang Ling has yet to be conceived.

Wang Ling sigh at the newfound heaviness of this pearl and as he weighed it on his hands he once more sighed, \"You know a lot of useless trivia but lacks the knowledge that truly counts.\"

\"Leave me alone, I don't get to choose what I know. Well, I actually do but that's the past me, I don't answer for the mistakes of my past self. You better be thankful I know how to use that thing or else it will turn to dust, listen, first draw our your Devil Bloodline, it must not be a mix but a pure devil bloodline essence or else it will be destroyed, you will be using the qi it has to strengthen the [Devil Mark[ on your body! You are severely lacking in it!\"

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Wang Ling did what he was instructed and then had his Devil Essence drip on the black pearl. The pearl exploded into a dark red light and floated into the air before flying into Wang Ling's forehead with the speed of light.

The pearl entered Wang Ling's forehead and a black tattoo the shape of two spikes appeared. The Gray Figure began to speak and he closed his eyes in order to absorb the qi of the pearl. He did not use it in his cultivation but spread it around his body and then into the black tattoo that spreads all over his body.

From his abdomen to his feet, the black tattoo had covered his entire lower body and the Gray Figure called this as [God's Mark]. He still doesn't know of its uses. The Figure said that once the dark tattoos reached the color of obsidian black, the first phase of God's Mark will be completed.

His three pairs of wings appeared on his back and Wang Ling was pulled to the depths of cultivation. This seclusion will take years to complete and as the Gray Figure watches over Wang Ling it was secretly thinking of many things.

[His advancement is terrifying so I must halt it and increase his lineage, that power will devour him if he fails to become a God or an Overlord, this is a crucial step for him. Also, there are 47 more years before chaos lifts, once it does, the Holy Race will sweep the lower realms and hopefully, the lass gets swept away.]

It thinks everything is under control but somewhere in High-Hell, in a dark palace covered with hellish qi, a bearded elder wearing red clothing was sitting on a chair made from some kind of ancient wood. In front of him was a round table and there were twelve different sides parts on the round table.

On one part of the table, there were nine dark pearls carefully placed on their designated slot. But one of these slots was empty, a dark pearl was missing creating a dissonance on the ambiance of the place.

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The elder had his eyes closed but then his eyes abruptly opened and he softly whispered, \"It had been found.\"


In one part of Lower-Heaven, specifically in the lands of the Heavenly Dragon Empire, a legend had been born.

It had been said in the deepest region of the Southern Beast Region, there is a Red Beast that emerged when tens of thousands of Abyssal Demons sprung forth from a large scale Portal.

A Red Lightning emerged from Heaven and it struck the Southern Beast Region and without anyone managing to witness what happened, after seven days of howls and roars of different beasts, a wasteland filled with bloodless carcass appeared.

Whatever that lightning was and whatever beasts fought the Abyssal Demons, the people of the Lower-Heaven thought whoever did it he or she will be a friend.

But, three years after that happened, many such sights had been constantly appearing from one place to another. Many times it would be Abyssal Demons, but sometimes, it would be a city.

The beast that was thought be a hero was now being feared and some even fear far more than the Abyssal Demons.

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