Celestial Peak

Chapter 338: 338

\"You don't know us? That's quite unfortunate, but do not worry we will have a lot of time to known one another later when we drag you to Hell World later. But right now, I will first let you meet my fist and make you kneel.\"

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The tallest of them and the one with a dark mark on his neck stood up and confronted Wang Ling. He was truly angered for some odd reason but Wang Ling did not know why. But he can tell from their aura and qi that they are not normal.

\"Be careful about them, those guys are Devils from Hell. I can feel no mix in their blood, they should be pureblooded Devils.\" The Gray Figure that had been silent all this while warned Wang Ling in distress.

Wang Ling nodded his head, \"I can tell that much seeing their wings.\"

Those thick almost bordering the level of hellish qi, their two pairs of wings spread in full glory. The beings of legends Wang Ling had been trying to avoid and the ones he sees as inferior, these beings are the devils.

[I haven't really met their kind in the flesh. I have seen the will or was it the soul of a Holy Race member, but not in the flesh. So this is a Devil, they seem to be trouble.]

They stuck their chest out and they wore armors on their body. Their skins were fair and they have odd dark marks on their various places. They seem to be God's Mark, but they are scattered and one mark is completely different from the other.

One seems to have a streak on their right arm while the other on their neck. It was quite the sight and it was something unexpected. Wang Ling stared at them with his crimson eyes and began contemplating their words.

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He looked beyond the Devils and stared at the Black Dragon who flashed him a smile. The Black Dragon was indifferent to any being it encounters and it only took interest in Wang Ling but by no means will it take his side.

[She's enjoying this.]

He concurred but he was not giving her a show. He observed the devils, they are all at the seventh meridian and they have their lineage to improve their strength.

[Let's ignore that, how did they manage to find me anyway? It doesn't matter now that they are here, does it?]

These beings are going to be trouble if he faces them head-on. These are not ordinary geniuses or monstrous ones. These are Devils that stands above humans and beastmen, it is not so simple to face them so… it would be best if he strikes first.

\"Suzhen, burn them alive.\"

\"Yes, Father.\"

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Strike first before they can move, Devils must be killed at the first sight. Do they want to give him a beating? Then it would be much better to kill them off before anything could happen.

Before any of the three could do anything, Wang Ling raised his right hand and a white blaze appeared from his hands. The white blaze became bigger and bigger and before long it had already occupied large space of the land.

A mythical beast that is bigger than any beast they have seen. A beast of considerable length, it extends for hundreds of meters and its heat is nothing to laugh at. Its body was large, it was at least a dozen meters wide.

Suzhen opened her maw and gathered the qi in her throat. She condensed the flame to a single point, she used her own flames and didn't even draw a fraction of her Father's qi. She was no longer an ordinary flame, inside her body was a circular gem that is bordering from ethereal to reality.

She condensed everything she had and with the Devil's pupils turning miniature from fear, Suzhen fired her flames and the Devil almost lost its color.

The Devil saw the flames coming its way and his knees buckled, but as he crossed his arms in a desperate attempt to guard the Flames, the Black Dragon flicked its fingers and dragged the Devil inside the pagoda.

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Shh! BooM! The flames hit the pagoda and instead of being destroyed a mysterious force kept the flames from touching the pagoda.

The three Devils watched as the flames enveloped the pagoda and when they saw the devastating force of the flames. The bravery they showed dissipated by a little as in an ironical twist the flames of Suzhen dowsed the flames of their determination.

\"W-What kind of power is this?\" Although they can't recognize the Flames of Creation, they can see the purifying strength it has and its intensity.

\"That is enough, I do not want to see a show like this. Stop this, Wang Ling.\" The Black Dragon complained from within the pagoda.

Wang Ling ordered Suzhen to stop and she listened to his words, Suzhen's body became smaller and smaller until she was but a palm-size snake, Wang Ling exchanged gazes with the Black Dragon, \"Don't protect them, they want to beat up so I just moved before they could do anything.\"

\"You're no fun, I let you stayed in my realm for two years when I said you already finished the Trials in two days. At least show this old lady a good show as payment. Also, if you kill them they will only send stronger Devils to take care of you, Devils and vengeful beings you know.\"

Wang acknowledged her words and sighed, the Devils looked at him with mixed feelings and Wang Ling looked at them all the same.

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\"Fine, but if I beat them can you adhere to a simple favor of mine?\"

\"That is fine, I'll do what I can. Now show me a good fight. Oh yeah, do not use that flame again, show me that sword of yours.\"

The Black Dragon twisted her wrists and then the three Devils appeared right outside the pagoda, they were alarmed but when they saw the teasing gaze of the Black Dragon their fears were swallowed and their courage raised.

Their Black Tattoos began to wriggle and expand, and as if it was coming alive the tattoos began swimming around their body like a fish.

The Devils once again resolved themselves as they swallowed their fears, \"We'll make you suffer.\"

The humiliation they felt raged and became fuel for wanting to beat up Wang Ling.

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